Monthly Archives: March 2017

Capture The Flag: Actor LaBeouf’s ‘He Will Not Divide Us’ Protest Collapses

<a href=””>Actor Shia LaBeouf had this ‘art project’ about Trump winning the election:  ‘He will not divide us’ was the slogan.</a>  The actor put it up in Hollywood and then moved it to other places as he tried desperately to show his fury and hate that Trump won the election.

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More Fake News: Mainstream Media Misreports Flynn’s Comments

Via Inforwars comes this story: Actual letter Flynn sent to the Senators:

He wishes to be protected from an obvious witch hunt.  This is because the top Bilderberg GOP/DNC creatures are recreating the McCarthy era hearings.  Time to say, ‘Have you no shame, sir?’  The mainstream media is lying about all this, as per usual, making up stuff out of thin air. Convicting Flynn before any information is out is classic McCarthyism.


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NYT Finally Decides To Let A Tiny Bit of Real News Invade Their Front Page

The NYT which has only propaganda now, has noticed we are making fun of them for this onesided, lopsided, often very obviously fake news so they decided today to have ‘left and right’ news sources which is rather comical.

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Filed under .money matters

Blizzard Tonight, Tomorrow, Saturday As Global Warming Gets Cold

Where is Spring?  It isn’t here, yet.  Tonight and tomorrow and Saturday, we will have this blizzard!  Today, finally, most of the snow that lay on the ground for the last month, melted and will be replaced with lots more snow.  Note the weather maps: the storms, the cold is coming from the Pacific Ocean, not just Hudson Bay.


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Filed under .money matters

Herr Junker Wants To Destroy USA Break It Up Because We Want Them To Pay More Money

Back in November, 2016, Junker the Nazi warned the US that they will destroy Trump.  Then Herr Junker did this again yesterday:  EU could BREAK UP the US: Juncker in jaw-dropping threat to Trump over support for Brexit!  These leeches who have ripped off US taxpayers for 60 years are not pissed off that Trump is forcing them all to pay up for once.  They won’t.

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Filed under .money matters

More Pit Bull Kill Stories: During BBC Pit Bull Interview, Dog Kills Owner


In England, a pit bull killed his owner when the BBC was filming them.  HAHAHA.  I bet it was supposed to be a story about how loving and kind and loyal these killer dogs really are?  If it was to illustrate how dangerous pit bull dogs are, then why isn’t the BBC showing us the dog attack?  I would watch it for amusement.

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Filed under .money matters

Leftists Riot Constantly In Portland Oregon Town Hall Meetings


A typical Portland, Oregon town hall meeting riot from last October.  They are doing this every meeting now as the leftists try to impose their rule via attacking citizens and slightly less leftist representatives who win elections.  These radicals are now doubly pissed off that the US voters didn’t go totally leftist.  They also have an agenda which is strangely very similar to the Bilderberg gang’s agenda.  The movement of the left towards the ruling elite’s desires is due to them being coddled and funded by rich internationalists like Soros.

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