Monthly Archives: August 2018

Trump Will Not Allow Censorship By ‘Liberal’ SJW Computer Internet Platforms

Trump: ‘We As A Country Cannot Tolerate Political Censorship, Blacklisting and Rigged Search Results’

Trump: We Will Not Tolerate Censorship, Blacklisting, Rigged Search from Big Tech:

I watched Trump’s speech last night.  He is full of energy and his packed audience was very, very, very enthusiastic and loud.  Far from being harried and worried, Trump was triumphant and secure.  Naturally, the mainstream media freaked out frequently because he openly attacks them for being ‘fake news’ which is obvious to me, they have been ‘fake news’ much of my long life.  Trump is winning the next elections due to the DNC going full ‘illegal aliens’ on us, demanding that lawbreakers be treated as superior to citizens.  Far from on the ropes due to the many investigations, Trump is playing a classic ‘rope-a-dope’ on the Bilderberg gang.  Every time they hit him, he bounces back and slugs them in the snout.

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Bilderberg Movie About Neil Armstrong Leaves Out Planting US Flag On Moon

Neil Armstrong biopic leaves out moment he plants US flag on moon | Daily Mail Online both my father and father-in-law were friends back in the 1960s’s.  I own a piece of the moon that was given to me via Neil Armstrong.  It is amazingly light and airy, not dense.  I suspect the lower gravity caused rocks melted by meteor strikes to not be compressed like on earth.  The reason the flag was cut from the movie is ‘no one cares, who needs it?’  Also, I notice that yet another mainstream organization has staff who are rude, crude and horrible and never are fired or punished if they are SJW nasty people.

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Alex Jones Wins Battle With Bilderberg Internet Kings

Click here to see Alex Jones: “Trump Releases Viral Video – #StopTheBias”


The President made it totally clear late yesterday, all the giant Bilderberg corporations better cease banning American citizens from using their systems to access audiences online.  Google and Facebook and other evil organizations began wholesale banning of citizens who are even slightly conservative.  They hoped to divide and conquer by telling future victims, only the ‘bad’ guys would be censored and then censored people like…Trump, himself!  Now, these clowns are in full retreat and are promising to stop censoring everyone else.

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Trump’s Commission On Censorship Infuriates Bilderberg Gang Media Giants Like Google

Livestream: Trump’s Presidential Commission On Censorship Will Save America


Google is refusing to talk to Congress about blatant censorship.  DC is trying to understand ‘Russian meddling’ in the election which saw immense meddling by California liberal big businesses that hate Trump.  Google has screwed with me all year long, for example.  I want Google punished.  Also, CNN claims ANTIFA is a black power movement and it is racist to say ANTIFA is evil.  HAHAHA.  And South Africa’s new ruler is going to confiscate guns and land which is OK for liberals here who want to do the same. Continue reading


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NY Times Attacks Trump’s Epic Trade Deal With Mexico

The New York Times finally ran stories about the wonderful trade deal Trump hammered in Mexico which undid a lot of GOP/DNC Bilderberg garbage that was rapidly destroying our economic state.  The gang is furious!  All the stories at the NYT explains how evil Trump is for fixing what they, the NYT worked hard to destroy.  That is, American workers and taxpayers who are stuck with the bills due to red ink in trade and the loss of US good paying jobs!  Oh, and Trump doing this while telling the street urchin running Canada to go jump off a cliff, this infuriates our treasonous NYT  gang no end.  How dare he defy them and their foreign buddies!

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Trump Wins NAFTA Fight, Changes Obama/Bush/Clinton Bad Deals

U.S. and Mexico Reach Bilateral Deal on NAFTA | Breitbart:

yes, Trump, the Deal Maker made yet another deal Bush Jr. and Obama Peace Prize couldn’t even imagine doing, nay, both of those traitors actively destroyed US jobs and facilitated the removal of US jobs to foreign entities often hostile entities.  The DNC was supposed to be pro-union but that was fake.  They are pro-export good paying jobs and bringing in strikebreakers, aka, illegal aliens.

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Violent Hysteria Grips Liberal Nations

The Gateway Pundit: this online publication carries quite a bit of real news.  I find this very interesting, it also has ‘hit pieces’ but this is in a world that is mainstream media publishing nothing but ‘hit pieces’ attacking Trump over every possible iota of whatever they can seize including totally fake scandals while hiding or refusing to discuss real triumphs and changes for the better under Trump’s guidance.  This very much includes the wall to stop massive illegal alien invasions, the mainstream medai supports replacing citizens with hostile foreign entities many of whom openly talk about or do things intended to destroy our nation. This is called ‘treason’ and we have rising violence due to political hysteria like the Jacksonville shooting.

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