US Admits Last Desperate Drone Strike Killed Aid Worker And Children In Kabul!


So our ‘war’ in Afghanistan is ‘over’: the last strike of this 20 year war was to shoot a missile from next door to Saudi Arabia to Kabul where it hit a car filled with many children, driven by a foreign aid worker who was not a terrorist at all!  All were killed.  This was celebrated by liberals who hooted and hollered their joy with Biden’s strong arm of power and they wish to do this here, too, in the US.  After all, the Democrats are not at war with anyone else except fellow citizens.  Alas for the liberals, less than 40% of the US public supports this war against fellow Americans.  Guess what happens next?


The far leftist cadres who are the base of DNC power are arming themselves but they are not hunters like the right wing people who oppose the leftists.  Leftists are mainly concentrated in a few mostly urban areas whereas the hunter/fighter right is thick in the countryside and can control all access to all cities very easily if they so wish.  Then all systems collapse in cities whereas in the countryside, people still can produce food, get water, etc.  So declaring war on fellow citizens should be avoided by all leftists only they are too stupid to figure out the obvious.


This is why Biden has openly declared war on the rest of us, the DNC gang in DC is investigating the Trump supporters and not ANTIFA or BLM rioters and far leftist criminal gangs.  They think we don’t notice this but we do notice this which is important.  More and more citizens are noticing this despite desperate attempts by Bilderberg media to hide all this important information.


Now I notice some people have posted here silly stuff claiming I don’t attack the elites here.  Ahem.  No one and I do mean NO ONE in America online does this more than me.  I am the spawn of the elites, my family was elite in Europe since 1000 AD.  I talk about the elites all the time and do this from inside, not outside.  I warn the elites of the dangers they are in due to them being horrible people who want to freeze us to death.  In particular, I go after their global warming hoax, hard as possible because all revolts begin mainly when crops fail and it is very cold.  This kills civilizations if there are no quick solutions.



Biden was very anxious during the collapse of the Afghan army and his inglorious retreat from US bases in Afghanistan and to change the narrative in the news, the Pentagon leftists who hate patriots decided to launch a CIA target missile to supposedly kill ‘terrorists’.  This was in response to the primitive bombing at the embassy gates two days earlier than the missile strike.


After blowing up this car in Kabul, using a missile shot from hundreds of miles away to the west, Biden went on TV to boast about this dirty deed and crowed that everyone better still be scared of him because like Obama and Hillary and Bush (both Bushes) they are all super strong warriors even though (aside from the Bush pair) have never fought in any war, ever.  Turns out, this missile strike was a dud, it killed an aid worker and his very young, innocent children.



The war against citizens heats up.  Biden is commanding everyone do the futile coronavirus shut downs that don’t and never could work.  I can remember stuff going back even one year!  I remember the ONLY reason to shut down things TEMPORARILY was to stop the flood of victims into hospitals!  Since then, this evolved in many countries into stopping all diseases, totally to zero!  This is ridiculous and impossible and very dangerous.


I am very lucky to live far from cities so we, in the countryside, ignored all the stuff about being isolated at home and we are doing fine.  The new forms of the disease are not nearly as dangerous, not even 20% as dangerous as the first wave of the disease.  I talked about that here on this blog a year ago: all diseases evolve to be weaker, not stronger because killing your hosts totally is bad!


So the first wave kills lots of people but the worst of the germs are not passed on and the weaker forms thrive so people are sort of sick and the very elderly and weak die but strong and young don’t die.  I often talk about the Hong Kong Flu which was highly dangerous the first three months and nearly killed me when I was a healthy, young 18 year old female.  I went from 140 lbs down to just 75 lbs in just one month!  Lost some teeth, lost hair, lost muscle, lost my mind.  It was hideous and took two years to recover.


This disease mainly harms the elderly and people who have deadly weaknesses so they aren’t strong but the young are barely bothered by these germs.  So, locking down everyone was stupid.  Only the sick or elderly needed to be locked down.



Fake leftist ‘fact checkers’ are in increasing troubles as they lie about facts and are fact checked by smarter, conservative people.  So they are forced to apologize for fake fact checks but then go on to whine that they are really honest and this was a mistake and not deliberate deceptions which is a lie, of course.  The mainstream fake news loves these fake fact checkers and Checkers the dog is in doggie heaven, barking frantically at them all.



The coronavirus shut downs are being disputed more and more vigorously.  Young people are understandably fed up with this nonsense.  I agree with them all.  This is beyond ridiculous.



Last story today: Democrats believe the way to fix our economic problems is to endlessly add zeros to dollar bills:


Hyperinflation is bankruptcy for any nation that tries this ‘fix’.  History is crystal clear about this, too.


Filed under .money matters

20 responses to “US Admits Last Desperate Drone Strike Killed Aid Worker And Children In Kabul!

  1. Zeke

    . . . . . 9 – 11

    . . . . NEVER FORGET.

  2. There’s no simple rule like “all diseases evolve to be weaker, not stronger”. Evolution just tries everything, and whatever works sticks around. Many parts of the world have very little vaccination so it has a huge canvas to work with. Unvaccinated Americans are also little potential virus factories walking around, giving it a chance to test new mutations against the vaccines.

  3. snoosebomb

    Don’t worry Elaine , every 6 months you can have another Bilderberg love juice injection

  4. Zeke

    And you can squeeze out another tube of horse dewormer.
    Wash it down with a swig of hydroxychloroquine.
    Heh hehehe he he heeee heh he.

  5. shawntoh

    Hey, snoosebomb, what’s in your syringe? Heroin? Speed? Huh? You a junkie, dude? Get help and…

    How about injecting something useful to the discussion…?

    Zeke, the wiseacre. Why don’t you squeeze something out of that useless reasoning of yours for a change? Swig on that dude!

    It’s sad that Elaine suffers these fools but it’s a no-win situation…

    If she censors the posts for a real discussion by adults, then she will be attacked for infringing on the USA right to be an utter idiot and express such idiocy in a blog post or blog posts.

    When she allows anything else… well, I feel it’s like equivalent of Gresham’s Law of Money* but on in terms of blogging like this…

    People who are idiots that post crap like some of the fools I’ve noted here (including me) drive other people who would otherwise post something useful and intelligent.

    It really stinks but that’s life on The Internet…



  6. Zeke



    WARNING: Zeke goes totally stupid now. I, who famously went after BOTH Senior and Junior Bushes for decades…is being accused of being a supporter of both? HAHAHA. Tell that to Bush Jr. who hates me!


    Geo. W. Bush, yur hero before the Trump swoon – had as a # 1 priority – getting the bin Laden extended family safely out of the country before they could be interviewed by the FBI, etc.
    The Bush crime family and the bin Laden terrorist family have EXTENSIVE contacts over many years, maybe decades.

    All the more reason it was disturbing to see Geo. W. speaking at the memorial for the rebellious passengers of the plane that was crashed in rural Penna.

  7. shawntoh

    WARNING: the following is NSFW, children, sensitive folks and so on… Due to language and violence in the video in the link below… You have been WARNED!


    Feel free to delete this post if needed. I don’t care… Anyway…

    As far as I’m concerned… Snoosebomb and Zeke… What you really need is some “love” NYC style (circa 1976) from someone like…


    Just pretend in the following video clip below that “The Truth” is “Travis Bickle”… But Snoosebomb, and Zeke… Help me out here… Which roles do you want, dudes?

    Zeke certainly ain’t no “Sport” like Havey Keitel… So how about you Snoosebomb? You wanna be “Sport” here? Or maybe the Murray Moston role of “Iris’ Time Keeper”?

    Yeah. Maybe so.

    Zeke… Ah, we’ll give the role of the “Mafioso” as played by Bob Maroff… Yeah… Perfect…


    Otherwise, I would pay good money to watch Elaine wield her weapons if you trespassed on her land in real life and give you some “love” with ordinance from the end of a barrel of blue steel, baby!

    Suck on that! As “Travis Bickle” would say… HA! HA! HA!

    Oh, I’m just kidding boys. I didn’t mean it… Heh, heh… I’m not serious about this, just stay away from me if you look me up sometime in real life. You’ll be glad you did!

    As the Fugs would say…

    [Kill for] PEACE!


  8. AT

    My guess is the aid worker was set up by his “buddies” that day using incriminating cell phone chatter. It was cover for the real vehicle that launched rockets soon after the missile strike. Pretty standard procedure for the insurgents. It’s their version of “a-symmetric warfare”. When they get kids killed it helps recruit new fighters to the cause, often relatives and other outraged military age males in the community. I believe Ho Chi Minh came up with the strategy but they have it down to a science of perpetual guerrilla warfare.

  9. shawntoh

    AT… So what? That’s IS just a guess. You do have quite the fantasy about reality don’t you? Get real. How do you know all this?

    What other concrete evidence do you have? You don’t cite ANY sources…

    So it just moonshine what you are suggesting…

    They already have ENOUGH recruits to come after us, AT. This just shows that you’re justifying killing this guy as you living in a state of socially acceptable delusion.

    The USA military was bombing places 20 years ago after 9/11 that didn’t even know about what happened.

    I suggest going back and doing research before posting such idiocy.


  10. AT

    I say “guess” but I’m just being conservative.

    I’ve seen this type of “mistake” first hand in Anbar.

    Grandfather surreptitiously pushes own granddaughter in front of military convoy to generate more recruits.

    Kids deliberately put in the back of vehicles with tinted windows servicing IED batteries.

    Kids deliberately put in the back of vans recovering fallen insurgent bodies.


    You get the idea. It’s ugly.

    What hasn’t been released is the intel connecting this guy to IS. Usually that’s signals intelligence. It’s odd that the military hasn’t released it. One would think the political optics would trump the intel gathering technique? There’s not much secret about cell phones and GPS anymore these days anyhow. Maybe they don’t care about Biden’s political optics? Maybe they don’t want to admit they were tricked, or how? Personally, I would explain it to avoid the hundreds of new fighters this will draw to their cause.

    The sad thing is all they had to do was call the Taliban that day and have the “suspect” picked up. At least 99% of the Taliban was playing ball with us. Foreign powers backing IS wanted to give us a reason to stay, so we were definitely on the same team as the Taliban at that point. What’s more, they had continuous eyes on the vehicle for 8 hours, so they could have kept watching it.

  11. AT

    @6 Zeke, that plane was shot down by US in order to stop it. They gave the passengers a chance to get into the cockpit but it didn’t work out, and what happened is not the way the press reads. I think you’ll find the same type of fiction in many, many posthumous awards throughout history.

  12. AT

    The shoot down order had to be cleared through Bush so it’s even more surreal that he was speaking there. I agree with you.

  13. AT

    My great unsung hero of 9/11 is The Honorable Louis J. Freeh. He deprived the globalist cabal of a 9/11 type false flag pretext for war during his tenure with the FBI. Recall the cabal shot down TWA Flight 800 right off the coast of their Hamptons mansion. Freeh’s FBI characterized the destruction of the plane as a mechanical failure instead of a missile, earning the enmity of the families of all the decreased, but averting globalist military adventurism using the U.S. military in the Middle East, at least for a while. Unfortunately, a couple months after Freeh resigned, we got Mueller, and 9/11.


    ELAINE: It was not a terrorist attack, it was probably a short circuit in the fuel tank systems that triggered the event. Not everything is a terrorist attacks and no, there were no bombs in any buildings on 9/11, either.

  14. shawntoh

    My apologies to you, AT. It seems to me you are a veteran and I didn’t realize the context.

    Thank you for your service to our country through the military. I hate politicians but I always support our troops. We need to keep our military people out of these overseas adventures.

    Appreciate you relating your experiences and thank you.

    Again, forgive me. I made an a** of myself.


  15. AT

    No worries.

    Yeah, so it’s also common to see “dupes” like this guy being set up. They might bring along a new recruit and not teach them how to cache their weapon after running away from a bloody nose ambush; that way, the drones go after that guy instead of the veteran fighters. Or maybe pay some village idiot to dig a hole or throw an animal corpse on the side of the road.

    Evil can be evil even in its own right.

    This particular strategy of perpetual guerrilla warfare works so well because, as General Shinseki pointed out before he was fired, long established military doctrine calls for an occupation troop level of 1 grunt per 20 people. That’s basically enough to put an infantry platoon on top of every police station with quick reaction companies in between. It’s also a couple million boots on the ground, likely necessitating a draft. So, they threw the book away and went with drones instead.

  16. shawntoh


    I have family that has served in the military… from WWI, WWII, and Vietnam. As for me… I was too young for Vietnam and too old for Desert Storm. I never served in the military.

    When I lived in Section 8 Housing in Portland, Oregon, one of my neighbors– I’ll refer to him as T.T. (his initials) was/is an Iraq War veteran. It was really sad what this man must have gone through—the horror of it all.

    He was divorced, had a child from that marriage, and it was heartbreaking to note how his life with his family was in terrible upheaval due to his service to our country.

    T.T. would disappear into his apartment for weeks and not be heard from… and, as neighbors– we worried about T.T. Then, on days when the weather was good enough for biking…

    Then T.T. would emerge unexpectedly from his apartment then head to the basement and get his bicycle out and he was the most fierce and driven person I’ve ever seen when he’d launch himself down the driveway out to go biking around Portland, Oregon.

    He also looked out for a Vietnam vet who was in his late ’70s that lived in our housing, too.

    Then the Vietnam vet died and the immediate community in our housing was really set back by the loss of this neighbor… who I hardly ever saw either… as he would occasionally surface like the Iraq War veteran. This haunts me now when recall all this with how messed up these men were by war…

    How as a species that we have never figure to get rid of this maleficent invention called “war” is still beyond me.

    Again, AT, appreciate what you’ve shared with us. Thanks for your service to our country. I still HATE the politicians that sent you over there and that will NEVER change. Thanks for your forgiveness.


  17. shawntoh

    @14 … here’s something I found on TWA 800 Disaster…

  18. AT

    I appreciate your well wishes.

    But, what we need are more (all) voters who care, and who are not deprived of meaningful information with which to choose.

  19. One problem I see all the time is, people are very anxious to lay blame to various events. Not all events are political. We have a messy world here where s…t happens via Lady Luck.

    The furious need to lay blame is highly dangerous. Hitler did this, for example. People who hurt greatly desire to lay blame on someone convenient.

    I see all sorts of contrary actions here, it is quite political and the need to lie about events by the powerful people leads to all sorts of lying going on because anyone and everyone can lie about things, easily.

    The only conspiracy I am angry about is the Bilderberg business which they lie about themselves even existing as a political force. This is most enraging.

    For example, why lie about the exploding airplane in NY back when Clinton was President? There was no reason to lie about it. Many were most anxious to blame Muslim terrorists for this.

    Terrorists aren’t the only destroyers, stupid mistakes and careless handling of materials cause huge explosions, etc. Humans are prone to this sort of messes.

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