Monthly Archives: May 2023

More Proof Biden Conspired To Collect Bribes From Foreign Powers


As the US hurtles into WWIII with nuclear armed Russia over the Ukraine issues, we are led by a man who is utterly, cynically corrupt and used his government positions of power to sell himself to any and all foreign powers willing to pay the Biden family billions in bribes.  Arrest Biden NOW.  This is so absurd.  Of course, he has the full political support of leftists.  These leftists are always antiwar until they get in power then they are warmongers every time.

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Nearly All Charges Dropped Alien Man Who Drove U-Haul Into White House Grounds


This is utterly insane and frankly, yet another sign that all Democrats are really traitors: the terrorist who deliberately drove and crashed a U Haul truck into the White House barricades as seen charges against him dropped except for a minor ‘property damage’ charge!  He even tried to lay out a Nazi flag in his attack which was a naked attempt at framing people who are conservatives and who the far left calls ‘Nazis’ all the time.


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Outright Communists Take Over All Systems Run By Democrats Attacking All Systems



The fake patriot march in DC were protected by the police and then were escorted to the subway and no one was allowed to follow them, ride with them, the trains were used as if private service!  This was really an FBI march especially since the uniforms of the fake fascists are identical to FBI clothing.  This ‘demonstration’ with upside down US flags marched right after Biden’s insane speech attacking US Citizens who are conservatives!  This is pure evil, the government being used to pretend to be far right marchers!  Arrest the agents who paraded!  Teach them a lesson.

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Filed under .money matters

Harley Davidson Now Goes Woke/Broke?



The collapse of the liberal regime continues as leftists flounder.  The push to have everything branded with and pushing the Alphabet radical regime is rapidly alienating 50% of all the customers these stupid corporations depend upon to stay solvent.  So many massive corporations are now going bankrupt as furious consumers boycott more and more brands.  The latest brand being sucked down the sewer of activist leftist regime schemes is Harley Davidson.  They are going woke, too!  Now, when a Hell’s Angel rides up to someone on these bikes, everyone will laugh at them.  This is going to backfire on Harley Davidson, big time.  Will any of these corporations figure out the obvious?  No?  Of course, they can’t.  The people running the business are Bilderberg gang members.

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Filed under .money matters

Hungry Sharks Love Attacking Menstruating Female Swimmers


In today’s interesting news, we learn that people are being very seriously harmed by hungry sharks.  When reading the headlines, I noticed no mention of who these sharks are eating.  I said to myself, ‘I bet these are all women’ and lo and behold, yes.  Women.  Why?  Well, we females have menstrual blood and this attracts sharks!  Duh.  But to my horror, when I googled this topic, the top stories were all about how this is false.  Sharks don’t want menstrual blood.  I say, BS to that.

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Filed under .money matters

Massive Proof Of Vote Cheating In Arizona Covered Up By Media/DNC Gangs


We can’t have secure elections until we clean up the mess caused by the Democrats for the last four years.  Election rules matter!  The excuse of the covid disease allowed the DNC to skip all proper voting and allowed anyone and everyone to ‘vote’ via mail in ballots.  Nearly none of these were examined closely to see if these were legal votes, naturally, many of these were fake which is why the extremely unpopular Biden got a record number of votes, far more than Obama!  This continuing mess is in the courts with DNC judges ruling that all is well when all is very broken.

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Filed under .money matters

We Are On Target! Their Satanic Stock Falling, $10 Billion So Far!


This is now TEN BILLION stock plunge!  Off the effing cliff.  Note the fake females here at my itty bitty news service who love these Satanic garbage people and hope these horrors have full control over our lives so they can freeze/starve us all to death.  Well, the Satanic Leftists are now on the RUN.  Target chose to kiss and enable a child mutilator who hates ‘women’ who are biological women, this caused all good mothers to dump Target…FOREVER.  All the Satanic businesses and there are many starting with Disney, are on the chopping block now if they depend on little children to make money.  Not to mention men and their beer, they are fighting the Satanists, too.

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Filed under .money matters