Tag Archives: Congress

DNC Congressmen Attacks/Smears Black Candice Owens, Calls Her ‘Nazi’

Nadler is a Jewish Congress person.  Candace Owens is a conservative Democrat black woman.  The dictatorial head of the committee questioning Candace acted like Nazis while attempting to smear her as a ‘Nazi’ due to her explaining how ‘Nazis’ work politically when she used Hitler as an example of ‘motivating people’ in a speech she gave years ago.  This is insanity.  The racists in the Jewish community and black community are running riot, screaming at everyone else for being ‘racist’ while they are all extremely ‘racist’, themselves.

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Filed under .money matters

Congress Defunds Trump Wall GOP Also Wants More Foreign Labor, Too

Congress, which is still run mainly by the Bilderberg gang, has cooked up a fantastic budget deal with Paul Ryan leading the betrayal of Trump.  There is NO money for ANY wall with Mexico, the importation of workers will continue with at a HIGHER rate and the betrayal runs through the entire budget. Whatever Trump wants, he will not get. I expect him, if he is smart, to veto this budget mess.  This does reveal who the traitors really are, of course.  No surprise to me.  The cartoon above is very old, I did it years ago.  Nothing has changed since then.

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Filed under .money matters

Trump’s State Of the Union Address Was Great Victory


The DNC has decisively sided with illegal aliens against citizens and are waving the ‘we love aliens a great deal’ while preparing for Trump’s first State of the Union address.  Trump carefully celebrates LEGAL aliens who become citizens, thus exposing the DNC as anti-American unlike himself.  It takes no cleverness to do this, the DNC set itself up for this, themselves.  I am watching the State of the Union speech while writing tonight.  Note: the Recy thing the DNC white women are using is referring to the extremely rare rape of a black woman by white men…and that, long ago.  This is so insane.

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Infowars Infiltrates Google Venice Beach Building, A Creepy Place With Giant Spy Glasses!

BANNED! Red Elephants & Millie Weaver Confront Google Over Censorship – YouTube


I didn’t know that the Google headquarter building in lovely Venice Beach, CA, where years ago, a crazy man shot at me six times…hehehe…they have a big office there with modern architecture including a huge car entrance shaped like spy binoculars!  Wow.  Well, Infowars decided to question staff there as they came and went and no one would talk, they stare straight ahead and march to their PC Places of Work to fix the planet via being creeps and censoring people and other fun stuff beloved of all communist dictators.

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Trey Gowdy Relentlessly Goes After Comy In Hunt Of Red October Election Collusion Hysteria

Trey Gowdy In A MASSIVE takedown Of James Comey – YouTube


There is this very old fairytale rule: when an evil person is asked what punishment to give to some innocent person, they always choose ‘death by torture’ only to discover, they are sentencing themselves and then are punished!  Well, we are seeing this today: the DNC/GOP secret plan to collude in putting Trump out of office via falsely claiming he got money and help from Putin, has turned into a mess for Hillary and Obama who really DID take money from Putin and sell uranium to Russia, etc.  I hope they all go to prison.

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Washington Post Kills London Dodgy Dossier Steele Story Gang Taking 5th In Congress Hearings

Congress is now investigating the Steele fake Russian dossier.  The group involved with the beginning of the whole Russia is running our elections garbage cooked up a fake (CIA fingerprints all over this garbage) dossier which they handed off to my distant relative in England, Mr. Steele.  He then handed this to the media which immediately jumped on board and have been howling about how Trump is a Russian agent ever since.  This pile of poo is now stinking up everything as it is revealed to be all lies and instead, Hillary and Obama were knee deep in the Russian poo instead and of course, that makes nearly no headlines.

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After More GOP/DNC Attacks, Trump Strikes Back In Phoenix

LIVE: PROTESTS OUTSIDE President Trump’s RALLY Phoenix Arizona Trump Speech in Arizona 8/22/17 – YouTube


As Order Out of Chaos continues (the slogan of the Real Rulers) the ANTIFA gangs which are bussed all over the country to attack Trump supporters arrived in Phoenix, Arizona, to do the usual violent rioting they have done nonstop all year long.  They are highly emboldened by the GOP/DNC/Fake News machine (aka: the Bilderberg gang) to attack Trump now.  Even yesterday, the head of the Senate GOP attacked Trump AND he also said that ANTIFA has no responsibility for the riots, it is all the fault of patriots…I see seething rage building at the base of the GOP which leaders seem to be at war with their own base now.

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