Demon-crats Scream No Turkey For You Stupid Citizens This Thanksgiving!

As the election collapses further and further into the hole, the People vote with their feet: even though coronavirus rages, they will go free to visit family this weekend! So there.  Democrat leaders are turning very nasty, demanding everyone crack down on visits this week while letting leftist gangs run riot last week.  This is leading to a huge rift in our population: violent leftists running riot versus angry conservatives visiting each other.  How dare this happen!  The fight ‘who is President’ still rages despite pretend surrenders.  The Supreme Court will decide just like last time.


And the vote cheating this session is epic and being slowly uncovered and proved, this takes time.

I keep saying, the leftists read ‘1984’ as a ‘how to’ manual.

This is what is so incredible.  Peaceful people having peaceful parties are punished while violent rioters and ghetto wild parties are excused by the Democrat leadership.

I bet ANTIFA did this arson event.  We don’t know but it seems reasonable.  Meanwhile in Brooklyn, de Blasio is fining the synagogue that has the huge wedding a $15,000 fine which is less than ten dollars a head for the wedding party that was ‘illegal’.  The Hasim will have little problem coming up with the cash.


Here is Tucker Carlson desperately trying to get his former audience to tune back into his editorials at Fox:

Tucker will not talk about the CIA orchestrating things.  More about that at the end of today’s story here at Culture of Life News:

Yes, the Deep State is desperate to stop us from using other systems instead of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.  Too late!  Now on to the Deep State story that is all about rigging elections so that the Bilderberg gang always wins:

Giuliani freed Sidney Powell from the Trump defense team because she is uncovering vast voter fraud that is very peculiar: it has to do with computer programming.  Remember when suddenly, at midnight, all the states run by Democrats and using computers announced they were shutting down for the night?  Well…that was so they could implement a sophisticated computer glitch that would dump over 30,000 false votes in all systems all at once.  Thus, the ‘sudden jerk’ in the graphs showing Biden winning.


This is obvious but proving exactly how they pulled off this heist is a different story requiring sophisticated computer detective work which takes time and time is running out which is why her case has been separated from Trump’s other cases which will sail swiftly into the Supreme Court.


The ANTIFA cat’s paw working hand in glove with the CIA will be used to intimidate the judges, I am betting.  They have already openly physically attacked leaders in the Republican party while playing baseball, assaulted Senators leaving a Trump speech in the White House, openly!  With zero arrests, no less.  The CIA specializes in using ‘cat’s paws’ to overturn governments!  This is NORMAL for them.


And they do it here.  Ask the ghost of JFK how this is done.  I remember that event very vividly.  Not only did the CIA not tell Kennedy, they were bringing home from the Soviet Union, a US embassy guard who defected, married a Russian female and then came home again.  Nope.  This guy was allowed to run loose and the CIA pretended, they were not watching him.


They did watch him.  OF COURSE, they watched him.  They watched me years later!  Obviously, this former guard was a Person of Highest Interest to the CIA.  This man was watched as he bought a high power rifle, he was watched as he entered a tower in Texas and then Kennedy was killed.  The CIA, to cover their tracks like they did after 9/11 too, put out fake stories of a second gunman, etc.


What really freaked me out back then was, it was Sunday, I was home alone, lying on the couch in the living room, watching TV when live news, one of the earliest live news ever on TV, it came on showing the assassin being escorted to court and talked about how he was going to be interrogated.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, in the parking garage, a man named Ruby showed up and I bet few remember that name, I will never forget it, Ruby suddenly appeared and expertly eliminated the assassin who was probably going to explain how he was programmed to kill the President who pissed off the CIA after the Bay of Pigs mess.


Sigh.  My father freaked out when I yelled at him, when he came in the door.  He immediately got on the phone with DC.  There was considerable chaos in the darker ranks of our government that day.  Like 9/11, this event was wiped off the map by fake stories that are expertly crafted.  One key tool of the Deep State is to drive people into doing their dirty work.  ANTIFA is a Deep State operation which is why the agents working for the Deep State never go to prison, are released quickly and charges dropped over and over again, openly.

Yes, the Cat’s Paw used to refer to manipulating systems via using agents to disrupt and distract.  The CIA wants Trump dead now.  They know, if they falsely remove him from the office he obviously won last week until all the post-election manipulations of computers suddenly tilted the win to Basement Bumbling Biden, yes, this is a coup by the CIA and not the first one at all, not at all.  President Eisenhower warned us in his last speech and that was quickly ditched by the elites.  ‘Don’t listen to HIM’ they instructed us back in 1960.

At 8 minutes in this speech, Eisenhower talks about the military/industrial complex.   The former President gives his warnings about the Deep State while not explaining how the CIA is the machine being used to do all this dirty work.  Who is talking about the military/industrial complex these days?  Take a wild guess!


A memorable line in the old movie is when the political operatives learn their candidate was assassinated.  The ‘rival party’ which is actually an ally, calls the party that saw their candidate was rubbed out and this happens at the 15 minute mark:  The mainstream GOP/DNC party says ‘Get me the Good Government League on the phone…’  The ‘good government league’ is called and the GOP/DNC boss says, ‘I am calling condolences’ when the political operative says, ‘Listen, you don’t have to give me a speech, this is a private wire’ so the GOP/DNC boss switches gears and tells the opposition, they need a push over candidate.  Who is Harold Lloyd!  Thus, comedy begins with this assassination.

HAHAHA.  The ‘news reporters’ are angry that Trump talks about the ‘military/industrial complex’ exactly like EISENHOWER.  This shows how horrible the news media mouthpieces really are these days.  By the way, this video is thanks to communist Chinese.


Filed under .money matters

22 responses to “Demon-crats Scream No Turkey For You Stupid Citizens This Thanksgiving!

  1. Jim R

    Well, I was a bit surprised that Mr. Trump survived until inauguration in 2016, with the swamp creatures obviously working against him. They have been known to kill . . . and gotten away with it.

    And now they have obviously faked another election. They have done this many times in other countries, in Latin America and overseas.

    As for Sidney Powell, my guess is that she is spreading disinformation — her job is to run out the clock on the recount, and to negate any news of real fraud. Those wild stories of an overseas election-stealing center and connections with Venezuela, Cuba, and China, are silly. The entire operation was done here within the USA. There is no need for special super-secret servers and software and stuff, when a clever ten year old can hack into any of our voting machines and tabulators.

    Meanwhile Giuliani has collected lots of evidence of real fraud — millions of votes don’t just magically appear at 4:00AM without some help. And to have 100% of those ‘mail in’ votes be for one candidate — that’s how voting goes in North Korea.

  2. Petruchio

    I wonder how many people are picking up on the underlying venom and put and out HATRED the people imposing these Rules have for those who have to follow these Rules? It’s there, plain as Day. The other reason they impose Rules is to see how far they can push the peons before the peons Revolt.

  3. Human 2.0

    Well here we are! Human over-population and ignorance and a pandemic/plague! So it’s happened in the past when the human population was MUCH lower that 90% were wiped out by plagues – correct? Well I guess we didn’t think it could happen again (ignorance) and so how does it turn out this time with 90% of 8 billion (over-population) dead bodies with no one to man the nuclear power stations?

  4. snoosebomb

    Hey Pupkins ! how ya doin ? don’t worry in the future you will own nothing and be happy.

  5. snoosebomb

    Something i’ve never understood was , Oswalds motivation , Always explained as ‘ he was in Russia ‘ , oh , ok that explains it ,,,

  6. Timothy Carroll


    Yes, he (she, it) is in for a wonderful world. Rent a fry pan for your tofu, cause, you know, meat be bad. Rent your clothes (don’t worry, they’ll wash and dry them for you cause, hey, you won’t own a washer and dryer). You will love your roommates, all ten of them. You will have to figure out who gets an allotment of bathroom time, due to one bathroom in a two bedroom, high density apartment. Bugs are on the menu. Your income will be direct deposited into your debit card, provided you haven’t said or done anything nasty, disrespectful, New respect for the environment will be in the future, cause if the wind doesn’t blow, neither will your fan on 100 degree weather, you know, cause globull warming. Oh, and the vaccinations will be on-going, provided you still want your guaranteed basic income, which I’m sure will be quite generous. The icing on the cake will be dreams that really do come true, global population will plummet to levels not seen since the Middle Ages.

  7. Well, that is how the peasants lived during the Middle Ages, after all. I remark on that periodically.

  8. Human 2.0

    @Timothy Carroll – yup the party is over! Our cushy lives are coming to and end. And news flash we are all in the same boat and that includes you!

    Matters not a whit about election fraud or who the president is!! This virus will spread fast because we are all so close together now (over-population) and there will be chaos! No escape route whatsoever for ANYONE!

    Mistakes have been made.

  9. snoosebomb

    Mistakes have been made.

    And pupkins has no idea what they are.

  10. Human 2.0

    @snoosebomb – There’s only one that matters at this point and that is thinking we could have infinite growth on a finite planet! Is that ignorance or hubris? The carnage will be immense! All those dead bodies littered all around us. Sad. WASF!

  11. snoosebomb

    thinking we could have infinite growth on a finite planet! ”

    nobody thinkx that , old people die, populations stabilize with wealth

    when pupkins grows up he will see that

  12. shawntoh

    Mein Dame Elaine,

    I note the usual noise by the rest of the wiseacre. However, I wanted to get some insight into what you said about the “Hasim” and I found this documentary…

    It takes a lot of courage to walk away from cults and this one is no exception. The young people who openly discuss their struggles to become whole human beings moved me to tears with their suffering from this ghastly cult.


  13. Note how most cults are quite similar and seem to pop up everywhere all the time. So I might say here that this is normal for humans. It is so common we call this ‘culture’ and ‘religion’ and note that all of these have dress codes, thinking rules, ‘morals’ etc. It is extremely human. Note also how many who leave ‘cults’ simply join something new. Note how the fad right now is to be ‘woke’ which is every bit a ‘cult’ that is quite destructive.

  14. Zeke

    And people in a cult don’t realize it, deny it, are the last to recognize it.
    They think they are special. Only they can decode the hidden messages; appreciate and savor the secret sauce.
    It’s a strong grip; they don’t even want to break free from it …… b/c there’s nothing to break free of.
    Safe + sensible Thanksgiving to all.

  15. Human 2.0

    Thanks Zeke! Same to you!

  16. Human 2.0

    @snoosebomb The global population has grown from 1 billion in 1800 (took us 250,000 years to get to that) to 7.8 billion in 2020. The human population increases by over 200,000 per day – births minus deaths.

    Go to WorldOMeters

    You were saying….

  17. snoosebomb

    i did [ won’t post link ]

    go look at growth rate

  18. In all first world countries, when you remove all the imported humans, have seen decreasing populations for over a generation now.

  19. Human 2.0

    What are “imported humans”? It’s called human population on the planet. Also, the resources a first world child uses equals the same amount as 35 children in 3rd world countries. That applies throughout their lives.

    From from 2011 How Many People Can Earth Support?

    Aside from the limited availability of freshwater, there are indeed constraints on the amount of food that Earth can produce, just as Malthus argued more than 200 years ago. Even in the case of maximum efficiency, in which all the grains grown are dedicated to feeding humans (instead of livestock, which is an inefficient way to convert plant energy into food energy), there’s still a limit to how far the available quantities can stretch. “If everyone agreed to become vegetarian, leaving little or nothing for livestock, the present 1.4 billion hectares of arable land (3.5 billion acres) would support about 10 billion people,” Wilson wrote.

    The 3.5 billion acres would produce approximately 2 billion tons of grains annually, he explained. That’s enough to feed 10 billion vegetarians, but would only feed 2.5 billion U.S. omnivores, because so much vegetation is dedicated to livestock and poultry in the United States.

    So 10 billion people is the uppermost population limit where food is concerned. Because it’s extremely unlikely that everyone will agree to stop eating meat, Wilson thinks the maximum carrying capacity of the Earth based on food resources will most likely fall short of 10 billion. [When Will Earth Run Out of Food?]

    According to population biologist Joel Cohen of Columbia University, other environmental factors that limit the Earth’s carrying capacity are the nitrogen cycle, available quantities of phosphorus, and atmospheric carbon concentrations, but there is a great amount of uncertainty in the impact of all of these factors. “In truth, no one knows when or at what level peak population will be reached,” Cohen told Life’s Little Mysteries.

  20. My own ancestors had Dragon Ships and roamed the planet, conquering quite a fist full of places in quite a few continents and across quite a few oceans. We became Normans and then British/German invaders.

    YES, INVADERS. I know one when I see one. Pretending there are no such is dumb. Protecting territory is important. I am a realist.

  21. Human 2.0

    So you and your ancestors are “invaders” and “imported humans” as we all are. Did we not kill or enslave most of the Native Americans when we arrived?

    If you were living in a country where your life was in jeopardy every single day due to war (created by US foreign policy and the as you call them “corrupt” CIA) and climate change would you not try to relocate? Heck just even for broader horizons and opportunities which is mostly why people relocate. I’m going to bet that you would. Is it just the people that aren’t white who are the “invaders”?

    It looks to me like the human experiment is over. We had great potential but we blew it. I think our biggest mistakes were not loving (caring) for our fellow man and not caring for our habitat that we need for our survival. Is there not something about this is the bible?

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