Monthly Archives: November 2021

All Democrats Terrorize Us About Wearing Covid Masks Then Party Without Masks



Over and over again, our elites tell us to wear a mask even today, they are yelling about this and all the time, over and over again, they do not mask up, themselves!  This is annoying and disgusting and now these monsters are saying, we will be punished if we don’t wear masks and I assure everyone here upstate NY are not wearing masks in the countryside where I live.  We haven’t since roughly a year ago!  Our elites have done the ‘we get to go anywhere any time with no masks on’ scam since the first month of the epidemic.  The people doing this are Democrats and this is why even poorly informed voters who support the Democrats are getting fed up, too. About time, I say.

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Democrats Force More White Kids School Bussing To ‘Fix’ Black Schools



Minneapolis is a dying city.  The recent riots which now pop up regularly at the drop of a hat have decimated that city and it is being driven off a cliff.  The remaining white people are now fleeing the mess created by the Democrats and their illegal alien cohorts.  Crime is literally shooting upwards as it is in all DNC hell hole cities.  The fix the Democrats cooke up this year?  Ah, force white children to go to collapsing black schools where they will be utterly outnumbered by kids mainly on welfare/government money or ship gangs from the inner city to the ‘white’ neighborhoods so they can run riot there, too.

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Young Males Have ‘Myocarditis’ In Bigger Numbers Compared To All Other Populations


There is something to learn from the data about heart problems post-vaccination which I find most interesting.  We see from the CDC study above, in NORMAL TIMES, 76% of all victims of sudden heart problems like we see today are…YOUNG MALES.  This is very important and not discussed enough, it is also alarming to see this information. I remember bits and pieces of my own struggle to survive the Hong Kong Flu many years ago and in recovery, I went from a very strong, athletic teenager into a frail old lady who could barely walk and had a terrible memory problem.

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Xi Forces WHO Use Of Proper Greek Letter For New Africa Covid Outbreak: Xi


More bizarre news: evidently the Chinese who forbade the use of the words ‘Wuhan’ to describe where the disease originated now don’t want the UN organization, WHO use the Greek letter ‘Xi’ to name this new incarnation of this disease!  HAHAHA.  This is absurd.  It seems ‘let’s be insane’ is the new Bilderberg motto.  This is, after all, a Bilderberg choice, they are doing this in Europe and the US.  This insidious organization is warping language and information like crazy now.  Everything has to conform to their orders, the weather, diseases, governments, all systems must obey the edicts of this secretive group of very rich, very connected people who hate the rest of us and wish to crush us once and forever.

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Filed under .money matters

Black Flash Mob Steal All Crowbars/Hammers From California Home Depot


Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ scheme is to send lots and lots of money to DNC hell  hole cities that are being systematically destroyed by armies of criminals who love the Democrats and congregate in DNC hell hole cities so they can loot, rape and burn everything and also…kill each other and anyone who interferes with this.  Way to go, Democrats!  Unable to understand why this is very, very bad, the DNC and liberals double down on the stupid and now want to spend a zillion inflation dollars, pouring more money into…hell hole cities!  This is a total waste of taxpayer value and is killing the value of the dollar, too.

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New Botswana Virus Scares Europe Stocks Fall


Classic ‘close the barn doors after the horses fled’ moment!  Military is going to try to stop surge of covid19 patients by having the governor and her DNC buddies import several million illegal aliens into the USA and settling many of them in Michigan’s slums which are entirely run by the Democrat machine politicians. Now we have a new variant of this disease from Africa, the last continent to host a variation of this disease!  From Israel to Belgium, this new germ showed up as people flew in and out of Africa with zero restrictions!

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Last Continental Push: Covid 19 South Africa Mutation Surges In Africa

I notice that every six months, a new mutation of the coronavirus suddenly appears in another continent in a new mutation and then spreads all over the earth.  Each time, it hammers the new continent.  In today’s example, a new coronavirus is in South Africa.  So far, Africa has had barely any cases of the virus.  Now, it will spread rapidly there but will have muted effect in the US which hosted the first variation of the disease in March, 2020.

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