Monthly Archives: March 2018

Australian Nurses Will Be Punished By SJW Administrators If They Don’t Apologize To Patients For Being White

(3) Nurses to practice ‘Cultural Safety’ – YouTube


Authorities are denying that this new code will punish white nurses for not using the right words or being subservient enough with patients.  But we know that if any codes are put up, punishments including firing or even prison ends up being the tools to enforce murky thought crimes/language crimes a la 1984 tyranny.  The creators of this new law claim it isn’t a law, just a suggestion which is a lie.

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Filed under .money matters

ANTIFA And Muslim Males Riot All Over Germany This Week

Germany news: Duisburg state of emergency as 60 fight in street with MACHETES | UK | News | reports.  This doesn’t make the New York Times, for example.  I get more information from Britain or Russia, for that matter.  Muslims are rioting in Germany.  They always do this.  They will continue to do this until society collapses there. They are assisted by crazy leftists who are now totally in league with the Muslim invaders. This will eventually end with collapse of Western Europe or the victory of some new Napoleon inside Europe.

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Hollywood Star Launches Obscene Threats At Conservative Lady On Twitter, She’s Banned For Life, He Is Not

Vile, Abusive, Hollywood Actor Attacks Laura Ingraham: “Sweaty Pig!…Filthy Pig… F*cking Pig!” (VIDEO) #MeToo


We now live in this Wonderland world where up is down and in is out.  Liberals are screaming for an end to free speech, for example.  All systems run by liberals are now banning or punishing or even imprisoning anyone who irritates them with either words or jokes.  This new Naziism is in the news today as Twitter, for example, bans for life people who make jokes about Muslim terrorists while at the same time, allows liberals to talk like terrorists and even make overt death threats and they still get to run wild on Twitter and the rest of the internet especially if they are Hollywood brats.

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Assange Mightl Be Handed To Sweden Over Fake Rape While Sweden Is OK With Muslims Raping GIRLS

ONLINE VIGIL for Julian Assange with Kim DotCom, TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks, Suzie Dawson and Others… LIVE VIDEO FEED


The fake liberals in the USA and England hate Julian Assange now.  He was their hero before the 2016 election.  Now, they want him dead.  A secret deal was made to cut off Julian from all communication with the outside world including the internet and phones.  This is probably in preparation for turning him over for a fake trial based on sex charges.  They are also continuing to try to overturn the election based on…you guessed it…sex charges against Trump.

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Filed under .money matters

SJW Professors Are Demanding Engineering Schools Hire Poor Skills SJW Female Teachers

(3) How is This a Thing? 28th of March 2018 – YouTube

The discussion about SJW women should be hired as engineers while knowing little about actual engineering skills starts at the 6:16 minute mark.  This week, the team of young reporters going to top schools in the USA found a horrible story about how feminists who know nearly nothing about real life, are forcing engineering schools to lower standards and to let women dictate how to teach the hard sciences so the hard thinking won’t harm pretty female brains which they openly admit are not RATIONAL nor constructive in nature! Continue reading


Filed under .money matters

Mexican California Attorney General Becerra, Tells Feds, He Will Arrest Them If They Deport Illegal Mexicans

California AG Threatens to Arrest Orange County Sheriff for Working with ICE Officers – YouTube


BREAKING: California AG Threatens to Arrest Orange County Sheriff for Assisting ICE (VIDEO).  Yes, this is the headlines today out of California, a state I fled many years ago due to it being insane and dangerous.  Today, the Hispanic Attorney General has said he will arrest any sheriffs or police who cooperate legally with ICE Federal officers.  This is a declaration of war against the Federal Government doing its legal job.  I would expect the Feds to arrest the California AG.

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12 DNC Run States Demand No US Questions About Citizenship

Mother of son killed by illegal immigrant: California Gov. Jerry Brown should be arrested – YouTube


Twelve states to sue Trump over Census citizenship question including my state of  New York.   This is a coup.  That is, all the states wishing to enable illegal aliens to vote in American elections are Democrats.  Illegal aliens are the centerpiece of the party now.  Enabling this is their only road to victory since the black population trapped in dying industrial cities are not great enough to swing elections towards open borders/free trade capitalist exploitation of cheap labor.  This makes the DNC a party to invasions and destruction of cities.  Free trade has literally burned down more than a few former great cities like Detroit.

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