Tag Archives: Obama

Leftist Puritans Schizophrenic Sex: Social Chaos Destroys Entertainment Systems

We are at a cultural watershed moment in our history.  I was part of the Free Love movement way back in California in the mid-1960’s and I was one of the first girls to use the Civil Rights Act to get access to ‘boys’ classes like shop and auto mechanics.  Today, girlz rule. Boys are being shoved out of our universities, they are last in line to get traditional male jobs and all systems are heading towards collapse.   Meanwhile, girlz want to be LADIES and be ‘sexy’ and attract the male gaze…and then scream bloody murder when men notice them!  Schizophrenic cultural hysteria rulz.

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Trump Economic Advisor Tears Apart Obama’s Lies About Economy

Trump Economic Advisor Drops A MOAB On Obama’s Economic Policies During WH Presser(VIDEO)!!! – YouTube


Trump’s advisors for economic matters, Kevin Hasset, has a series of graphs clearly showing that the Obama economic data was all dropping down and down until Trump came into the White House and then all the graphs show good growth.  Mainstream media is doubling down on the attacks on Trump and everything he does.  Also, the Benghazi disaster was mentioned by Obama in his recent speech attacking Trump, he said the mess there was caused by employees of the State Department who were trapped there.  And the Russia collusion fake story is deflating fast.   Also, hurricane Florence is huge and dangerous, Trump is aware of it (unlike Obama who ignored this sort of event).

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New Footage Shows Drone Attack On Venezuela’s Dictator and…Apple Attacks Infowars Openly

This leads to all sorts of the usual junk after assassination attempts.  Blame and counterblame…it may appear that some dissidents inside the military did this bombing because Maduro is systematically destroying Venezuela.  As is usual in politics, blame will be tossed everywhere and the CIA’s long history of doing this sort of thing remains an eternal problem.  Violent politics is always murkey.

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News From England: Obama Gave Money To Al Qaeda

The above story comes via the Daily Mail in England, not the USA.  This is common these days.  I used to go to overseas news 45 years ago to learn what was going on overseas since US news was mostly propaganda.  Today, I to overseas to see US news that is hidden here.  Much of what Obama and Hillary did when in power was concealed via a lying press and lying Congress.  Now, in dribbles and drabs, it is coming out but the attempts at concealment continue.  It has been obvious to observers that the CIA and White House were in collusion in supporting Muslim terrorists even to the point of letting these terrorists escape from Assad and move into Europe and the USA.

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Trump Triumphs Again: Pardons Black Boxer Obama Forgot

Citing Obama Failure, Donald Trump Pardons Boxer Jack Johnson Posthumously | Breitbart: Trump is trumping again.  A three time Trump is a triumph (insert the ‘i’ and ‘h’).  Obama didn’t do this and this action is deliberately a slap at Obama’s ‘legacy’.  Trump is on a roll now that he knows the Russia fake scandal is dead.  The mainstream fake news thinks they can rumble on about it but it is now dead.  Dead as a dead duck.  Will the left never learn?

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The Illegal Conspiracy To Spy On And Then Frame Trump Explodes


Records Show FBI ‘Informant’ Stefan Halper Was Paid $282,000 in 2016 For Spying on Trump — And Another $129,280 in 2017…and here we go!  Many of us have been saying for a while that this is a new Watergate only widdershins.  The DNC, after screwing up with Hillary and other criminals who run the DNC like Nancy Pelosi, tried to create an illegal coup to remove Trump based on fake information about him being a Russian agent.  Shades of McCarthy! I have said repeatedly that this aping of past political schemes would backfire and it is backfiring right now.

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Iran Foreign Minister Threatens To Release List Of Obama And EU Politicians It Bribed For Nuke Deal

Iran’s Foreign Minister Threatens to Expose Western Diplomats Who Took Bribes to Create the Iran Nuclear Deal:  HAHAHA.  Every hour, more news comes out concerning Kerry and his collusion with Iranian diplomats to try to thwart Trump’s actions against the Mullahs who recently crushed an open revolt against the revolting anti-women laws.  I thought the Pussy Hat females hate female oppression?  Nope.  They are OK if Muslims oppress, it would appear.  Silent about the crushing of women in Iran, the left soldiers on off this moral cliff they created, themselves.  I pray that Iran releases this list of corrupt, crooked politicians and I suspect that rich man Obama is on this list of bribed individuals along with Kerry and Hillary.

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