Monthly Archives: November 2014

Nation Freezes Much Of Last Year: NOAA Announces This is HOTTEST Year EVER

looks a lot like Xmas November 2014

I knew it!  I knew it!  NOAA: 2014 is shaping up as hottest year on record: utterly insane!  If this is the hottest year ever, ever, then I am insane.  But I am not insane.  NOAA which has a terrible record for predicting even one month’s worth of weather, is insane.  And liars.  They have monkeyed with the temperature data for several years now, cooling down the past and making the present warmer.  This is now officially insane.

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Filed under weather news

Crazy US Muslim Policies Cause More Chaos While US Becomes More Chaotic At Home

Egypt erupts over Mubarak ruling: Thousands take to the streets after judge rules ousted president WON’T face murder charges over Arab Spring protester killings: the US and Israel as well as Saudi Arabia arranged for the coup in Egypt.  Mubarak was overthrown by the people who then had this election which was fair.


Then Morsi was overthrown after the very rich 1% caused the economy to crash.  The military moved in and illegally removed him from his elected office exactly like Ukraine saw a year later.  The new dictator of Egypt, Sissi, has now attacked the people of Sinai, he eradicated this large town next to Gaza and drove out all the people who lived there and now has closed off Palestine to all trade making the ghetto there exactly like the Warsaw Ghetto.

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Filed under .diplomacy, Politics, religion

The Scouring Of The Shire: How Dispossessed English And French Normandy Peasants Rebuilt The Shire In The New World

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Agriculture — Per Square Mile: medieval strip farms transplanted into the New World by dispossessed European farmers.


This is rarely taught in American schools today: the series of revolutions and uprisings that swept the English countryside and how the freeing of the serfs led to them creating their own insular political system called ‘shires’.  The concept of a shire is very, very old and predates the Norman Conquest.  The Normans were few in number and quickly figured out how to exploit the shire concept and this is how the Normans moved wide and far, taking over things via the shire system.  Often this could be a bloody business as the old shire masters fought heroically back and this is where Robin Hood legends come from.  We should get rid of local policing. Ferguson shows why the system just doesn’t work. – The Washington Post is an editorial that claims the only way to run America is the Russian Czar system which Jewish immigrants are most familiar with and I say, as the daughter of the English system, this is a terrible solution!


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Filed under Politics

Thanksgiving Snowstorm On My New York Taconic Mountain

global warming extremely cold snowy thanksgiving 2014

We didn’t have anyone over for Thanksgiving because there was this blizzard.  This entire month aside from maybe three days, has been well below freezing and it feels like January.  We had a lot of snow and it didn’t stop until Friday morning.  This wasn’t a light, fluffy snow.  It was as dense as cement and very hard to snowplow.  I had to plow out the road six times to clear it off.  First plowing was the top 6″.  And had to use chains on the tires and 4W low drive.  Then the sun came out and I baked some cookies today.  Next weekend, if it doesn’t do anymore global warming, I will have a delayed Thanksgiving for everyone.


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Filed under weather news

Black Friday Shopping Hysteria: The Battle For Underwear At Victoria’s Secret For Women And Big TV Sets For Men


Black Friday causes chaos in England too – YouTube


The crazy mania is being exported to other countries.  People get trampled, huge TV boxes are grabbed from each other and then carried off like…looting stores during riots!  Looks the same.  Here is a really sad detail about all this zany shopping frenzy:  From a commentator at the You Tube site…zoonyxnet6 hours ago

If the leaked list from yesterday is accurate, I’m pretty sure those Samsung TV’s are UE40F5300’s – last year’s model for £349? Or you can just buy this years UE40H5500, a much better model at John Lewis, Currys or Richer Sounds for….. £349. Oh.



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Filed under Politics

Cameron Threatens To Take UK Out Of EU Due To Aliens Invading England

▶ €315 Billion: EU unveils plan to revive its ailing economy – YouTube


The sanctions against Russia are destroying Europe’s economy.  World oil prices are falling which hurts Russia…but also all the US supported Muslim dictatorships in the Middle East.  In England, the political system is blowing up due to EU policies and the banking collapse.  The EU and US press are in a full-blown effort to show that Crimea is very unhappy with Putin’s protection while totally ignoring the savage military attacks on Eastern Ukraine.  This is all part of a huge Xmas package celebrating WWI.  From Bilderberg Santa Claus, our friendly local rulers.

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Filed under .money matters, Politics

All Liberal Media Refused To Carry Story Of Elderly White Male Assaulted By Ferguson Rioters

This beastly act was witnessed by a TV news crew.  As the reporter notices the man lying on the ground, she decides they should contact 911 for an ambulance which indeed, showed up. The people standing around this victim did virtually nothing to help him, they just looked at him.  Now, this should have been the top news story afterwards…but let’s look at our biggest ‘liberal’ media!  I got this news from ENGLAND, not the US, by the way.

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Filed under Politics