Tag Archives: climate change

Special Prosecutor Will Now Go After Obama/Clinton Gangsters

Well, the shoe is now officially on the other foot.  The DNC gang and the agents overseas who are all Bilderberg co-conspirators from Obama to Hillary and on down will now be fully investigated by a real investigation team, not a political cover up co-conspirator machine.  The DNC is sweating bullets so they want to impeach Trump which is deliciously insane.

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Democrats Double Down On ‘Climate Change’ Demand ‘Green New Deal’ To Kill Us

We see the entire DNC focused on making the USA colder even as we see it get colder and colder as we slide into yet another cold cycle.  The global warming fraud was changed to ‘climate change’ in order to keep up the plans to kill off most lower class people by denying them energy use, leaving it only for the rich energy hogs.  The NYT, run by elites in an elite city that has way too many ‘useless population’ is the headquarters for this push to deny energy to the masses.

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Bilderberg News Media Still Carry ‘Poor Polar Bears Have No Ice’ Propaganda As Millions Freeze In Super Cold

The London Daily Mail which the Bilderberg gang announced yesterday is a ‘conservative news’ organization and thus, ‘fake news’ carries daily stories about how we are actually roasting to death due to global warming which is a Bilderberg lie set up by our Real Rulers which baffles me.  The Daily Mail has worked nonstop to attack Trump and the rest of us, supports the stay in the EU junk and kisses up to the insidious, annoying ‘royals’…and yet is classified as ‘fake news’ alongside Breitbart and the Gateway Pundit and Alex Jones!  I find this hilarious.  The stories in that rag today peddling fake global warming news is along the same lines as the rest of the fake mainstream news lies!  Yet they are being attacked for not being ‘PC’ enough.

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Senate Won’t Fund Border Wall, Ginsberg Dying, Liberals Want Destruction

Citizens fundraising for building a wall on our southern border have raised over $14 million in just five days, this is now a record for online fundraising!  Bravo.  This is called ‘putting money where you mouth is’ and unlike the corrupt politicians in DC, citizens are making it very clear, we are serious about protecting our civilization.  The far left wants to destroy civilization for they love Mad Madame Mao and her young communist terrorists who nearly totally destroyed China years ago.

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Trump Wins Secret Deal With Mexican President Who Then Denies This Leading To Crisis

These are tweets by our President about negotiations for a secure border thanks to personal diplomacy by Trump and his administration.  For the last 30 years, any President could have done the same but did not.  Instead, after Reagan legalized illegal aliens, after they all promised to secure the borders, they didn’t bother doing this and when Trump started doing this as promised, Congress and mainstream media and giant corporations exploiting foreign cheap labor all rose up to defy him and fight him tooth and nail.

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Southern California Only Place With Global Warming, SNOW In Texas!

Intellicast maps.

California is warm, has drought and fires while other half of nation freezes, very wet: We are having a very cold fall.  It is more like winter where I live.  I used to live in California during the previous cold cycle of the 1970’s.  It was cold and wet back then.  This time around, California is still hot and dry but that won’t last much longer.  But due to the fires and hysteria, the DNC is screaming that we have to make the world much colder to keep Southern California happy.  I have many disputes with ‘climate scientists’ (sic) and one of them is ‘how to interpret weather patterns.’

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Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Six More Weeks of Severe Winter!

Groundhog Day 2018: Watch Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction live – YouTube


Well, the Groundhog from Hell has announced this morning that we have six more weeks of winter.  I figured this would happen last September when it snowed here on my mountain.  The winter has been extremely cold so far and according to the next half a month forecast, it will rarely rise above freezing and be frequently in single digits at night!  So much for ‘global warming’ which they renamed ‘climate change’ and they want to change the name again…hahaha.

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