Monthly Archives: January 2022

Truckers All Over World Join Brave Canadian Truckers: Defy Global Elites!


The Trucker Revolt is now global.  As the news leaks out online, truck drivers in all countries say ‘YES!’ and they are organizing their own demonstrations against covid lock downs and actions by our rulers who VIOLATE THEIR OWN RULES all the time as I will show here today.  I am just posting a bunch of tweets showing clearly how the elites screw over their citizens in this covid business.  This is a true revolt and so far, unlike the Bilderberg gang buddies in Black Lives Don’t Matter and ANTIFA Infants, these truckers are peaceful protesters…so far.  But I foresee the elites attacking them.  Insane, isn’t it?  Arrest all the elites doing these crimes against citizens!

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Filed under .money matters

Young Black Lawyer Beauty Queen Suicide Jump From Giant Manhattan Condo Tower


This unmarried, 30 year old beauty queen black female killed herself by jumping off of one of the ugliest condo buildings in the world, this huge, cold monstrosity on 42nd Street that replaced elderly brick Victorian tenements built for dock workers 150 years ago.  Now, gigantic glass towers rear upwards to the high heavens, intimidating and impersonally cold blooded tributes to making quick money in real estate.  This poor female who wanted to be the prettiest woman in America was pandered to all her life and yet could not find a man to marry and instead, found herself on the corporate treadmill, trying to justify her ‘work’ while really wanting love.


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Filed under .money matters

JP Morgan Bankers Under Subpoena By Grand Jury Examination Of All Biden Foreign Bribe Deals


It is finally, three years too late, beginning: the investigation of all those sweet deals the Biden clan and buddies made with COMMUNIST CHINA and many other foreign entities!  This is core to the treason charges that must be pushed to remove an obvious Chinese communist agent from the White House.  I have been yelling about this for a long, long time!  Biden knows his goose is now cooked.   He should resign while under investigation, this is TREASON.

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Filed under .money matters

New NY Mayor Attacks Police!


Many New Yorkers. terrified of the collapse of law and order, were tricked into voting for a black man who was someone in uniform. The hope was, he would back the cops. One month into office sees multiple police murdered or shot and crime getting even worse than under de Blasio!  So what did Adams do?  Why, he attacked the cops and warned them not to be mean to violent, out of control black criminals who are systematically destroying all DNC hell hole cities!  Arrest Adams!


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Filed under .money matters

Arrest Them all: Biden Gang Collected $31 Million From Chinese Spy Front Operations


The proof of outright treason by the Biden gang and their buddies pours in every day.  Arrest them all!  Of course, this is now resetting the stage for Biden’s inevitable arrest for treason.  Top politicians are now calling for Biden to be impeached and this is inevitable now.  There is ample proof of treason!  As our country is flooded with violent illegal aliens who seek to overthrow our government and spread chaos, this was enabled and engineered and then secretly spread to every US city as free agent invaders are positioned to cause maximum chaos which would give the Biden gang the excuse to impose military law and order of the communist sort!  Arrest all of these people trying to pull an obvious coup.

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Filed under .money matters

2008, I Wrote About Magic Money And Inflation, Why Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Poorer

Culture of Life News from October 23, 2007: Central Bank Wizards Wave Wands Like Mad Today


This is a posting from both 2007 and 2008 wherein I explain the China/Japan duo and their interactions with the US and EU which causes market distortions, inflation and economic collapses as the Bilderberg gang tries their best to get inhumanly rich.  During the coronavirus lockdowns the super rich became super duper rich as people died.  This is common for them, they make loot when people die.  This is due to the fundamental nature of the Cave of Wealth and Death.  We see this clearly now, literally, a plague has made the super rich even richer and they gloat about this as they hand out fake money to people who are getting poorer and poorer, the more money is handed to them for free.

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Filed under .money matters

Wish Upon A Star: Long Ago I Explained Via Funny Cartoons How The Super Rich Are Doomed


I published this very useful explanation in 2009, why we have regular economic collapses and end up with rampant inflation over and over again whenever the Bilderberg gang goes crazy, needing endless sums of ‘money’ to keep themselves happy and contented.  The limit is INFINITY.  They need infinite wealth to sake their appetite for owning everything, everywhere, all the time.  Ask Bill Gates about this!


And here it the story from 13 years ago at Culture of Life News:


Even though many people imagine, they can just walk into the Cave of Wealth and Death and get rich, most can’t do this.  First, there is a lot of naked fear.  Fear of ghosts.  Fear of the dark.  Fear of the gods and goddesses.  Fear of retribution.  Many people talk about going in but few can endure this trial.  Most people stop at the Portal and pray for wealth and power.  They pray for good luck.  But there are some who not only can go into this dark place but actively desire this and indeed, are driven to do this.  I call these people, ‘Gnomes.’

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Filed under .money matters