Tag Archives: Holder

Black Students Continue To Fail In NYC Schools But Story Is Illustrated By White Dunce Boy

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Here is the stock photo chosen by the editors of the New York Daily News to illustrate a story about the futility of trying to teach black and Hispanic students in the NYC schools.  Note how a white boy is used, making fun of this minority (white boys are not the majority in NYC) even though white males are doing very well and indeed, excel in most schools they attend.  This is extremely racist and a lie but typical of our media owners who play this race game against white males to the hilt even though virtually all media owners are…white males!

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Rioters Loot And Burn And Demand Lynching Of Cop While Obama Sits Silent In White House


Some people think that spreading chaos leads to ‘revolutions’ when in the case of a  minority population well known for their violence runs riot literally for months demanding ‘justice’ while refusing to look at physical evidential truths.  This never leads to a ‘revolution’ it leads to a backlash, that is, repression of the ethnic minority.  Right now, the US is very careful about the civil rights of black citizens but this will change rapidly if they continue to burn down cities.  I lived through a long, rough time in NYC when the government refused to protect us from black riots.  Regaining control of the streets was a long, hard fight which we won briefly but now are losing again.

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9 Year Old Innocent Boy Shot 4 Times In Back By Thugs In Chicago

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In broad daylight, witnessed by more than one person, a child was ruthlessly gunned down most likely by a neighborhood hoodlum, and there is zero outrage, no witnesses rushing to put the shooting on You Tube, the President and his goofy DOJ buddy, Holder, say nothing…business as usual as blacks continue to eradicate each other at an astonishing rate.

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Both Black, White And Hispanic Lawlessness Leads To Internal Wars And Destruction Of Civil Liberties

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Black demonstrator is right, alas, cops and whites kill far, far fewer blacks than blacks in the hood.


The government, trying to appease the black community, lifted the curfew last night and so the demonstrators refused to go home after midnight and yet another battle was waged.  Attorney General Eric Holder headed to Ferguson to pour more gasoline on this fire.  As our country descends into chaos, what is interesting to me is NO labor battles are raging, no efforts after OWS was suppressed, at organizing across racial/religious lines.  Instead, we have Bundy in Nevada defying the Obama government and talking racist and Al Sharpton, a man who tried to get ME, specifically, killed for a speech I gave in Bedford-Stuy in NYC, talking racist, trying to start a race war.

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