Monthly Archives: November 2017

Congress Seeking Contempt Citations Against Justice Department AND FBI

POTUS Trump Goes Scorched Earth – Calls Out Deep State by Name!


Now, I didn’t see this news this morning until I left mainstream media and looked at other media…the place where there is still some real news.  Well, this is huge news!  Congress is now going after the Deep State crooks who are lying cheating and stealing.  The corruption during the Bush Jr./Obama years is now going to come out of the dark dank cave and into sunlight.  Since these people are vampires, this is deadly for them, being exposed to full light of day.  The system is barely functional but once the gears begin to grind, they grind everything to dust.

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Filed under .money matters

Endless # Liberal Sex Fiend Men Crash, Burn While Media Attacks Trump For Saying ‘Pussy’ Decades Ago

Trump ‘made comment about p**sy years before tape’ | Daily Mail Online breathlessly reports.


HAHAHA…the news is endless fun now.  Bill and Hillary Clinton, forgetting entirely their own dirty past, decided to attack Trump about sex!  I thought that was insane and it was insane.  Now, for the last year, the DNC and media giants and Hollywood all united in attacking Trump using ‘he is a sex fiend’ storyline only for this being a released wolf from the Gates of Hell…which is biting THEM in the rear, big time, over and over again.  So…these creeps double down on attacking Trump over sex!

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Filed under .money matters

University Connecticut Students Staff Riot ‘It Is OK To Be White’ Speech

(47) Fight erupts during “It’s OK to Be White” speech at UConn, speaker arrested – YouTube


As per usual, a young person who is on the conservative side, in this case, works for Gateway Pundit News, was invited to give a speech at a top liberal school, in this case, University of Connecticut.  As always, the leftist students are rude and mock the speaker whose topic was ‘It is OK to be white’.  The mostly white students and teachers who rioted at this speech caused physical damage including throwing a smoke bomb but the speaker was also arrested when he lost his temper and tried to get back his paperwork which a professor stole from him when he was at the podium.

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Filed under .money matters

Saudi Arabia’s Fat Rulers Form Anti-Shia Sunni World Alliance To Wage War

From 2013:  Israel and Saudi Arab Alliance against Shia muslim – YouTube


The Saudi coup continues and note how it is now working on creating a Mega-ISIS operation, that is, after failing to overthrow a non-Sunni Muslim leader in Syria and while fighting non-Sunni Muslims in Yemen, the Saudi royals who are the least liberal, the most doctrinaire Sunnis on earth are now in this ‘alliance’ with others of the same sect to basically declare war on the Shi’a believers.  Far from being ‘an Arab NATO’ it is a JIHAD that can trigger WWIII.  All this is tied into 9/11: we were attacked by Sunni mostly Saudi terrorists and responded by attacking all bystanders and enabling the Saudis to flee the US while all citizens were locked down.  The lunacy surrounding the 9/11 event has enabled the Saudi royals to escape the punishments they deserve after attacking us.

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Filed under .money matters

Expensive NY Columbia University Is Increasingly Run By SJW Revolutionaries

USA: Cernovich gives speech at Columbia University while protest rages outside – YouTube


Columbia University is in the news today and so I decided to do a big story about that insane school that is utterly PC perfect and thus, is costing students an arm and a leg to ‘learn’ SJW garbage while packing away loot overseas which supports a very bloated administration while the professors lose pay.  All this is indicative of an exploiting system that destroys young people while making lots of profit, doing this destruction.

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Filed under .money matters

Sexapolypse Continues To Destroy Liberal DNC Machine: Detroit Conyers Going Down

Rep. Conyers lawyer hints he will take down many other congressional harassers if pushed too hard: no joke.  This may open the sex  flood gates.  This all reminds me of the corrupt DNC gang running NYC into bankruptcy in the late 1970’s going to war with me and ending up dead or in prison after my phone was tapped by the Special Prosecutor who found out they were breaking every possible law!  All except the dead on plead guilty to avoid a trial.  In this case, the DNC demanded we attack anyone who talks sexy in order to stop Trump only to see their own sex fiend politicians and Hollywood buddies go down in this Titanic Ship of Fools.

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Filed under .money matters

Liberals Double Down On ‘Russians Are Coming!’ Hysteria

Val Bennett – The Russians Are Coming – YouTube


Liberals have gone totally insane.  Up is down, inside is out.  They are relentlessly pursuing the ‘Russians run US elections, not mass media/Congress’ fake storyline.  All the giant corporations running our media systems and government are focused on convincing citizens that Russia, not they, run everything here.  This is a double edged sword.  Pretending to be very weak leads to people holding the powerful to be stupid, helpless and ineffective!  They also want us to believe that they are incompetent, too!  I agree: they are growing incompetent, weak and stupid!  Hooray!  And Russians are smart, clever and hard workers, to pull off this sort of ‘media coup.’

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Filed under .money matters