Monthly Archives: July 2014

Jews Chant ‘Kill All Gaza Children’ While US Condemns Russia Ballistic Missiles, Praises Jewish Ballistic Missiles

Jewish right wing fascists sing about killing all the children in Gaza.  They are quite loud and proud and no police are stopping them from singing this where Muslims can hear them.  The US is doubling down on isolating and punishing Russia for…’supporting violence’ which is the height of insanity.  As we rush towards WWIII, it is easy to see how this funnel operates: it is all about US neocons wanting more power and money and lands for Israel.

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Filed under .diplomacy, war and peace

Palestinians Have A MORAL Right To Fight Zionist Foreign Besiegers Who Oppress Them

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Tunnels: The perfect conduit for terror: the US media pours out propaganda against the Palestinians as fast as against Putin as we plunge towards WWIII.  The Palestinians were invaded, during the last 100 years, by European Jews.  These people intended from day one to displace the natives and steal everything because their ‘god’ told them so.  Since ancient times.  The above picture is from ancient Egypt showing the revolt against the Hyksos invaders who are evidently the ancestors of the ‘Jewish’ tribes.   Note this is a SIEGE.  People trapped in a city or area are allowed to fight their besiegers and Gaza has been besieged ever since Hamas won a fair election.

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Filed under religion, war and peace

Unusually Cold July Comes To A Cold, Wet Conclusion

hummingbird feeder in heavy rain and rainbow in eastern hills

So far this year is colder than normal.  July is no different.  Yes, we had a couple of warm days.  But it has been mostly raining or cold.  Today, the end of the month is neigh and we had yet another rainy day, three inches fell around here and the rivers are brown floods and the forest looks like a jungle.  Meanwhile, we are told that this year is HOT!  Yes, one of the hottest ever.  Which is totally insane.


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Filed under weather news

The Permanent Court Of Arbitration Tells Russia To Give Oligarch Looters $50 Billion For Yukos

Hague court orders Russia to pay $50 billion in Yukos case | Reuters: this hostile ruling will join all the other EU attempts at starting WWIII.  Yukos is the energy business which was basically a Yeltsin drunk looting expedition of Russia’s natural resources.  The EU court even admits this.  But still thinks all governments that take natural resource systems from outsiders (the Russian Mafioso types all moved to London before this happened) should pay them in full!  For returning what often, they shouldn’t have in the first place.

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Filed under energy, war and peace

Israel Cops Say Hamas Did NOT Kill Illegal Setter Kids—Meanwhile, US Warmongers Like Crazy, Telling More Lies

▶ Passenger captures dramatic video of SWAT team storming Toronto plane  -after man told stewardess ‘I want to blow up Canada’ 


The US is an armed camp.  The above video shows how militarized it has become and tactics used overseas or in Israel to keep populations under military heel are used here on citizens.  Meanwhile, the warmongering in our media has been at full blast as they strive to restart the Cold War with the Russian democracy while simultaneously funding and helping fascist coups all over the place.


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Filed under war and peace

El Nino Is Dead And Gone

el nino is dead july 2014

ENSO Page | Watts Up With That?:  It is very obvious now that not only is el Nino aborted, we are definitely seeing the beginning of a la Nina cold cycle again.  Even more interesting is how the ‘path of Atlantic Hurricanes’ is also way below normal which means no hurricanes this year from this sector.  The Antarctic has very high ice levels and in general, there are more reports globally of unusually cold weather, not hot weather.

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Filed under weather news

Shocking Video IDF Sniper Murders People Digging For Victims In Israeli-bombed Civilian Building

Cellphone Video Documents Israeli Sniper Executing Wounded Civilian In Gaza | The Millennium Report: rescue crews going into bombed civilian building to rescue victims of Israeli missiles are murdered by Jewish snipers.  In the video you can hear the continuous whine of assassin drones that pick off people aside from the shooters who are also assassins.


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Filed under war and peace