Monthly Archives: June 2024

Rep. Jaypal and MSNBC Idiot Joy Reid Laugh At 13 Year Old NY Rape Victim


The entire DNC leadership in Congress have gone stark raving mad now.  They go on liberal TV news shows to talk about how we really want an army of illegal aliens to enter our country and run riot here!  This is ‘popular’ unlike us Trump voters who want secure borders.  This open insanity happens to be treason as I constantly point out.  They lie, cheat and steal in order to stay in power and to terrorize all of us as this army of illegal aliens who are mostly military age males, terrorize all of us citizens now.

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Filed under .money matters

All Charges Against Columbia University Rioters DROPPED


Trump and all Trump supporters are hammered by DNC DAs in New York.  The Communists who run the Democratic Party in dying NY City forgive all leftist rioters or all sorts and none ever go to prison despite destroying properties, stealing stuff, burning buildings, etc.  Rioting for ‘good causes’ is OK.  Supporting Trump in any way is grounds for being held in prison for years and years!  This is absurd.  It also screams, ‘No laws for us, all laws apply to you.’  Not one Democrat elected representatives in NYC demand all rioters go to prison.

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Filed under .money matters

Global Warming Fanatics Continue Dumping Paint On Everything



The global warming gang, like in every summer, go on the rampage in desperation to get attention.  Their modus operandi is to block traffic, vandalize museums and spray paint buildings, planes, billiard tables, whatever.  This makes these clowns very highly unpopular!  Many citizens itch to kill these leftists.  I simply say, if they are against too many people and too much pollution then they should volunteer to commit suicide and thus, save the entire earth.  But no, they all want US to die, not themselves.

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Filed under .money matters

DEI Bosses Now Are Destroying Nintendo America Games Business


The very racist corporate entities pushing ‘DEI’ anti-white male agendas are now under the microscope as many thousands of online white males track these clowns closely, alerting everyone when the DEI gang is killing various entertainment companies and businesses we all rely on to stay alive, like Tractor Supply Co. which I use.  The goal is to sneak into all systems this anti-white male racist scam so white males can’t challenge the COMMUNISTS.  They are all scared of white guys striking back.  Guess what?  White guys are striking back, hard!

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Filed under .money matters

Endless Money For Ukraine War Meanwhile, Robbers Rob Openly In DNC States


Every month, every week and every day, Biden and the Bilderberg gang take money from US citizens and hands this over to the corrupt Ukraine government so they can fight their futile war against Russia.  Like all the wars we have funded in the last 25 years, these end up being defeats…hell, since the last 50 years…we lost wars and lost money due to inability to understand history.

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Filed under .money matters

San Fernando Valley To Pasadena, Rapidly Being Surrounded By Out of Control Wildfires


According to this map, the fires are moving deep into LA.  The outer edge of this dangerous fire is on the border of Pasadena and Glendale.  San Fernando Valley is nearly totally surrounded by the fires on all side except for Burbank which will probably burn later today.Will they evacuate the massive San Fenado Vally?  And what about all the other areas threatened by this fire?

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Filed under .money matters

Tractor Supply President Hates 100% Of Their Rural Customers!


For the last three years, I have been very annoyed with Tractor Supply stores here in NY and Vermont.  Many shelves empty!  They have minimal stuff I buy like hardware items or say, fencing materials, etc.  I wondered if they were going bankrupt.  But no, they were taken over several years ago by the Bilderberg gang and turned into a political machine attacking farmers here in the USA!!!!

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Filed under .money matters