Tag Archives: Japan

Japan Abe Surrenders To Trump, Will Bring US Auto Jobs Home

Just one year ago, the arrogant Japanese leaders told Trump they would not negotiate trade with him, they want one way business as does China.  Well, it now appears the Japanese are surrendering.  Recently, Abe has been secretly visiting Trump’s golf resort in Florida, playing with him and it now appears, this is where they negotiated a trade deal that brings US auto jobs home again.  Naturally, mainstream media won’t report any of this, they are utterly unable to report much of anything, anymore.

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Trade War With China Begins In Ernest: Trump Must Win

The US media is now howling with fear and rage because finally…FINALLY…we have a real President who perhaps has seen my 100 cartoons about how dangerous and stupid ‘free trade’ is and how fatal it is for the US.  Our trade deficit with the world grew and grew most of my long long life and is out of control and all our fake allies and obvious future enemies run great trade surpluses with the US.  This battle has to be won otherwise we will go BANKRUPT.  California, internally, is going bankrupt despite having a huge, huge financial advantage, for example, due to taking in endless illegal aliens for cheap labor who then stay on welfare and collapse the State.  The US will collapse like California.  The trade deficit makes American rich people richer while destroying the working class, making it poorer.

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Filed under .money matters

The World Order Japanese Performers Are Amazing Fun



Time for some fun, I tripped over this Japanese street performing group of men who are amazing.  They dance like robot salarymen.  They are very funny, quite artistic and extremely well trained, what they do is very difficult!  Watch and be amazed.  Oh, they even dance in Fukushima next to the nuclear disaster there…

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Filed under .money matters

Japan Announces 50% TARIFF On US Trade!

Japan likely to increase import tariffs on frozen U.S. beef to 50% – Japan Today…yes, there is no ‘free trade’ there is ONE WAY trade with nearly all our fake allies.  There is nary a peep in our fake mainstream news about this, too.  Japan is not an ‘ally’, Japan is a rapacious trade rival.  We have to punish Japan for this attack on free trade.  Will Trump stick to his guns?

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Filed under .money matters

Japan: Worked To Death/No More Children

Japan’s ‘Premium Friday’ Attempts to Stop Death by Overwork: VICE News Tonight on HBO – YouTube


Japan is a competitor with the US which ruthlessly works its own people to death.  The ‘depression’ in Japan that came with the stock market crash decades ago…continues!  50% of all young people in Japan under the age of 35 are not having children or getting married!  The place is rapidly literally dying and no one is lifting a finger to stop this except with silly slogans and useless actions deliberately set up to fail because working people to death and paying nearly nothing makes the very rich even richer and more powerful.  Duh.

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USN Destroyer Fitzgerald Slams Into Huge Containership Off Japan

The Pentagon wanted to have a ‘show of power’ to North Korea.  So they sent all possible ships there where a spy ship with tons and tons of radar on board…sailed across the prow of a huge container ship in the middle of the night and the spy ship nearly sank and is badly crippled.  Has 330 sailors and some were killed in their bunks.  The question is, how on earth did this spy ship not see a huge container ship?  Gross incompetence is the only possible cause.

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Filed under .money matters

China, South Korea And Japan Join In Attacking US Trade Protections!

Japan, China, S Korea pledge to resist protectionism – Japan Today yes, this picture is correct: communist China, our ‘allies’ South Korea and Japan both of whom we protect at our OWN cost!…are joining forces to stop our elected President from changing our trade deficit with these three enemies and turning it back to the US citizens whose jobs were shipped overseas!  This is open warfare, seriously.  All previous wars before WWII were about trade issues!

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