Monthly Archives: December 2022

Covid Deaths Kill Young Adults In China, US Allows Criminals To Attack Citizens

I survived the omni virus version of covid 19.  Want to know how?  Easy: I didn’t sleep hardly at all, I kept the fluids out of my lungs by chocking it up deliberately, nonstop.  Over and over and over again.  It went all the way down to the bottom of my trachea and the phlegm would form there and I would force it upwards, bending over at the waist and striking my chest to jerk it upwards.  Hard work but zero lung damage.

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Filed under .money matters

Democrat Leaders Flee To Warm Foreign Shores, Scream About Global Warming While We Freeze

Vacation Every Day Biden is on vacation yet again.  He suddenly flew out of the country to a super warm island where some tiny bit of global warming is still happening while much of the USA is frozen.  He will give another global warming speech next week, too.  These irresponsible, insane Bilderberg gangsters are so nakedly obvious about their utter contempt of world citizens, I am baffled that people can be fooled by these monsters!  But then, my own family struggles with reality, too.  They want this bizarre fantasy world, instead.

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Filed under .money matters

Jan 6 Committee Throws In Towel, Trump Laughs, Global Warming Germans Freeze To Death


FBI and Twitter conspired to silence our President who was still in office, illicitly and frankly, illegally.  The January 6 Communist Committee in Congress decided to drop the matter of making Trump ‘testify’ in front of them because he wants to do this and can’t wait to do this and would have fun doing this, embarrassing all of these crooks.  So they dropped the matter!  Meanwhile, Old Man Winter rules the earth while global warmists in the Bilderberg gang continue to howl about ‘hot weather’ that doesn’t exist.

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Covid Tsunami Slams Into China, Blizzard Slams Buffalo NY


Very suddenly, the communist dictator of China, Mr. Xi (for ‘zero’) decided there is no need to stop the coronavirus from Wuhan but to simply let everyone…die.  He still won’t let in any foreign meds.  He is doing this in his own way: death or destruction of the Chinese people.  How long this will last, we don’t know.  Will the Chinese people rise up against this lunatic?  I hope so but then look at who rules us now!

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Filed under .money matters

Hood Rats Ransack And Loot Stores As Per Usual During Crisis


Yesterday, I heard on NPR radio that only a tiny bit of looting was happening in Buffalo, NY.  But I knew when I heard it, this was totally a lie and viola: it was a liberal lie, as always.  They are stealing EVERYTHING in their paths.  In the video below, the looters think this is so funny, they even pose for a portrait while laughing.  This really pisses me off because this store will probably not reopen afterwards.

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Filed under .money matters

China Internal Collapse Continues


The entire scheme of stopping a germ that is easily spread via BREATHING continues to show us there is no way of stopping this sort of thing.  Unlike say, sex diseases, avoiding sex does protect most people.  But germs carried by AIR are nearly impossible to stop entirely.  No one tried harder than China to stop the spread of germs from their Germ Warfare Lab.  It is obvious and now the Omni version is ravaging all of the Chinese leaders who are elderly, for the most part.  Good riddance, I say.

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Filed under .money matters

Our Rulers Refuse To Talk About Twitter Revelations

The explosive reveals from Twitter thanks to Elon Musk continue.  And all this has been totally ignored by Bilderberg news media systems.  I hope that even some of the people here on my website figure out the screaming obvious by now.  But of course, the desire for free goodies even as these freebies lose value rapidly due to inflation caused by overspending government money, the people who love this continue on this path of destruction with the obvious end as history shows, clearly.

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Filed under .money matters