Monthly Archives: July 2019

Gillette Loses $8 Billion And DNC Debates Lose To Trump’s Rodent Remarks

‘Get woke/go broke’ hits again: Gillette is being utterly destroyed by their anti-male advertising which they insisted on doing not just once but repeatedly.  Way to go!  Also, we had the DNC debates again last night and this picture sums up how much the DNC hates patriotism:

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All Democrats Running For President Want To Give Our Own Money To Their Black Voters For ‘Reparations’

The Democrats running for President are handing out goodies like crazy.  They are promising their own voter base a world where the DNC base populations can loot the rest of us due to ‘reparations’ meaning all distant past situations should be fixed by looting innocent bystanders from today.  This open looting expedition is why Trump will win the election.

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Trump Tweets Drive Democrats Insane

The news about the alien immigrant in Congress, Ilhan, retweeting actor Tom Arnold’s tweet mocking fellow Congressman, Rand Paul who was attacked a year ago by a deranged DNC neighbor, should be grounds for condemnation by the House.  So far, every time this African woman does something horrible, Pelosi runs out to the press to say, ‘I don’t see nothin’…’  This willful blindness is making her a figure of mockery in public but then the entire DNC is morally collapsing as they push their twisted morals on us while running wild, themselves.

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Anti-Trump Prosecutors ‘Cannot Exonerate’ Is Radical Change To ‘Not Guilty’

Mueller was a total fraud.  Far from running any investigation, he was a mere figurehead for hiding the Democratic team of lawyers who ran this farce of an ‘investigation.’  He then lied to the public for over two years, pretending to be the leader when he was not even slightly running anything.  He clearly told Congress, he had NO IDEA what was going on due to being totally outside this fake investigation.

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Filed under .money matters

All Leftist Democrat Candidates Abuse Their Own Workers

The virtue signalling Democrats keep crashing and burning.  As all of the DNC candidates uniformly want workers to have higher wages, their own staff are being stiffed and told to work for free or low wages.  This is typical of all things the DNC demands.  For example, they uniformly believe we will roast to death if we consume energy products.  Meanwhile, these same people do exactly that in much greater amounts than the average American.  ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ is their motto.

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NYC Mayor De Blasio Demands Trump Debate Him About CRIME? HAHAHA

De Blasio wants to chatter with Trump about the gigantic mess De Blasio made of NYC.  I say, this is great!  Go for it!  Meanwhile, gangs of neighborhood destroyers mostly raised by welfare moms, riot in the city openly, attacking cops who are under orders to do nothing.  Also, the NYT attacks Trump all over again, claiming there has to be some excuse to impeach him hidden under the couch.  And the male who dresses as a female who destroyed a salon business via demanding ladies trim his balls, is discovered to also be a child sex rapist.  Who would have guessed?

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Filed under .money matters

Liberals Go Nuts All Over The Planet Earth, Schizophrenia Runs Rampant

This event was in Estonia which was once part of the Soviet Union.  The title of this monstrous ‘work of art’ (insanity) has a title: ‘No “But” can be used as an excuse.’  Excuse me, the butt here is inexcusable.  This female is probably one of the ugliest in Estonia if not all of Europe.  Also in the news: as always, cities and states run by Democrats also have populations attacking the police and citizens, nonstop while the DNC sides with illegal aliens nonstop.  Also, DNC run cities feature racist leftist black politicians attacking citizens for ‘racism’.

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