Monthly Archives: June 2017

Friday Funnies and Frauds and Opportunities Galore!

“You Spent 353 Minutes Attacking Trump” Sarah Sanders Slams Reporter – YouTube:

Finally, someone with brains is representing Trump: Sarah Sanders.  While the fake news clown circus show focused on TWEETS and all sorts of idiot stuff, she explained exactly how many minutes of her time, answering questions, were devoted to top issues today: virtually none.  The vast majority were about Trump being a Russian agent and tweets!  This childish fixation on trivial matters characterizes the mainstream media.

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Filed under .money matters

Project Veritas Has More CNN Videos…In NJ, Hasid Jews Arrested For Welfare Fraud, NO BAIL Needed

Covers for June 28, 2017 | New York Post attacks CNN.

The veil hiding the fake news systems is being ripped to shreds.  The liberals cling to fake news with desperation and I am a real liberal who has been quite alienated by the crazy quilt world of ‘liberalism’ which is based on lies about free trade, what money is really, exporting jobs hurting citizens, armies of illegal aliens committing crimes and stealing jobs and living off of welfare while our budget deficit shoots upwards!  I am for personal freedom and equality and not this pandering, letting people steal stuff, as well as lying about real information that can be confirmed.

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Filed under .money matters

Trump Mocks MSNBC Then GOP Bilderberg Gangsters Attack Him, Too

MSNBC’s Mika and Joe slam Trump after facelift tweet | Daily Mail Online reports.

The battle between the behemoths continues.  The mainstream media is covering this story in their usual, lying, hysterical, ninny way and Trump rolls over them as their world collapses.  They can’t call him a Russian agent anymore so they want now to impeach him for being rude to lying creeps who run our ‘media’.  This is a hilarious battle the mainstream fake news is doomed to lose.

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Filed under .money matters

California Voted Big For Clinton And Is Being Systematically Destroyed By DNC Populations

California Assembly speaker gets death threats – YouTube Mob of union state workers and leftist activists demand full healthcare in California that will cost more than entire present budget.  And full healthcare for illegal aliens who are over several million now.  The state of Illinois is going rapidly bankrupt with rich California right down the same street to hell.  On top of this, both states have huge crime problems which are systematically destroying even rich parts of the state as we shall see in this story.

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Filed under .money matters

CNN Blasted By Trump Supporters (Me Too) And CNN Claims Trump Is Endangering THEM!

The Media Empires Strike Back: yes, they are now attacking Trump and the rest of us voters, screaming that by showing videos of them openly lying and boasting about lying, videos of the mass media playing dirty tricks or setting up staged fake events so they could push their agenda on us all…and worse, drive us into WWIII and egging on people into assassinating Republicans especially Trump…now they are whining about being shown to be fakers and fools!  HAHAHA.

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Merkel Insults US Officials And Trump: Dump NATO Now!

President Trump Gives Nasty Surprise To Obama and Merkel After They Tried to Embarrass Him In German – YouTube: this happened during the Trump trip overseas a month ago.


Obama went to Merkel to undermine Trump when he was doing his first international tour.  Merkel conspired to be as insulting as possible and I wrote about this before but look at it now: Merkel is going down due to her adherence to the notion that all nations should be invaded by millions of illegal aliens who should be allowed to destroy society.  The Germans voted for this being suicidal and yes, Germans are very suicidal and like the Japanese, just can’t design a society that functions in a healthy way.  Both will cease to exist in 30 years and both seem bent on starting WWIII.

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Filed under .money matters

My Old Home Town, Tucson, Has Terrible Crime Wave And No Idea How To Stop It!


While researching crime in California, where I once lived and my family lived since before the Civil War, I decided to check out crime in my old hometown of Tucson, Arizona, where my family also lived since before the Civil War.  I and others ran a vigilante anti-crime group whereby we even used guns to take down criminals, kidnappers and rapists.  When I was forced to leave when Tucson condemned our entire neighborhood, I said, ‘You will be sorry, you will miss me in the future!’ and I went on to tackle NYC criminals, instead.  Now, I have abandoned the Big City and live on my isolated and well armed mountain retreat.  What a mess, liberals make of everything they touch!

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