Tag Archives: bankruptcy

Chicago Is Going Bankrupt: Total Democratic/Obama Failure

Chicago’s Debt Disaster – YouTube:


The entire state of Illinois is going bankrupt.  Union pensions, free trade destroying the industrial base, ‘global warming’ nonsense and crime by blacks and Hispanics are systematically destroying the state.  It is dying, rapidly.  Instead of fixing what went wrong, no one can even talk about what went wrong, nay, they are in total and utter denial of what is causing this bankruptcy and the entire DNC is guilty of this stupidity.

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24 Hrs: Mainstream Media Now Blames TRUMP For Bernie Voter Assassin

It doesn’t take even 24 hours for liberals to blame Trump for things…Bernie supporters do!  Everything is the fault of Trump.  Absolutely everything.  We all knew this would happen, it is inevitable.  GOP Congressman Sanford happens to be a Bilderberg guy.  So naturally, like some other top GOP clowns, he hates Trump.  A lot of the GOP hates Trump.  He is an outsider.

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Filed under .money matters

Olympics Bankrupt Brazil, Bankrupted Greece…35 Million Riot In Brazil Last Night

 Chaos Breaks Out In Rio De Janeiro – YouTube


Like dominos falling, every country and every city that hosts the bloated, over-priced Olympics either goes bankrupt or struggles to pay off the bills afterwards for years and years.  It has become a painful ‘event’.  Now, women are being systematically eliminated as fake females who are really men, take some hormones before the Olympics to qualify as ‘females’ and that is a huge kick in the ass for women.  But then, this is the fault of the fake liberals.  They did this.  The addition of ‘sports’ to the games over the years has become very expensive and TV watchers/people in the stands are in the very low figures for most of these events and they cost a lot to run.  So the Games are dying rapidly though, for propaganda purposes, these are still popular in…Japan and China!

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Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Dead


Trump killed with a pen, the TPP deal that the Bilderberg gang spent years creating and foisting on us all with no real public support.  Many people voted for Trump so he would do this.  The US has to stop the flood of red ink from that gigantic gaping wound: free trade.  Ending this is highly unpopular with the top .0001% who are filthy rich thanks to this major betrayal and this signals the end of the EU, too, for many Europeans are unemployable thanks to free trade deals between countries with zero feedback from citizens who are not citizens anymore and have the same status as illegal aliens…which our rulers are foisting on us, too, telling us illegal aliens get to choose our President.

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Filed under .money matters

Most Democratic Cities Are Rapidly Dying

Detroit ‘revitalization’ effort that turned into a financial disaster and new homes were demolished in neighborhoods with run down, empty, old housing alongside the new buildings.  This video appeared today on You Tube.  Yes, the push to build ‘new homes’ in dying former industrial cities ends up more often than anyone expected, to be torn down again after less than 5 years.  All that wasted money!


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US Military Bankrupting Nation—And Russian News Better Than US Fake News


Russia Today has a very interesting front page which I am mostly reproducing here to illustrate how much more comprehensive their news is compared to the top US papers.


First and most important, the news from Syria in the Russian news is diametrically opposite of the US news. The US news is treating the retreat as if it is a terrible thing and that the Russians and Syrian government are chasing out civilians, not rescuing them.  Russia, in turn, shows actual videos of people climbing out of the ruins, happy to be rescued.

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Filed under .money matters

Working Japanese People To Death While Running Giant Government Deficits


Screen shot 2016-04-04 at 7.33.42 AM

A Rubric for Comprehensive Tax Reform — The Tokyo Foundation

To preserve for future generations, I am going to simply post the comments to an article about Death by overwork on rise among Japan’s vulnerable workers ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion which shows how utterly destroyed the Japanese people are today, unable to fight back when reduced to a very noxious level of servitude and poverty so Japan can export products to America which has seen its own industrial base laid to ruin.  Japan has zero excuse for high debt when it has a trade surplus.  Look at this graph below to see how noxious it is in Japan:

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