Jamaal Loses Primary As DNC Voters Turn On Their Own Team


Thank goodness the Democrat Congress Critter who pulled the fire alarm during voting in the House is now out of office.  The ‘progressives’ in the DNC are highly unpopular now even with their own voters!  Good riddance.  Then we see how the DNC protects their own rioters yet again: in NY, all the rioters who were arrested after destroying campuses are home free, all charges dropped!  ANTIFA and BLM both had all charges of their many, many, MANY violent crimes, too.  Then these same prosecutors and judges who are Democrats throw the book at Trump and all Republicans!



I think the ‘vote 90% for Democrats’ Jewish voters are rethinking who they are voting for, now!



This is ripping apart the Democrat Party Machine in NY City!  This might free my home state from the Democrat’s death grip.  NYC is dying rapidly now.  This is more proof, the political machine is resetting slowly but getting faster by the hour.  Already, a number of very rich Jewish business owners are suddenly openly supporting Trump.


The Democrat leaders including senile Biden are begging their Jewish fellow Democrats to not jump ship but they continue to beg the Muslims who relocated here in the last 25 years to vote for them, too.  Well, that won’t work!  Yes, a number of Jews don’t like Israel but they are a minority within the Jewish community.


Now for some humor: previously, the Bilderberg gang had a bunch of CIA and FBI agents accuse Trump of being a traitor based on fake evidence.  That has backfired so now the gang has ‘Nobel Prize Economics Professors’ attacking Trump and praising Biden inflation: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/yourmoney/consumer/article-13569077/nobel-prize-winning-economists-trump-second-term-inflation-bomb.html


A group of 16 Nobel prize-winning economists have issued a stark warning that inflation would be worse under Donald Trump.  The former president would reignite inflation and cause lasting harm to the US economy, the Nobel laureates said in a letter first obtained by Axios.


Obviously, these very stupid professors are also suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.  They can’t remember the past at all!


‘While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we all agree that Joe Biden’s economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump,’ the letter read.


These ‘Nobel Prize Winners’ are COMMUNISTS.  They are not capitalists, they do ‘economic theory’ in far leftist schools.  They have near zero understanding how economic systems work.  Worse, these monsters are also pushing the ‘earth is too warm’ story while screaming we humans have to stop modern civilization and go for the Maoist ‘starve/freeze to death’ solution!  I want these clowns arrested for engineering mass murder of many millions of people.


The fearful Democrats itch to replace senile Biden with goofy Gavin Newsom:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13569353/Gavin-Newsom-california-children-schools-sacramento-democrat-nominee.html


California Governor Gavin Newsom and his wife are moving their family to an exclusive part of the state so his daughter can attend a new private school.


The people responsible for the miserable schools in all our DNC cities are very anxious to prevent their darling children from attending DNC schools in DNC cities!


The Democrat, touted as a future presidential candidate, will stay in his six-bedroom $3.7 million suburban Sacramento home with spouse Jennifer Siebel Newsom some nights of the week.


Like ALL the NY and California Democrat leaders, they pretend to live in their districts while living in GOP neighborhoods in the 90% white suburbs.


But he will relocate his children 90 miles away to Marin County in time for the fall semester, when his eldest child Montana will enroll at The Branson School – which has tuition fees of up to $60,000 a year.


So, he and his wife will visit their ‘home’ periodically while spending most of their time in a GOP hideout.  Many of these Democrat leaders are also buying second and third homes in Florida because DeSantis has made this a safe haven, too.  Arrest all Democrat leaders who refuse to live in their own districts!!!!


Newsom and his communist buddies is pushing hard to kill off Tesla because Elon Musk is a friend of Trump:  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574689/Tesla-ordered-stop-toxic-gas-San-Francisco-electric-car-plant.html


Tesla has been ordered to fix air quality problems at one of its electric vehicle manufacturing facilities.

The car maker racked up more than 100 violations for allegedly releasing toxic emissions into the atmosphere from the San Francisco Bay plant over the past five years, an air quality board said on Tuesday.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District planned to issue a written abatement order later this week after Tuesday’s announcement.


Businesses are fleeing California at a mad rate now.  Even McDonald’s can’t operate there anymore.  Almost all the major corporate entities in the Bay Area is hiking out of the joint and running off to GOP areas.  The utter collapse of law and order, the filth, the diseases, the crimes of DNC cities is blowing up in the face of all Democrats who are too stupid to figure out the obvious.


Supposedly, we are going to roast to death if we drive gas engine cars.  So liberals destroy electric car businesses!  Wow.  WAY TO GO!  Sheesh.




Filed under .money matters

16 responses to “Jamaal Loses Primary As DNC Voters Turn On Their Own Team

  1. AIPAC spent more money against Jamaal than they’ve ever spent before, and Democratic establishment figures like Hillary Clinton came out against him too. Sheldon Adelson’s widow has promised big money to Trump. Nobody doubts where Elaine’s hero Elise Stefanik stands on Israel.
    A big priority for Zionism will be getting the International Holocaust Remembrance Association definition of “antisemitism” codified into more laws in the US, and making sure there are more legal consequences for people who promote boycotting Israel. You have a lot of free speech there. Trump has shown himself quite willing to do what the lobby wants. (So is Biden, ultimately, but he complains a lot and drags his feet sometimes.)

  2. qbutnoa

    UK, NE England, the rise of Farage, a full spectrum speech delivered very well indeed.

  3. Anne

    Zelensky admits Ukraine is suffering huge losses on the battlefield.

    “We must put this [settlement] plan on the table within few months. We do not have much time, because we have a lot of killed and injured on the battlefield. […] Therefore we do not want this war to last for years. Therefore we want to prepare this peace plan for the second summit,” Zelensky said.

    A former British diplomats also admits the West’s role in provoking the conflict.

    Former British Ambassador to Russia Anthony Brenton, who served in the country in 2004-2008, has agreed with leader of Britain’s right-wing populist party Reform UK Nigel Farage’s statement that it was the West that provoked the conflict in Ukraine.

    The truth will always come out eventually. No amounts of lies and deception can prevent this from happening.

  4. @3, I made it through 6 minutes. This stuff is boringly all the same. Could give the exact same speech in 1980, or 1880: we’re the greatest country in the world, we’re kind and generous and good, but outsiders are coming here and destroying our beautiful country… Nobody demands evidence when you’re telling them they’re kind and good, their ancestors were kind and good and brilliant and fantastic and excellent and heroic…

  5. lou


    A triumph of National Socialism.

    5– outsiders are coming here and destroying our beautiful country YES WE AGREE. ASIAN ETC INVASION.

  6. lou


    Were there not buffalo herds that stretched for miles in every direction and endless bovine type animals in Africa?
    The largest methane emitter is one of smallest the lowly termite and yet this is not about globull warming they want that control over what you eat and how you think.

    Denmark Presents 2030 ‘Flatulence Tax’ For Livestock Farmers, Citing Efforts To Slash Gas Emissions

    Denmark proposed a “flatulence tax” plan that allegedly garnered industry-wide support and is anticipated to be adopted by the national legislature, outlet Euro News reported.

    A bold new proposal from the Danish government states that starting in 2030, livestock farmers in Denmark will be charged for the greenhouse gases that their pigs, sheep, and cows produce.

    According to Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus, the program intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Northern European nations by 70% by 2030.

    “We will take a big step closer in becoming climate neutral in 2045,” Bruus said, adding that Denmark “will be the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture.”

    Late on Monday, representatives of the industry, unions, and farmers came to an agreement with the government.

    “As of 2030, Danish livestock farmers will be taxed 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030. The tax will increase to 750 kroner ($108) by 2035. However, because of an income tax deduction of 60%, the actual cost per ton will start at 120 kroner ($17.3) and increase to 300 kroner by 2035,” according to Euro News.

    The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration claims that methane traps roughly 87 times more heat over a 20-year timeline than carbon dioxide, despite the fact that carbon dioxide usually receives more negative attention in regards to climate change marketing.

    The U.N. Environment Program also claims that 32% of methane emissions caused by humans are related to livestock.

    A similar bill was enacted in New Zealand and is set to go into effect in 2025. However, on Wednesday, the law was struck down from the statute book due to strong opposition from farmers and the shift in power in 2023 from a center-left to a center-right ruling alliance.

  7. qbutnoa

    @5, “This stuff is boringly all the same”

    The crowd at that speech disagree with you, the people in the UK increasingly disagree with you, the people of Europe increasingly disagree with you, and, from what I have seen of Trudeau, the people of Canada increasingly disagree with you – It is time for a change and change is coming.

  8. @7, methane traps more heat than CO2 but it breaks down in the atmosphere much quicker. (A few decades, compared to a few centuries.) Even so, that 87 times as much seems a very high estimate. I wonder if it really comes from NOAA.
    @8, yes okay. It’s still a vapid message. Change is coming.

  9. I’m embarrassed for Biden that Netanyahu has accused him of slowing down weapons shipments to Israel, so now Biden has to try and reassure Zionists in the US that he’s doing no such thing. It’s really amazing to watch the president of the United States reduced to this.


  10. snoosebomb

    methane is in ppb

  11. qbutnoa

    @9, “It’s still a vapid message”

    No, it is not. Crowds do not turn out at short notice to clap and cheer vapid with great enthusiasm – this is Farage not Trudeau don’t you know.

  12. Conservatives are on the warpath now and leftists are in retreat.

    WE ARE NOT PERFECT. NO ONE IS PERFECT. But communists are really really nasty for their goal is to starve/freeze everyone else to DEATH. Period.

  13. snoosebomb

    regarding the ”debate” political theatre ,

    everyone assumes that Trump is the target but i wonder if they want biden to flub paving the way for his replacement or ,,

    the guy in the biden mask delivers a stellar performance

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