Monthly Archives: July 2020

Media/Liberals Lie: Portland Was NOT Peaceful Last Night

I used to babysit for the head of the Tucson ACLU and he represented me in court when I was a teenager.  He was a real liberal hero who I admired and loved.  Today, the ACLU is a radical leftist communist organization which tries to KILL Free Speech and wants to prevent us from getting more information and wants censorship, all totally opposed to what they were, in the past!  This makes me very angry.

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Filed under .money matters

Biden And Entire DNC/Media Giants Have Alzheimers: Can’t Remember Recent Past

First, the funky news: senile Biden decided to chat with people while hiding in his basement. Note the clever way he lets his mask hang off of one ear, in his literal basement where no one is visiting him?  Good lord, I hope his pants are zippered at least.  The coronavirus issue continues to roil our nation as southern states with large urban populations see a hike in disease transmission.  Time to discuss the actual details.

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Filed under .money matters

Germany Repeatedly Refused To Pay US Money Owed So Trump Pulls Out Troops IMMEDEATELY

Both Germany and Japan heavily exploited the US taxpayers for half a century or more after they attacked us during WWII and since then, we protect them with nearly no money in return, at our own expense!


Every deal we made over the years about percentage of GDP to be paid to the US for our protection since we are the vast bulk of NATO and SETO, and every year Japan and Germany paid as little as possible, cynically depending on us not complaining to them!  Below is a New York Times article from just last year, discussing why Germany dissed Trump by paying even LESS money after he demanded they pay up past shortages of funding:

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NY Time’s Top Editorialist Kristof The Krazy Claims There Are NO RIOTS In Portland!

The NY Times seriously wants to. make me laugh to death.  Today’s attempt at death via merriment is from one of their oldest and stupidest editorialists: Nicholas Kristof.  Kristof is pissed off at Trump because Trump clearly sees violent terrorists attacking a Federal court building in Portland night after night!  But Baby Boy Krissy sees nothing!  He only sees cute, a bit fat, mommies protesting meanie Trump!  All the violent rioters are invisible to Krissy due to him having lost his bifocal glasses the other day.  GADS…the NYT is seriously probing the bottom of the barrel here!  They have gone insane.

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Filed under .money matters

FAKE NEWS ALERT: No, Trump Did NOT Order Fed Agents Retreat From Dying Portland OR

Trump announced minutes ago, the flurry of headlines about taking Fed agents out of dying Portland, OR, is FAKE NEWS.  Here is what was reported without talking to the President, first (these bastards never confirm anything they spit out these days):

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Filed under .money matters

Silicone Valley Attempted Coup! Many Sites Erased Last Night Online To Hide REAL News

Click YouTube window at bottom of today’s story to see live hearing about all this in Congress!


COUP ALERT: Recently, the big tech Bilderberg gangsters tested their systems for erasing everyone suddenly with no warning so they could create coup conditions for the Democrat Party. This test accidentally went ‘online’ and we became aware of this plot. So…today I clicked on a Fox news story of great importance only…the video has been pulled?  Is Google doing this to Fox?  Who is doing this censorship garbage?  This just happened, right now as I began writing this story!  Here is the quotes from the above hidden video that was seen by millions before being pulled:

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Filed under .money matters

Fake Silicone Valley ‘Liberals’ Censor Vital Information About Hydroxy Drugs Saving COVID-19 Patient Lives

All over the internet, the leftists are at war with everyone else and the only tool they have left is censorship.  They can’t win anyone over to their violent, destructive side so they simply censor or eliminate anyone talking about alternatives to the bizarre world of liberalism which has no borders, no laws and no sanity.  Today’s example of this is the suppression of any discussion about using malaria drugs to stop people from dying of coronavirus side effects.

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Filed under .money matters