Monthly Archives: June 2014

NSA Blimp Protest In Utah And Our Imperial War Spending Is Popular With Peace Prize President

Across the world, many are reporting the news about the blimp protest against the NSA data collection center in Utah.  For many months now, various protests have been tried and this is the latest one, done by a coalition of groups with both left and right members, mostly leftists.  Snowden is a libertarian, for example.  I have always wanted a stronger left/right Constitutional rights/antiwar coalition but this has been shattered by two political forces, both of which are stupid.  That is, the global warming insanity on the left and the anti-women’s, minorities and gay civil rights attitude on the right.  Maybe we will find common ground again by dropping both peculiar itches.

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Filed under war and peace

Steve Goddard’s Charges Of Temperature Data Manipulation By NOAA And NASA Go Global

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After an extremely long, tedious, cold winter and very late ice melt, after Bad to worse: US economy shrank more than expected in Q1 ‘due to unusually cold winter’, what do we have now, in this summer which is colder than normal?  Why, endless attacks on anyone pointing out that global warming is dead!  Instead, ever more hysterical predictions of how we are going to roast to death proliferate.  IPCC : That Medieval Warm Period We Used To Believe In Wrecks Our Story, Lets Get Rid Of It | Real Science: a web site run by a right winger that does real research has caused a flurry due to what I think are very credible charges that NOAA and foreign climatologists have been ‘cooking the books’ by eliminating mainly rural temperature stations and readjusting the past to make it colder while adjusting the present to make it hotter.  This is a huge conspiracy to convince people, despite obvious weather to the contrary, that we are getting hotter when the opposite is happening.

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Filed under weather news

Actor Oldman Crawls On Stomach, Beating His Head, Begging Anti-Defamation League Ethnic Cleansers For Mercy

Two news stories, one not covered by any American press and the other covered heavily by all press outfits, clearly illustrates how an ethnic minority agenda is imposed on an entire nation via control of the media and Hollywood.  The elimination of the news that our Congress which has cut spending for Americans greatly, once again gave Israel another $131 million as a gift and the news about a Hollywood star who told the truth about who runs Hollyood (hint: they are Jewish) shows how Jewish muscle is applied to keep people scared or in the dark so we can’t control Congress by stopping AIPAC or save ourselves from World War Z.


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Filed under religion

Former US Gitmo Attorney Iglesias Wants Benghazi Kidnap Victim Tried In ‘Shadow Of Twin Towers’

The distorted thinking of all of our officials and leaders is causing a mental and moral collapse.  Striving to continue the post-WWII imperialist powers has led to a degenerative thinking process that infects everything especially diplomacy and legal thinking.  Once we got rid of the need to have Congress vote for wars or basic civil rights after 9/11, this new perpetual war is engineered by petulant, power hungry globalists who have secret meetings to discuss with foreign powers, how to circumvent or compel Americans into wild military spending which is bankrupting our nation and destroying our economy.

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Filed under .diplomacy

Russia Winning Economic War With NATO And Neocons Want More Wars In Iraq

The US media is so predictable.  They ‘explain’ everything within a very narrow range of cause and effect.  Recently, the Bilderberg conspirators decided to take down Putin and so they engineered the attacks on Russia’s economy.  But as I predicted, this would boomerang badly: Europe Stocks Fall on Economy as Metals Advance on China while the Ruble Gains on China Data to Ukraine Truce: Russia Reality Check, an article by Businessweek.

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Filed under .diplomacy

US To Bomb Al Qaeda In Iraq While Increasing Arms To Al Qaeda In Syria: Thank You, AIPAC

The furies of war continue to howl across the planet as economic conditions which we called ‘stagflation’ in the seventies, ravages first world economies while utter social chaos envelops the rest of the world.  This will bring a world war as dying empires struggle to gain traction via overblown military interventions designed to ‘fix’ things badly.  Ukraine claims full control of its border with Russia by the trick of doing this: Ukraine Army Claims 300 Rebels Killed in 24 Hours so Putin orders surprise drills to check combat readiness of central Russia forces as Russia deployed more troops to Ukraine border to ensure security – Kremlin.


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Filed under .diplomacy, energy

Obama Claims Unilateral War Powers Thanks To Bush Jr. War On Terror Act

Miz Liberty assassinates bin Laden

The perpetual war against secular Muslims continues as the US plan to go after extremists who are often funded by or secretly supported by Mossad and the CIA, continues.  The latest mess in Iraq also reveals how Congress conspires with both GOP and DNC Presidents to destroy the Constitution. Obama to Congress: I Don’t Need Your OK on Iraq:

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Filed under .diplomacy, war and peace