Monthly Archives: October 2021

Democrats Destroying NY City Fire Many Firefighters, Police, Etc. If Not Vaccinated NOW


This firehouse in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood was one of two fire units that I used to live nearby and interacted with them both.  Back in the 1970’s, the Fifth Avenue part of the Park Slope community was being put to the torch by drug addicts who destroyed nearly everything there. They even threw a bomb into the bottom story of a brownstone on the corner of my block on Prospect Place and 5th Avenue.  Getting rid of the drug warlords was hard work but we finally won!  Well…that fire department which responded to the bombing and fire and put it out is now GONE!


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Filed under .money matters

Traitor Biden Visits Pope With His 85 Limo Parade To Talk About Global Warming!


The insanity of the communists and leftists continues nonstop now: Biden goes to the world summit to yap about how cars are going to kill us due to it being slightly warmer than the Little Ice Age…and does this via flying several gigantic jets and driving all over Europe with an 85 massive bullet proof 3 miles to the gallon limos!  This is the energy hog of the universe!  All this is bullet proof, too.  These Marie Antoinettes have zero idea how infuriating this is.  They deal with this by hiding it so ‘liberals’ in say, the USA, are blissfully deliberately unaware they are being played for utter fools.  Arrest Biden!  Charge him with destroying the earth via his blatant abuse of fossil fuels!

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Filed under .money matters

Desperate Virginia Dems Lie, Cheat and Steal To ‘Win’ Next Week Election


This is endless: the Democrats remain in power via several tools!  Crime and terror keeps voters from living in DNC hell hole cities, rigged voting machines and cheating while counting votes keeps power above the water line in these dead cities, women in the suburbs woke up to discover their daughters will be eliminated by men wearing dresses in all intellectual and physical competitions, there are many reasons to not vote DNC but the latest is the worse: Biden is giving millions of dollars to invaders from far away and letting them in and then we have to let these invaders vote, too!  Amazing.

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Anti-Vaccinationists Distort Statistical Evidence: Mississippi Death Rate Highest in America, Vermont Lowest


Tony Heller hates me.  He banned me at his web page in the past because I gave him important data to prove a point.  Oh no!  So here he is, yet again, making his point while lying about reality due to an inability to see ALL the data to understand things.  So I posted this at his video site on YouTube:

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Filed under .money matters

Crazy Democrats Want To Give Billion Dollars To Illegal Alien Invaders!

November 2, 2014, Obama ‘fixed’ our open borders by leaving them wide open and then demanding the invaders get to vote, etc.  We elected Trump to stop the invaders and so when Biden was put in power via vast vote cheating by illegal aliens and other tools, he reopened our borders!  Millions are pouring in.  The latest scam was for invaders to throw their children across the border (LITERALLY) and then demand ‘reunification of families.’  Instead of punishing parents doing this trick, Biden will give all of them A MILLION DOLLARS each!!! And apologize for ‘separating’ these crooks!  Arrest everyone involved in this scam.

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Schools Secretly Infiltrate Libraries With Porn Books


A father was physically removed from a school board meeting in Florida when he read, for the record, the porn filth in a book about sex that was in an elementary school library.  How dare he say those dirty words to the school board that put the book there!  HAHAHA.  So they censored him, not the dirty books they were pushing.  This is insanity.  This lunacy has sprung up everywhere and the DNC gang claims, parents should not interfere with DNC control of schools.  Trust them!

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Virginia School Bosses Forbid Parents From Publishing Critical Race Theory Teaching Tools


Our new communist Attorney General wants to impose California-style legal rule on the entire USA.  In California, criminals and drug addicts and illegal aliens run riot and the state is going straight to hell and the DNC wants to impose this on the entire country and are succeeding as violent crimes, chaos and destruction of all systems is now utterly destroying civilization.  Why these lunatics want this is obvious: they hope this will cause a communist takeover and dictatorship so they can kill off a hundred million citizens and thus, have a typical communist ‘paradise’ like we have seen so often in the past.

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Filed under .money matters