Tag Archives: Germany

Illegal Invaders Kill Lots Of Germans…Merkel Calls Patriots ‘Nazis’

Number of Germans killed by foreigners highest in years – police: Merkel and her childless buddies in the Bilderberg EU decided to let in an army of illegal aliens who were mostly from very hostile, angry Muslim countries to replace the missing children that EU females no longer have.  This, in turn, is going to turn the EU into a terrible mess over time, possibly very vicious ethnic battles along the lines of the collapsing Roman Empire.  Trump is trying to stop the armies of invading illegal aliens and this ticks off our Real Rulers no end, they intend to get rid of Trump and punish anyone who is against this open invasion.

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Liberals Can Cuss, Make Racist Jokes And Attack Anyone And Not Be Fired Or Punished

Samantha Bee Calls Ivanka Trump ‘C*nt’: The good old double standard of liberals continues.  It’s OK to be obscene, obnoxious, make death threats, whatever if and only if you are supporting the Bilderberg gang’s goals and people.  This entitlement is backfiring since citizens can see the double standard and it angers them because even ‘little people’ are persecuted for saying or doing the wrong PC thing.  This is why Trump won the election and will win bigger and bigger over time.

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England New Soviet Union While Italy’s Rulers Refuse To Honor Election Win Of Conservative Parties

Click here to sign Petition · Theresa May MP: Free Tommy Robinson · Change.org


I am hammering away at the latest developments in Tory-run England.  All people there should be very horrified at how real news is being actively suppressed.  Bigger and bigger demonstrations against the illicit arrest and imprisonment of Tommy Robinson are deliberately kept out of the BBC news feeds.  The BBC is deliberately refusing to cover news that is very important for British to see so they can make up their own minds about events happening in England.  No one in the BBC is resigning over the issue of suppression of most news about Muslim child rapists which is what is at the core of this suppression of free speech and real news.

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ANTIFA And Muslim Males Riot All Over Germany This Week

Germany news: Duisburg state of emergency as 60 fight in street with MACHETES | UK | News | Express.co.uk reports.  This doesn’t make the New York Times, for example.  I get more information from Britain or Russia, for that matter.  Muslims are rioting in Germany.  They always do this.  They will continue to do this until society collapses there. They are assisted by crazy leftists who are now totally in league with the Muslim invaders. This will eventually end with collapse of Western Europe or the victory of some new Napoleon inside Europe.

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Clinton Foundation Bribery Crimes Will Eventually Be Prosecuted By GOP

Way back in 2016, before the election, the IRS began to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s bribery systems. This investigation is mostly invisible to the public because the culture of leaking everything is slowing down in DC. It was obvious to me last year that the Hill and Bill bribery scheme to collect billions in bribes from international or Bilderberg operations and countries was treason.  Treason is a serious charge and frankly, I wanted Reagan arrested for treason back when he ran off to Japan to collect his own $2 million bribe.  The main tool for bribery since then has been the Reagan 5 minute speech rule: it is OK for rich entities to give millions to our ‘political leaders’ if it is for a ‘speech’ which usually is ‘thanks for the bribe’.

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EU Goes To War With Warsaw: Germany, France Punishes Poles For No Muslim Policies


EU triggers unprecedented proceedings against Poland, sanctions could follow — RT World News


The real reason for the EU deciding to attack Poland’s bid for some sovereignty is due 100% to the insane push of replacing EU citizens with illegal aliens mainly from Muslim nations.  This overt invasion is destroying Europe which has been self-destructing for quite a while as marriage and having children continues to collapse as it is collapsing in Japan, for example.  Few liberals bother to think about why all this is happening and how suicidal liberalism is, inviting in aliens who hate liberals, for example.  Why are so many people suicidal?  I wonder about that every day.

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France, Germany and England Scream At Trump For Stopping Free Trade And Protecting US Jobs

The Daily Mail in England has a top story today one we are not allowed to see much of in the US, that is, our so-called ‘allies’ almost uniformly run trade surpluses with the US.  We finally have a President who is stopping this garbage.  I have railed about the trade deficit for many years now.  My own business was destroyed by free trade!  Well, our fake allies are screaming at Trump about doing something about this ridiculous trade deficit situation with the noxious neo-Nazi Merkel and her German creeps the top criminals in running trade surpluses while demanding we protect their rear asses from…RUSSIA!  To hell with them all.

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