Tag Archives: New York Times

New York Times Doubles Down On Loving Crossdressing Sex Performers Into Schools

The New York Times (aka: NY Slimes) has an editorial today that tries desperately to justify and normalize having men who dress up as WHORES (NOT ‘women’) and who then go to libraries and schools run by liberals to ‘read’ to children and then do strip teases and shake their booties at little kiddies while making smooching sounds which is what they do in gay bars…this is the utter moral collapse of liberalism at work.  It is utterly insane and totally wrong.

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Amazon.com Fleeing Seattle Due To High Taxes And Other DNC Victories!

The liberal dog chasing its own tail: Amazon plans to relocate its entire Seattle-based worldwide operations team to Bellevue, Wash., by 2023, adding thousands of employees to its new campus just across Lake Washington, according to an internal email obtained by GeekWire. 


Trump makes fun of Joe Biden’s molesting himself.  This very funny video freaks out Biden supporters and the mainstream media monsters so they are now howling again, at Trump.  Much merriment for all of us, yes.  Also, Amazon.com is fleeing Seattle because…it if full of hipsters and drug addicts and is too expensive so they are going to a Republican enclave to spread the wealth.  Also, full employment means higher wages and Trump’s border attempts will fix other messes created by the DNC which has them stark raving mad since the economy continues to flourish despite all their attempts at crashing it into the cellar.

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The Evil New York Times Supports Rapist Priests, Illegal Alien Invaders And Race Wars Based On Blatant Lies


Note how the New York Times makes it sound like ‘gay priests’ are ‘in a closet’ and ‘trapped’ when these men are all PREDATORS who seek out positions of power so they can RAPE CHILDREN.  Keeping this vital piece of information out of the story is how SJW creeps lie about reality while telling us, all sex is good if leftist radicals want sex of any sort no matter how depraved.

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Belgium Uprising! New York Times Wants Us To All Die Because We Are Bad For Planet

Here is the entire event in Brussels and I watched it, it was MASSIVE.  It was nearly 100% young males who are quite angry.  They waved Medieval flags and banners.  There was considerable anger.  The demand: the government resign due to being TRAITORS.  Like all the French marches, there were no politicians nor speeches but lots of explosions and people milling around.

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NY Times Funnel For Illegal DNC State Department Leaks To Destroy Trump: Arrest Them All

From a few weeks ago, leaks about the Mexican trade nego
No Surprise: Obama State Department Employees Leaked Everything.


Evidently, when Trump’s appointee, a woman named Stull,  to run the State Department went off to Geneva for the World Health Assembly, Erin Barclay inside the department called a dozen other workers to a lunch meeting where they decided to secretly conspire to destroy Trump’s foreign policy moves via leaking real and fake information to NY/DC/California media giants who would then go on to howl with rage at Trump.  The very first story they leaked was pure propaganda: that Stull was secretly ‘vetting’ employees to see if any of them were traitors.  And…they were!  But she didn’t find them because she wasn’t doing this in the first place.

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Trump Demands NY Times Reveal ‘Anonymous’ While NYT Finally Reports Ballet Rape

Rape Ballet.wmv – YouTube

The NY Times and I have a hate/hate relationship going way back in time to the 1960’s.  I knew many of the people running that ‘newspaper’ because some of them lived near me in NY City and I attended many events they attended since my father-in-law was a publisher there.  The NYT lies about nearly everything and when things blow up in their faces, they pretend all this is a great surprise.  The NYT is again, attacking Trump quoting a totally anonymous person who makes all sorts of Deep State claims…ahem…SECRETLY.  How juvenile.

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CIA Spooks Declare Treason Against Boss, Trump, Demand Military Disobey President Orders!

The Constitution Song (“Despacito” Parody) – YouTube

Opinion | Trump Is Not a King – The New York Times, he is a President and all the spooks and Federal workers and military must answer to him and mainly him.  If they can’t do this, they must resign.  This extremely racist newspaper that has editorial members calling for the annihilation of all white males is up in arms because Trump removed the security clearance of loud mouth spooks who attack him from every angle while backing treasonous actions that nearly destroyed our country which is under assault by foreign powers working with Bilderberg American traitors.

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