Trump Visit To 9/11 Police Rally In Manhattan Cheered Wildly By Cops And Firefighters

Wearing no mask, Trump surprised all the cops and firefighters at 9/11 memorial at 17th Precinct in Manhattan where many of the police who died, worked on 9/11:  The greetings from the uniformed workers was tremendous and loud. The mainstream media either didn’t report the story or reported the part of the speech Trump gave about how the election was rigged. The Daily Mail mocks Trump for mentioning the obvious fact that this last election was very rigged. Sad to see this, but also funny.  The old guard Republicans who are 100% Bilderberg gang international conspirators are attacking Trump voters who are nearly 100% of the GOP voter base….HAHAHA.


Trump is doing a heroic job of destroying the Bilderberg gang!  I fully support his efforts and consider him to be one of the most heroic figures in recent US history.  He is amazing and even out of power, packs a very powerful punch in the gut to the Bilderberg gang!  Bravo, sir, you are the best!


Meanwhile, the gang is seeing their powers collapse.  They installed Biden because they wanted a puppet in office and got it.  The puppet who received the most votes in American history is also one of the most hated of all Presidents with a very low approval rating now that continues to crater!



Bush Jr. set out on 9/11 celebrations to attack Trump voters.  I remember that clown perfectly: he goofed off, reading a book to school children (hoping to convince us he really could read) when the attacks began.  He didn’t pause even one minute when informed of the attack and merely shrugged.  Only when the Pentagon was attacked, did he leave the grade school kiddies!


Then he and Cheney both hid from the US public, the media, everyone for THREE DAYS.  During that time, I called for both to be arrested and charged with treason.  Instead, the media machine began erasing all the real information about 9/11 and began a champaign to confuse everyone.  The result of 9/11 was a series of utterly illegal wars that are war crimes against innocent bystanders in the Middle East and Africa and Afghanistan.


This also led to our leaders in the DNC/RINO operations to open our borders to more Muslims from these same places and this, in turn, increased terror incidents in the US and each of these led to MORE Muslims imported, not fewer and now we see many more imported deliberately with no verifications.  All set up to create more attacks which will lead to more anti-Constitutional laws being passed and more loss of freedoms at home.


The same week as 9/11 happened, I warned that the Saudis were co-conspirators with the attackers:


The FBI file that is significantly redacted details a 2015 interview with an official who worked at the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles.


Duh.  They did this to everything after 9/11.  The last thing on earth they wanted was for people to know that a bunch of mostly Saudi radicals plotted the 9/11 events at JUPITER ISLAND in Florida which state was run by Jeb Bush back then.  Jeb lived a stone throw from where the terrorists trained.


He admitted that he allowed two hijackers to use his apartment and helped them travel around LA. He was found to be an al-Qaeda ‘facilitator’ by the FBI and the Saudi Consul General wanted to fire him for distributing extremist Muslim literature.

He was also a close associate of two other Saudis, Omar al-Bayoumi and Fahad al-Thumairy, who the helped the hijackers.

The new FBI file reveals that al-Bayoumi, who has admitted befriending them, worked as a ‘ghost employee’ at a Saudi aviation firm in the US.

And it details how al-Thumairy gave the hijackers money, travel assistance and lodging.


I remember perfectly well how the ONLY planes allowed to fly after 9/11 during that week were Saudi private jets who airlifted all their people back home so no one could investigate them.  I was furious about this.  I even saw one of these jets fly out of New York because there was zero air traffic so it was very easy to hear and spot even though it was far away, glinting in the morning sunlight, heading straight to Europe.


All things connected to 9/11 is now utterly murky.  This is why the elites didn’t care if people thought there were ‘bombs in the buildings’ which is one of the stupidest beliefs, ever.  So many people desperately cling to this lie when the truth that our rulers imported terrorists here, protected them here, enabled them here and then assisted in letting them escape again is the real horror, the real nasty truth!


Above all things, these true facts must be hidden and so the elites are willing to let stupid stories circulate even if these stories attack them, knowing the real crimes are a million times worse and best be buried under dreck.


Foolish people who think they know the truth are the ones being fooled the most by the elites.  The Bilderberg gang relies on them to attack anyone who reports the obvious facts of 9/11 which is, our US leaders from the President and Vice Presidents on down, conspired with the Saudi royals to attack NYC on 9/11.  Their surprise when the attackers hit the Pentagon was big because it was not part of the plans which is why Bush and Cheney ran and hid when the Pentagon was hit.


Filed under .money matters

5 responses to “Trump Visit To 9/11 Police Rally In Manhattan Cheered Wildly By Cops And Firefighters

  1. Mewswithaview

    Here is another view from 2010 from a retired Pakistani general who was a former director of Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI. He insists that 9/11 was staged by Israel’s Mossad and a cabal of rightwing US Air Force generals.

    United Press International received remarkably clear answers from the Pakistani intelligence veteran. Asked “Who did Black Sept. 11?”, Gen. Gul replied: “Mossad and its accomplices. The U.S. spends $40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies. That’s $400 billion in 10 years. Yet the Bush Administration says it was taken by surprise. I don’t believe it. Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center … CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves”.

    Gul’s answer to the question “What makes you think Osama wasn’t behind Sept. 11?” was: “From a cave inside a mountain or a peasant’s hovel? Let’s be serious. Osama inspires countless millions by standing up for Islam against American and Israeli imperialism. He doesn’t have the means for such a sophisticated operation”.

    Gul proceeds to say: “Who benefits from the crime? The attacks against the twin towers started at 8:45 a.m. and four flights are diverted from their assigned air space and no air traffic controller sounds the alarm. And no Air Force jets scramble until 10 a.m. That also smacks of a small scale Air Force rebellion, a coup against the Pentagon perhaps? Radars are jammed, transponders fail. No IFF — friend or foe identification — challenge. In Pakistan, if there is no response to IFF, jets are instantly scrambled and the aircraft is shot down with no further questions asked. This was clearly an inside job. Bush was afraid and rushed to the shelter of a nuclear bunker. He clearly feared a nuclear situation. Who could that have been? Will that also be hushed up in the investigation, like the Warren report after the Kennedy assassination?”.

    There seems to be a coincidence of wants among small factions that led to this attack.

    Israel under Sharon had it’s back to the wall.

    The US military was being scaled down in the aftermath of the cold war that might have eventually expose some corrupt generals allocations of funds.

    The Wahabbs resent US imperialism that keeps their corrupt rulers in place. in Saudia Arabia and Egypt plus were amped by Sharons actions in Israel

    Bush and Cheney are closely connected with oil and gas opening up the region would seem a good idea in light of the peak oil narrative prevalent at the time.

    What has happened since 20 years ago?

    Russia has a stronger military, economy and better diplomatic ties in the region for little expenditure compared to the US. FYI. Russia has it’s own equivalent to 9/11 – the Moscow apartment bombings where FSB (KGB) agents were involved that let to the rise of Putin.

    China has built out its belt and road into the region and has infrastructure in place to extract mineral wealth from Afghanistan.

    Iran is now a full member of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation.

    Israel has walled off the Palestinians in a Ghetto and Syria is broken per the Yinon plan.

    Turkey (NATO) is plying both sides has expanded it’s territory and is involved in a proxy war between Azerbaijan and Armenia (Russia backed)

    Egypt is a vassal state of Saudi Arabia having overthown the Muslim brothehood who came to power after the Mubarak regime collapsed in 2011.

    In Libya Gadaffi was overthrown by a combination of EU forces (primarily France & Britain but with aid of Italy and Germany). This responsibility to protect (RTP) happened during the reign of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the State department. During that time an arms deal went wrong resulting in the death of Ambassador Stevens.

    Since then slavery has become a reality in Libya, and destabilisation has spread into the desert. France has been scrambling to control the situation in its colonial empire.

    ELAINE: Sheesh…of course that old terrorist leader would blame the JEWS! He hates the Jews. He wants to kill them. So of course, they do all the bad things that the Muslims are doing to us. Duh.

    Please learn to figure out how humans operate! This is so nakedly idiotic. Makes zero logical sense.

  2. Zeke

    And where was Trump as Pres. FIRST foreign visit?

    Ans.: Saudi Arabia.

    Give that some thought.

  3. lou


    [FDNY official defends excluding famed 9/11 firefighter from procession for being white, NY Post, July 25, 2021]:

    A top FDNY official says it’s “most definitely” acceptable to exclude a white firefighter from a ceremonial unit based solely on his skin color, The Post has learned.

    Cecilia Loving, the department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer,
    is defending a decision to kick Lt. Daniel McWilliams — one of three firefighters in the iconic 9/11 Ground Zero flag-raising photo — off a color-guard procession so it would be all-black.

    Loving testified at a state Divsion of Human Rights trial on McWilliam’s complaint that he was the victim of racial bias

  4. Petruchio

    “The old guard Republicans who are 100% Bilderberg gang international conspirators are attacking Trump voters who are nearly 100% of the GOP voter base….HAHAHA.” Things aren’t gonna change until both the Dems and Republicans have their Power bases seriously threatened. This will happen only when there are viable 3rd, 4th and even 5th Political Parties. The Political Ho’s in Congress enable all of this corruption. The Republicans and Democrats could no longer play the Two Party charade they are playing now. Things won’t change until you see some Deep Staters–from both Parties–lost their seats of Power.

  5. I voted third party a number of times in the past starting in 1968.

    They don’t work. Taking over a party works. This is why the elites are terrified now, the GOP is no longer run by Bilderberg gangsters! HAHAHA. This is most amazing. Trump’s biggest triumph, so far.

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