Tag Archives: trade deficit

Kavanaugh Accuser Refuses To Answer Questions, SJWs Attack Bert And Ernie Creator Oz

The DNC conspiracy to stop the Kavanaugh nomination is collapsing.  The SJW California professor female harridan is now defying Congress and saying she won’t answer any questions.  This is because we now know this was all fake, cooked up by her and Feinstein to defame Kavanaugh and I hope he sues her for defamation of character.  What she and Feinstein did was utterly illegal.  And this kills off the remains of that noxious ‘Me Too’ movement.

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Trade War With China Begins In Ernest: Trump Must Win

The US media is now howling with fear and rage because finally…FINALLY…we have a real President who perhaps has seen my 100 cartoons about how dangerous and stupid ‘free trade’ is and how fatal it is for the US.  Our trade deficit with the world grew and grew most of my long long life and is out of control and all our fake allies and obvious future enemies run great trade surpluses with the US.  This battle has to be won otherwise we will go BANKRUPT.  California, internally, is going bankrupt despite having a huge, huge financial advantage, for example, due to taking in endless illegal aliens for cheap labor who then stay on welfare and collapse the State.  The US will collapse like California.  The trade deficit makes American rich people richer while destroying the working class, making it poorer.

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DNC Goons Continue Pysically Attacking WOMEN Who Work For Trump

Pam Bondi: Three Huge Guys Came Up One Inch from My Face – Cursing… One Spit on My Head! – YouTube


I was listening to NPR this morning while driving.  It was pure propaganda.  The only people who talked about the trade war blamed only Trump as he tries to reverse our epic trade deficits, all the stories were about how mean he is to do this even though one of the executives of Harley Davidson claimed he is being forced to move factories to Mexico!  Hello!  The EU ‘allies’ are pulling out all the dirty tricks possible to keep their trade surplus with the US running to infinity.  They are not ‘allies’ they are RIVALS.  Worse, NPR talked nonstop about how we must let in endless illegal aliens and made zero mention of ‘liberals’ screaming at the Florida Attorney General for deporting illegal aliens.

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Filed under .money matters

Baby Trudeau Announces Retaitory Trade Sanctions Against USA: To Hell With All Foriegn Leeches!

Trudeau announces retaliatory “dollar for dollar” sanctions against the U.S. – YouTube


HAHAHA…Canada, like all our ‘allies’ has run trade surpluses with the US and now Trump is telling all these fake ‘allies’ they have to change their rules that protect them while taking advantage of the Bilderberg gang’s rape of the USA.  Well..to hell with Canada or any ‘allies’ if they want a trade war, they are getting a trade war.  That is, Canada can continue to fight the US in trade and eventually, will learn to be more accomodating.  Or they can go their own way.

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DNC And GOP Moneybag Men Demand Open Borders And Free Trade

(1) Democratic House candidate calls for abolishing ICE – 


The Bilderberg gang is totally against sane trade rules that save jobs in our own country, they are against stopping foreigners from invading because they want cheap labor.  The DNC is totally controlled by the Bilderberg gang and a big hunk of the GOP is also controlled by them.  The Koch brothers give alot of loot to the GOP leaders and they hate Trump which is why Trump has a constant uphill battle in Congress.

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Trump Forces China Into Trade War…Which China Should Lose

China has been allowed to have basically one way trade with the US, importing raw materials and exporting manufactured goods.  Trump is now working on changing all this.  He is opposed by our Real Rulers who got filthy rich on ‘free trade’ which has destroyed many lives for the worse.  There is zero news or support of Trump in this regard as our media giants hunker down and plot a coup.  Time to celebrate a President who is finally tackling China on trade.

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‘Trump Acted Loud, Tacky Drunk Tourist’: State Department Clown Claims

Montenegro PM reveals how he felt to be ‘shoved’ by Trump – YouTube

Trump acted like a ‘tacky drunk tourist’ while abroad is the new media broadside coming supposedly from a ‘State Department official’.  OK: this is not a real news story, it is a naked attack.  IF an anonymous State Official said this to the media, he or she should be fired.  The article goes on to claim that the State Official is…worried about global warming!!!  HAHAHA.  Outside today, like much of this entire spring, it is very, very cold for this time of year and my heat is on again just like all but three days of the month of May…and these stupid people running Europe off the cliff as well as this ‘State Department official’ are screaming we will roast to death!

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