Monthly Archives: April 2022

$5.2 Million In Bribes Found In Biden Family Crime Spree! Also, Twitter Boss Kicks Top Level SJW Employees OUT

The wheels are coming off of the communist wagon very rapidly now, at least in the US.  As the EU and Canada go all the way-dictatorships with zero free speech, we see heroes like Elon Musk giving us back our basic civil rights!  This is utterly enraging all leftists because always, leftists demand everyone obey any and all schemes and deals created by lunatic leftists.  Leftists are utterly intolerant of anyone with other opinions!  They demand mono-mind obedience no matter how horrible the outcome.

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Filed under .money matters

Florida Students Protesting Florida Bill Protecting Small Children, Tell Student Reporter To ‘Kill Yourself’

Parental rights bill in Florida has all the deranged leftists screaming in horror.  They are making threats, making more demands and shrieking that this is the end of the world, giving parents power over schools!  How dare parents even be involved!  Well, the tide is rapidly turning.  Finally, what I have warned about for years after being chased out of Berkeley by crazed leftists, these communist students are as crazy as the ones Madame Mao used to use to attack teachers and every adult to terrorize them all into obeying her insane edicts.  She removed herself from the earth, in the end, after the Chinese took her down.


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Filed under .money matters

Desperate Democrats Melt Down All Over Like Wicked Witch Of The West When Wet

Misinformation Government Agency is the Disinformation Homeland Security Agency that is going to punish people who ‘could possibly descend into violence’ which is about as vague as possible.  We know for a fact, this is simply Stasi/KGB/CIA talk for ‘wrongthink’ punishing political opposition to brutal political parties.  Controlling language is what all despots and criminals love doing.  The fewer restrictions on speech, the more openness in language and systems.

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Filed under .money matters

Elon Musk Doubles Down On Media War With Entire Planetary Bilderberg Gang Operations


The war between Musk and the communists who run Twitter still continues.  Elon is now involved in at total warfare fight to the death with the army of expiring Bilderberg gang operatives who until this last few years, had 100% control of the EU and North America.  This is crashing and burning now and the gang is in total hysterics, lashing out now at the very energetic, rich young man, Elon Musk.  Twitter is still controlled by the gang via the workforce being a bunch of communist radicals in California.  These are still banning conservatives because they can still do thus and right now, Musk can’t fire them.  He will, in time.

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Filed under .money matters

Did Twitter’s Staff Sabotage Tweets? I Get Nearly Nothing When Clicking On Any Twitter Sites


But Twitter is down now.  I tried to access it and not only doesn’t nothing show up, I have to kill the page and find a new one because it stops the ‘go back’ option.  The page simply dies.  I tried for two hours and nothing comes up at all.  I did Twitters in Europe and nothing shows up.  I strongly suspect the Twitter twits in California are sabotaging Twitter at their home base.  I don’t know if only I am not allowed to use Twitter. I don’t belong to Twitter.  I do know that something creepy is now happening because the entire global Bilderberg gang suddenly announced that Elon Musk is Public Enemy #1 now, worse than Putin!

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Filed under .money matters

Mainstream Bilderberg News Desperately Hides $800 Thousand Legal Fee Hunter Biden Scandal


The Joe Biden/Hunter Biden corruption story continues to grow worse and worse.  Reporting the news about all this still is being censored and ignored by mainstream Bilderberg news operations.  Keeping this buried is harder and harder.  Google is barely operational as a search engine but has a couple of stories about Biden Jr./Sr. corruption efforts, that is, Fox News and overseas.  Not one solitary mainstream Bilderberg news outfit is reporting any of this as per always.  They also refuse to report any news about invaders attacking the US here at home.  We are to worry about Russia and Ukraine, not the USA in the middle of a gigantic crime wave!  Google thinks no news is good news.  Thus, the collapse of access to real news at Google.

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Filed under .money matters

Russia Begins Cutting Gas To Poland, Bulgaria, Germany Pays Rubles In Tricky Way


Russia is making the war an economic war in Europe now.  Since Europe wants WWIII, we shall get it, in spades.  Inflation is now raging first, due to China giving us all the covid mess and now we have war in Europe.  Europe refused to negotiate with Russia about the Donbas province.  Open warfare  has been going on there for several years now.  Instead, we get Europe set on self-destructing by sanctioning Russia as much as possible.  Only all of Europe stays alive thanks to Russian exports.  Russia is an export power, not an import weakling needing free money to survive.  Russia now has a gold standard!

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