Tag Archives: crime

CNN Verbally Rape Melania Trump: Frequent DNC Attacks On First Lady Increasingly Unhinged

SICK. CNN Regular, Daily Beast Columnist and #NeverTrump Leader on Melania Trump: “World-Class Resting Bitch Face”


Today’s editorial here is all about how black DNC politicians and female DNC bitches (which is the correct word to use here) are racist as well as sexist in the worst way.  The many supporters of these gangs in the media have turned into bitches and racists and egg on their readers and watchers to do the same.  All of this nasty hate badly needs a mirror so these lunatics can see how horrible they really are.  The hatred poured on poor Mrs. Trump are obviously hurting her badly and they revel in hurting her as much as possible which makes them sadists on top of being sexists.

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Bilderberg Gang Now Has Citizen Heroes Arrested For Fighting Criminals Attacking Europe

78 Year Old Man Charged With Stabbing Armed Burglar To Death – YouTube


I arrested many people in New York City way back when the city went bankrupt and decided to not bother with stopping criminals. Now, it is illegal to do this.  Isn’t that interesting!  I had a 100% ‘guilty plea’ rate, too!  Well, now people defending themselves from people breaking into their homes are being arrested and charged because they are supposed to run away from criminals, abandoning their homes in Europe!

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ANTIFA Attacked Charlottesville Mayor And City Council, Screaming Death Threats

(118) Charlottesville council meeting erupts in chaos – YouTube


Dan Lyman – Home | Facebook  has this report: Charlottesville City Council Meeting Explodes As Alt-Left Mob Devours Its Own | NewsWars


I predicted this would happen.  The ANTIFA gangs finally know for certain that the Ruling Elites of both parties want them to succeed in destroying Trump and his followers and so they are now attacking the DNC/RNC traitors who boxed in Trump this week with fake news and fake charges.  The Great Destruction has begun.  I wonder if the stupid elites will wake up in time?  This is going to be funny as all hell.

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Filed under .money matters

Google Issues NEW ‘Code Of Conduct’ Which Is Full Of Lies!

Full Show – Patriots Organize March On Google Headquarters Across The Country – 08/11/2017 – YouTube


On August 7th, due to freaking out over the expose of the Google employee who does coding stuff, Google issued a new, better ‘Code of Conduct’ which says, Google will never do what Google is doing right now, that is, lying, cheating and abusing employees and firing anyone who dares to question what Google is doing!  This doubles down the charges James Damore made, that is, it proves his case!  Worse, it gives other equally abused employees grounds to join in a class action lawsuit against Google’s executives and they will win.  I hope they wake up and do this for Google is sailing off the SJW cliff.  It has become utterly useless as a service this last six months as they try desperately to attack or destroy anyone who isn’t a SJW fanatic.

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Filed under .money matters

Portland OR Gets New Chief Police: Ms. Outlaw 17 Years Running High Crime Oakland CA

Portland’s new police chief tells officers she values them, here to ‘strengthen’ their work: Yes, chalk up another female victory here!  This woman has zero experience patrolling any cities.  She is a ‘kicked upstairs’ person who goes to SJW schools and learns how to run cities from crazy professors and then sallies forth to fix things real good.  Portland, Oregon has been under assault by SJW nonstop so they are fixing this by having one of these run the police.  HAHAHA.  And where does this person come from?  OAKLAND, California, a place being ravaged by gangs of out of control black young people.

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Trump And Putin Battle The Bilderberg Gang Who Want Destruction Of Society

Los Angeles SJW and Hispanic Power politicians have decided to boycott any companies who build the wall that will stop illegal aliens from crossing the border whenever they wish, to commit crimes or steal citizen’s jobs.  This sort of treason is a key feature of all the DNC-run cities.  The entire DNC leadership is pro-illegal alien and anything anyone does to stop the flood will be attacked and we saw during the election how anyone trying to go to a Trump rally was attacked in these DNC cities while the police were told to ‘stand aside’ and let citizens be assailed by Mexican-flag waving terrorists.

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New York Times Thinks Speech Is Violent, Not ANTIFA Or Muslim Terrorists

Leftist Protesters chase and beat people at UC Berkeley – YouTube


When Is Speech Violence? – The New York Times, a major war crime publication wonders is language can kill.  Yes, it certainly can!  Of course, the New York Times is blaming everyone but themselves and their allies and buddies of talking violence.  Hell’s bells, the left including the NYT celebrates not just talking about killing Trump and his family but praise people who enact this on stage in New York Central Park!  They think this sort of violent junk is ‘art’ and therefore, good.  But talking back at liberals is a crime, using words liberals don’t like is evil and those people should be punished.

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