Tag Archives: Syria

Female Student Debts Killing Marriage, Families…Facts Feminists Famously Ignore

Student debts which are mainly female ‘woke’ students, is destroying marriages.  These sad, unfortunate females all pile into colleges, go very deep into debt and come out socially crippled and deep in debt and have to be wage slaves for the rest of their miserable lives, trying to pay off these unescapable debts.  Also, the NATO invasion of Syria is collapsing, Trump is leaving, the SJW gang and the Bilderberg gang are screaming bloody murder and Trump shows his powers yet again.  Time to defend our own borders!

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Trump Visits Troops In Iraq, Mainstream Media Goes Insane…Continues To Whine About ‘Global Warming’

And stocks shoot upwards again thanks to the Fed retreating from high interest rates.  Trump has earned his Pulitzer Peace Prize over and over again and the creeps in Europe who hand out this award will continue to deny him it after giving it to Obama for zero reasons.  Also, Merkel in Germany and other Bilderberg elites issue another insane demand we freeze to death as Trump ignores them even more.  Fear after the election of American hating Democrats to the House has dissipated and people are snapping up cheap stocks, laughing all the way to the bank.

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Senator Rand Paul Celebrates Peace In Middle East Thanks To Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria

Rand Paul is the GOP candidate I supported during the primaries.  He is a real anti-war candidate but Trump, despite the mainstream fake news and the Bilderberg gang and the Pentagon war criminals, he was forced to do stupid things in Syria all of which failed miserably being totally in the wrong.  But now he is free and is doing the right things again, bringing peace to places our Real Rulers want destroyed.

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Generals Demand Trump Keep Troops Dying For Nothing In Illegal Syria Invasion

The generals working for the Bilderberg gang (NOT America) don’t want to withdraw from the very, very, VERY illegal invasion of Syria, these generals are angry with Trump for doing something sane and above all, legal.


This news story is utterly insane.  Assad has been taking care of ‘terrorists’ and ‘dangerous radical Muslims’ with zero US help.  The US is PROTECTING and SUPPORTING Muslim radical terrorists who were trying to overthrow Assad’s government and make it a fanatical government or a mess like Iraq and Libya which the US ‘liberated’ by importing or allowing crazy terrorists.

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Catalonia, Spain Uprising Hits Bilderberg Gang in Gut, Trump Pulling Out of Afghanistan and Syria, Another Big Blow

Another revolt in Europe: the entire EU is ripping apart at the seams at the same time the Bilderberg gang is desperately trying to openly loot England because voters chose to leave that evil empire operation.  Catalonians were crushed last year by the Bilderberg gang, the leaders arrested and tortured.  But once again, the People rise up to fight back taking heart from the French and Belgium freedom fighters, the Yellow Vest movement is growing ever greater!

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DNC/RNC Treason In Congress: No Money For Wall So VET Raises $1.4 Million in ONE DAY For Wall

Triple Amputee VET who lost limbs in our foreign wars, raised more than $2 million for border wall in just THREE DAYS.

Yes, we can do it!  The Congress, as I often point out, is owned via naked bribery, by the Bilderberg gang.  They want open borders!  Big time.  That and to tax us all on a fake ‘global warming’ scare (hard to pull off now that it is much colder) is their looting methodology they cooked up two decades ago.  Since voters do not control Washington, DC, we have to endure endless treasons for the time being.

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Assad Wins In Syria, FISA Gate Continues To Unravel Coup Against Trump

News from Russia: it is really amusing reading Russian news and comparing it to EU/USA news.  The EU is collapsing internally while anti-illegal alien parties are rising in power all over Europe, the Bilderberg gang has doubled down on the stupid policies that infuriate the victims, all citizens in all NATO countries are under sustained hostile attacks by aliens imported by the Bilderberg gang and allowed free run inside countries that are ‘democratic’ and ‘free’.  But even the Bilderberg gang is admitting that the attempt at destroying Syria has failed!  I am amused by this admission, I predicted it long ago.  It was easy to see the end result in Syria.  This is a huge clunk on the forehead by Russia and Syria.  Saudi Arabia and Israel got stomped on, too.

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