Monthly Archives: October 2019

Conan The Barkbarian To Visit Trump In White House

We saw Bilderberg media go nuts over Trump liking a comic photoshop made on Twitter which showed him awarding the dog that sniffed out the ISIS terrorist in Syria.  There were screams of rage that this photoshopped joke shows that Trump is evil and a liar and all sorts of funny stuff, totally unhinged.  So…Trump is now inviting the dog and his buddies to the White House!  Good!

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‘Whistleblower’ Is Former Biden/Brennan Associate Slipped Into White House To Spy On Trump

For a town that leaks like a sieve, Washington has done an astonishingly effective job keeping from the American public the name of the anonymous “whistleblower” who triggered impeachment proceedings against President Trump — even though his identity is an open secret inside the Beltway.


The cat is out of the bag.  The ‘whistleblower’ is the exact same person working with the exact same people who brought us the fake ‘Steele Report’.  They are reversing the ‘bad guys’ here with Ukraine instead of Russia, being the conspirators working with Trump to do evil things the Democrats hate!  HAHAHA.  Now we know who is the secret whistleblower and his name is Eric Ciaramella:

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Filed under .money matters

Trump Tied Up In DC While Putin Roams Planet, Making Deals With Everyone

Thanks to mainstream media and Congress and other corrupt systems, Trump’s diplomacy has been nearly impossible.  So Putin romps around the world, signing treaties and making deals with all of Africa, much of the Middle East, all over Europe!  The brutal EU rule is ending.  The EU punished a number of nations for ‘not following rules’ and then refused to do their own duty to NATO which is why Trump told them to jump in the lake.’

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Filed under .money matters

Biden Collecting Bribes OK, Trump Trying To Discover How He Collected Bribes Is Impeachable???

The NYT is a global warmist Bilderberg operation. They are pushing a new story that a man who ‘listened in’ (SPY) to Trump’s phone calls…ahem….claims the transcript for the calls was not correct.  The real story is, Trump was seeking information about Biden’s corrupt activities overseas and…asked for any information confirming this.  That is not ‘treason’ nor is it ‘impeachable’ it is the job of the President.  I have said frequently, the core reason we have a gigantic trade deficit with everyone is due to our politicians and media excusing blatant bribery and corruption starting with Reagan collecting $2 million from the Japanese.

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Congressional Democrats Demands War With NATO Ally, TURKEY

Since various interest groups want to attack Turkey, we will see the final triumph of Putin’s careful diplomacy once the doors were slammed shut in his face by the Bilderberg gang: the complete removal of Turkey from NATO!  I am just amazed how hard people in the US are pushing for crushing NATO.  Of course, hammering Turkey will cause Turkey to…join forces with Russia.  Trump will be blamed for this which is silly but then, I won’t forget who engineered the push to prevent any diplomacy with Putin: the Bilderberg gang and the DNC.

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Ham Radio Operators Terminated By DNC California Liberals! You Tube Searches Wipes Out All Citizen News About Fires


I found this video while writing a story about how You Tube has wiped out almost all citizen-created videos about the massive firestorms in California, showing only mainstream Bilderberg news media videos, not one citizen’s video.  By adding the word ‘amateur’ to the search, I finally got, after several other tries, a handful of videos not made by mainstream media.  And this turned up: the ham radio people upset about DNC push in California to shut down short wave receivers and other citizen systems.  I believe this is in preparation for a complete wipe out of all citizen-to-citizen communications.

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Filed under .money matters

DNC Congress Fiddle Only About Trump Not Biden Bribery Charges While California Burns

The hysteria continues unabated: the mystery guest in the DNC impeachment is a hearsay (no proof) report by a security person working for the White House who makes a claim about what the President said in the past.  And the mystery guest even says what the President might have said is ‘not PROPER’.  Well, that is not grounds for impeachment and it again proves that the DNC riddled the White House with spies.  Of course, they will claim this is grounds for impeachment since even sneezing, now, is grounds, not Obama saying on video, he will work behind everyone’s back to insure a deal with PUTIN!  Nope, that is obviously OK.

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