Monthly Archives: March 2019

Yellow Vest Protests Bigger Than Ever Before, Macron Hides From Citizens

Louder and bigger than ever: the French Worker’s Revolt.  Paramilitary troops keep them away from the Arc de Triomphe.  But they march relentlessly onwards throughout Paris, down narrow streets and up wide avenues.  Spring has sprung and in Europe, this is when full scale revolts take off like a rocket.  The crushing EU internet laws are highly unpopular and is destroying the internet, already.

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Chicago Mayor Blames TRUMP For Smollett Fraud, NIMBY SF Liberals Stop Homeless Shelter

Stung by fake news media, Mayor Rahm of Chicago fame backtracked on condemning an Obama buddy to attack the VICTIM of this black buddy’s fake assault claims!


Blame the victim of a conspiracy to defame the victim!  What this very creepy mayor just did was tell everyone, it is OK to cook up false charges against someone simply because one disagrees with them?  Hello!  This is a criminal matter which the City of Chicago dropped due to political string pulling.

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Filed under .money matters

Brits Run Front Page Bush Sr. Sex Scandal!

This news is infuriating.  And it is also very typical news.  I clashed directly with Bush Sr. when I assisted the Chinese students demanding sanctuary for them when he was making a secret deal with the Chinese rulers to ship them home to be punished.  I won that fight!  Well, Bush Sr. was a total monster.  He did black magic.  He robbed graves!  He did lots of dirty stuff, tons of it.  Naturally, the mainstream media loved him…when Trump came along.  For he was also a top Bilderberg conspirator working to destroy the American citizens.  Now, it turns out he also was having sex with his aid just like Clinton and a host of other men.

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Filed under .money matters

NYT Krugman Supports AOC’s ‘Green New Deal’ Because He Wants Us To Die Of Starvation/Cold


The NY Times took a poll of all the SJW gang and discovered they really do want to commit mass suicide with communist policies.

Paul Krugman of the odious rag, the NYT did this silly, childish story about a poll that shows people supporting or being OK with general ideas like planting more trees.  Who is against that???  Beavers want this, deer want this, everyone wants this!  How about ‘sustainable agriculture’?  Who wants no agriculture?  Mass transit money: duh.  Now, the one issue that shows disagreement is ‘power plant closing’.  I would suggest a NYT poll about ‘freeze to death in winter to keep the planet cold’ for example as a question.  Or ‘starve to death by stopping pesticides.’

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Filed under .money matters

Fox News Flies Off Cliff, Will Die After Kicking Judge Jeanine Pirro Off Show

I am watching with interest as Fox TV executives chop their own hands off.  They have a woman in charge of the news there now and she decided to punish Judge Jeanine by issuing a reprimand for Jeanine’s editorial about the young Muslim DNC lady in Congress who hates Jews and talks, inside her community, about making Islam at home in the US.

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Filed under .money matters

Pope Francis Demands ‘No More Walls’ While Living In Personal Vatican Fortress

It always amazes me how nakedly Popes talk about humility, open borders, civil rights, the evils of money, etc. while living in a walled compound in Rome that is patrolled by a private army and is totally outside the Rule of Law and is run by men living in palaces, literal palaces.  And this present Pope lectures us about global warming while consuming vast amounts of CO2 producing energy systems, etc.  This is the Capital of Hypocrisy.

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Filed under .money matters

Chicago Leaks! Smollett Buddy Of Michelle Obama, Friends Of DA Conspired Drop Charges

This is breaking news right now.  HAHAHA.  Seems the usual dirty tricks of corrupt Chicago politics.  I hope all the players in this game of ‘let’s break the laws’ go to prison including the very big Chicago couple, the Obamas.  This perversion of justice, letting a con man get away with his con game, cannot stand.  Smollett even has the cheek now to claim he has already done ‘community service’ which is fake since no time has passed since he ‘appeared’ to a judge.

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Filed under .money matters