Monthly Archives: February 2019

Bilderberg Gang Systematically Wiping Tommy Robinson Off Of Internet

After removing Tommy Robinson from Facebook and other platforms, now which is a Bezos Bilderberg operation is now removing his book from Amazon’s online store just like they did to Alex Jones.  This systematic censoring of anyone who irritates the SJW gang is getting worse every day as they seek global power via censorship and terror attacks and enabling invaders to enter countries illegally and violently.

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Facebook And Twitter Attack Tommy Robinson: The Bilderberg Gang Is Wiping Out The Internet One By One

Just like Alex Jones was removed from all DNC/SJW run computer platforms in order to silence opposition, the Bilderberg gang is now attacking Tommy Robinson across all possible platforms, too.  Neither Tommy nor Alex were breaking any laws, this is purely political.  Proof is easy to spot: ANTIFA is never removed or censored at all.

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16 GOP Congress Critters Join All DNC Critters To Stop Trump’s Border Emergency

Treason: our Congress voted for open borders and more invaders.  Even as Europe’s populations riot and march against open borders, here in the US we don’t have as outraged people as in Europe but this may change soon.  DNC states all depend on foreign invaders to vote for them and a group of treasonous Republicans joined in this treason due to wanting cheap labor to undercut US citizens who might demand higher wages.

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Federal Judge Correctly Rules Equal Rights Women Must Be Drafted And Fight Wars

Tim is a leftist.  He betrays his bias periodically.  Here, he yaps about how women, if drafted, will get all the cushy jobs at home in the military while the young men are sent to die in battle.  I think the feminists would love to rig the system to do this but I also see this going to court now, that is, discriminating against women to force men to fight while the girls goof off at home, will also force the military to draft and then force women to storm the beaches at Iwo Jima, so to speak.  I am all for that because women want to be ‘equals’ they better pay the devil for this.

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‘Woke’ Oscars Big Snoozefest

Here is a screenshot of the Oscars: a sea of white faces (and of very few ethnic backgrounds) all applauding black performers, women in the movie business, ‘diversity’ and gay rights and everything except what is in the audience: many white males.  This is so psycho.  What is very funny is, mega hit ‘Black Panther’ got awards only for costumes, music and special effects.  Like Star Wars, which is now a dead franchise, killed by SJW politics.

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Hollywood Feels Sorry For Smollett’s Race Baiting, Continues Attacking White Males

The full scale attacks on white males is astonishing to watch.  These attacks have various nuances, the most striking is that the same people defaming and discriminating against white males do not do this to white MUSLIM males!  This is very odd and bemusing.  Meanwhile, white women continue to protect racist blacks who try to frame white males with fake race crimes.

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Tough DNC President Candidate Klobuchar Abuses Staff, Meanwhile More French Yellow Vest Protests Ignored By Mainstream Media


So, a stupid feminist who wants to stop us from using fossil fuels is a bully and a creep!  HAHAHA.  And worse, the NY Times thinks this is GOOD and unlike Trump being a bully and a creep, according to the NYT creeps, she is a good bully and creep so we should support her for being ‘strong’ whereas Trump is also ‘strong’ but that is evil due to his political DNA.  The DNC is always a bully, of course, through and through which is why I want them to be bullied in the polls.  Also, the French People, the Little People of France, are not bending to Macron’s bullying, they are once again, in the streets, marching loudly today and this is NOT IN THE NEWS.  Sheesh.

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