Monthly Archives: January 2017

Trump Fires Obama’s Attorney General For Defying Him


The Israeli/Mexican New York Times wants more illegal aliens to come to the US and lax border guarding.


Trump SACKS Attorney General Sally Yates after she told Justice Department NOT to defend his immigrant travel ban AND then fires director of immigration and customs agency just two hours later, both were Obama appointees as Congress drags heels in confirmation hearings.  The leftwing (sic) media giants continue in the US to attack Trump at every turn, telling readers that he has no right to sack Democrats who are still in office…normally, Congress passes Presidential choices quickly.

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Senator Schumer’s Jewish Crocodile Tears About Muslims Coming To US


Today’s Wailing Wall Story Collection:  Chuck Schemer from my state of NY which has more Zionists per square foot in NYC than anywhere on earth outside of Tel Aviv, has been CRYING for poor Muslim males who are not being allowed into the US without first strengthening our ability to see who is a terrorist and who isn’t a terrorist…a man who works tirelessly for Israel and justifies the TALLEST wall ON EARTH to stop Muslims from entering HIS beloved stolen homeland…is weeping because these very same Muslims can’t come here, too.  There has to be a special Hell for hypocrites like this disgusting man.

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Hollywood Goes Nuts, Demands Open Borders And More Terrorists


Thelma & Louise over the cliff – YouTube

Hollywood declares war on Trump: SAG Awards descends into a night-long protest as multiple stars use their moment in the spotlight to rail against President’s immigration ban.  Yes, the leftist temper tantrum continues unabated and twice as loud.  The propaganda set up to deceive citizens continues as the left screams that illegal aliens and visitors have free access to everything even if they are out to kill us which reminds me that many people raised on welfare money from taxpayers end up criminals attacking…taxpayers.

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NATO Allies Attack Trump Over Muslim Terrorist Policies And…Deadly Alien Muslim Terrorist Attacks In Canada!



Police arrest two students – one ‘of Moroccan origin’ – over the murder of six people shot dead in a Quebec City mosque carnage two days after Canadian PM condemned Trump…suicidal First World Leaders continue being very stupid.  So, today’s terrorist attack isn’t the first in Canada at all, I was looking for a video story about today’s typical Muslim terrorist attack (Muslims hate Muslims, you know!) when I saw so many videos of earlier attacks in Canada.  Canada’s Minister Trudeau lectured us about terror attacks and the US leftists scream about how we are evil for wanting to stop Muslim terror attacks by recent immigrants or visitors (all the 9/11 Muslim terrorists where ‘visitors’) and here we are: this is War and we got suckered into this war (Israel) and we can’t escape this war so what do we do now?

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DNC Might Be Run By Radical Muslim Keith Ellison: Zionists Exit Fast

The Democratic Party is now possibly going to die.  The alarming demonstrations of leftist females featuring Muslims telling them to wear burkas and call for Allah and death of Israel means Jews are now waking up to the monster they created and are beginning to pack their bags and run off to Israel-friendly Trump’s headquarters…you will all see, they will pile in fast if this radical Muslim Congressman guy wins the head power of the DNC machine.

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Russia/US On Road To Better Diplomacy: Putin And Trump Talk



Headlines from RT News.  These headlines won’t appear in the US.  Only anti-Russian headlines are allowed by our Real Rulers and their Fake News services.  It is so very stupid and annoying and keeping people fooled makes them all very annoying and trying to explain that they are being swindled is nearly impossible but here it is: Russia and the US will now move…I hope…towards a saner policy and drop the ‘let’s start WWIII’ garbage.  Also, Ted Turner comes out of the Darkness to beg our rulers to cease destroying CNN.  Sad, isn’t it?

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In Both Europe And US ‘Refugees’ Fly To And From Real Homes

Trump’s immigration ban derailed: Federal court grants emergency stay temporarily HALTING deportation of visa holders detained at US airports after nationwide protests.  Yes, dozens of people were stopped.  A total of 12.  I was once deported from Germany.  My home was in Arizona.  These 12 people were illegal aliens and of course, our government is supposed to let them in and out of customs with no checks?

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