Tag Archives: China

The Very Civilized YouTube Creator, Black Pigeon Speaks, Has Been Utterly Eliminated No Warning

The SJW gnomes who now run You Tube just annihilated a man who never cussed, never accused falsely, never abused anyone in his videos…they annihilated it totally and posted the above: this channel does not exist.  There were no reports of anything illegal or illicit, no conversations, it just happened like a sniper using a gun.  The destruction of conversations on You Tube has ended with a bang.  Alex Jones was the first, Black Pigeon is the third with Louder With Crowder as the inbetween act.

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Kavanaugh Accuser Refuses To Answer Questions, SJWs Attack Bert And Ernie Creator Oz

The DNC conspiracy to stop the Kavanaugh nomination is collapsing.  The SJW California professor female harridan is now defying Congress and saying she won’t answer any questions.  This is because we now know this was all fake, cooked up by her and Feinstein to defame Kavanaugh and I hope he sues her for defamation of character.  What she and Feinstein did was utterly illegal.  And this kills off the remains of that noxious ‘Me Too’ movement.

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Why Couldn’t Ancient Rome Invent Stirrups?

Ancient Technology: WARFARE – History Documentary – YouTube


I used to do Medieval Warfare games, my main concern when playing in fantasy war games was concentrated mainly on tactical warfare situations.  Shaping events on a battlefield is greatly amusing.  A lifelong love of sword fighting and playing war games causes me to think about war systems and how civilizations rise and fall due to sudden technological changes on the battlefield.  Many things have been invented, 99% of the time, by fighting males.  Today, I want to discuss why even ancient Rome couldn’t figure out something as simple as the stirrup.

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New York Times Goes Hysterical Over Conservative Supreme Court Judge

The New York Times and its crew of SJW lunatics are having huge hissy fits right now.  A sort of conservative judge was picked by Trump for the Supreme Court.  The Times celebrates the collapse of Brexit as the Bilderberg gang slips a leash back onto the British workingclass.  The decimation of both the US and British workers is the SJW goal as with all communist systems.  Workers are deprived of liberty, choice and opportunity.  Then there is the capitalist Chinese: many want to move to the US and live in SJW cities here!  I will explain why since I know the Chinese rulers quite personally and intimately and am the grandmother of a Chinese boy.


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Trade War With China Begins In Ernest: Trump Must Win

The US media is now howling with fear and rage because finally…FINALLY…we have a real President who perhaps has seen my 100 cartoons about how dangerous and stupid ‘free trade’ is and how fatal it is for the US.  Our trade deficit with the world grew and grew most of my long long life and is out of control and all our fake allies and obvious future enemies run great trade surpluses with the US.  This battle has to be won otherwise we will go BANKRUPT.  California, internally, is going bankrupt despite having a huge, huge financial advantage, for example, due to taking in endless illegal aliens for cheap labor who then stay on welfare and collapse the State.  The US will collapse like California.  The trade deficit makes American rich people richer while destroying the working class, making it poorer.

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Trump Threatens To Release ALL 9/11 Secret Information!

This is a cartoon from my news service 11 years ago.  The shadow of 9/11 stretches over our nation and keeps us in the dark even today.  Fake stories like ‘bombs in the buildings’ nonsense has driven most people away from this topic making it impossible to talk about how the US public was lured into several very illegal and illicit wars that destroyed several nations and keeps these in complete chaos even today…this open sore can’t even be mentioned anymore lest mindless people roar about fake stories planted by the CIA to keep citizens from examining 9/11 but today, the GOP is now leading the charge to expose all 9/11 Saudi information that was deliberately kept deeply secret even from CONGRESS by Bilderberg operatives who controlled our government all the way up until Trump won the election.

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Liberals Go Insane With Fury Due To Trump/Kim Diplomacy Working Like Magic

Daily Mail Online has a number of stories about the Trump/Kim summit and most of the ‘news’ is the Bilderberg gang members whining about Trump’s latest diplomatic coup.  Each day, the rage grows greater to the point that ‘liberals’ who supposedly love us, wish to see us suffer a major recession in order to get rid of Trump, for example.  These clowns would happily start WWIII in order to rule us.  Every Trump diplomatic victory is a nail in the Bilderberg gang’s coffin so hammer away!

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