Monthly Archives: February 2016

Hillary And Trump Win SC Primaries But More Than Twice As Many GOP Voters Came To Polls

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South Carolina Primary Election Results 2016 – The New York Times


Hillary Clinton is doing a victory dance, having knocked down Sanders with her black voting bloc.  But this also reveals why she is hard to elect.  Black voters are very much a minority vote, nationally, less than 10%.  Ben Carson, who is black, got few votes in his primary but this was due to not being on the Democratic ballot so there were few black voters to support him.  The reality here is, North Carolina is not a great sign for Hillary since 737,917 voted for the GOP primary candidates and only 369,526 voted in the DNC primary which is roughly half as large.  This is no great victory for Hillary because she loses in South Carolina in any probable election.

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Hillary Panders To Black Voters In South Telling Them, Whites Are Dangerous, Not Their Own Sons

Another Black Student Squares Off With In School Security Officer  At Martin Luther King High School Yet Again No Outrage..Why – YouTube

Hillary Clinton looked at the numbers and found that black primary voters outnumber whites in the Deep South where the next round of primary votes are slated to happen.  So she is now playing up her gangsta status by out-blacking our black President by talking trash about white people in her speeches at ‘beauty parlors’ and churches down south.  She is moving past Bernie Sanders who isn’t pandering to this group of voters and paving the road of racism and driving black voters deeper into the pit they have fallen in with an out of wedlock rate of childbirths approaching 100%.  Instead of telling the truth, she is throwing gasoline on the fire that is destroying the black community rapidly.

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Black Lives Matter Only During Elections: Another Black Massacre, Facebook Freaks Out Over Its Own ‘Graffiti Wall’

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I found photos of this mass murder event on the British Daily Mail Online news feed, few if any US feeds carry the above photos on a front page.


Kansas Workplace Shooting Suspect Identified as Cedric Larry Ford, Sources Say – this is a black employee who has a criminal record and who was still hired because the company wanted to show they are not ‘racist’, this guy got in a verbal tussle with someone and then went out, like the terrorists in California recently, and shot up his workplace until he was shot dead by the cops.  This week, we learn that Apple is seriously trying to prevent the FBI from discovering other terrorists by accessing the iPhone of the California killers.  Sorry, Apple: most people want you to unlock that iPhone, a poll shows.

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Apple Gives Chinese Rulers Private Information While Telling FBI To Drop Dead


The mass killers in California,Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook, did a number of things on their computers and cell phones which the FBI wants to tap into to see if there is a wider conspiracy.  Apple computer’s chief, Time Cook, has been defiant and says he will encrypt phones to the point, no one can unlock them in the future.  Donald Trump is asking everyone to boycott Apple.  This is where the ‘hippie, California dude’ stuff slams into the police stuff.  Who will win?


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Crazy Explanations For Scalia Dying With His Pillow, Texas Officials Have Endless Stories

Inside the Luxury Suite Where Justice Antonin Scalia Spent His Final Hours – YouTube

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Pillows fell onto Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia after he died, say cops as doctor reveals he was a smoker and suffered obesity and artery disease.  After announcing officially that this guy died and there were no pillows on his head, another official trots out the fact that the pillow was on Scalia’s forehead.  This mystery pillow certainly has a life of its own!  It just moves all over the place, sort of like in Ghostbusters or a Hitchcock thriller.  I suggest Hollywood make a movie about the Killer Pillow.  I still think he was doing something to himself, sexually, when he died.  But then the idea that someone smothered him creeps in on padded feet.  We don’t know and this is so much like bin Laden’s death whereby the body had to be dumped into the ocean secretly by our military after they cut his head off and possibly gave it to the Bush Skull and Bones operation at Yale.

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Merkel’s Plot To Destroy Germany Thwarted Increasingly By Very Angry Germans

Fire rips through planned refugee center in Germany – YouTube

Angela Merkel, former East Germany’s chancellor of Agitprop during her years serving East Germany’s communist regime, has been agitproping in support of bringing in millions of invaders who are destroying Germany pretty rapidly.  Anger over this, the citizens of Germany are slowly beginning to openly revolt and the Anti-migrant mobs cheer try stop firefighters getting to German refugee shelter.  Her gang of ministers, who happen to be barely ‘German’ if one looks at their ethnic backgrounds, are lecturing the citizens of Germany about this resistance to her plot to destroy Germany.  From Wikipedia:

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World’s Biggest Container Ship Arrives From China, Only Trump Mentions Trade Deficit In Speeches

My ex-husband worked in the offices of several international import/export shipping corporations who had offices in Manhattan.  I used to go down to the ports there to watch the ships come and go and when we lived in Coney Island, I would go to the ocean with binoculars to see the ships coming in from Europe and then call David’s boss and tell him what was going on, he liked that.  This was way, way back in time when the US had normal trade relations with the world and we exported US-manufactured goods.  Now, it is almost all one-way ‘trade’ and no one mentions our trade deficit when running for office here.

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