The deep state isn’t done, they will protect him.  The same judges that put Trump supporters in prison for entering Congress LEGALLY through open doors in many cases with a few on the side rioting, all are punished severely.  Will this clown be punished?  Does he possess an eternal ‘get out of jail free’?  We shall see.  His father belongs in prison!  He collected bribes from foreign powers which is pure treason.



In NYC where Trump is being pushed into prison by very corrupt Democrats…the entire city is run by criminals…I put several in prison many years ago and now the DNC gang runs everything like the Soviet Union!



The NYC police heavily support Trump.   But they are under orders to make arrests…over and over and over again while criminals get to run wild.



Washington, DC and NYC are dying.  Democrats are the ones killing both.  Arrest all DNC leaders! Stop this massive crime wave!



Filed under .money matters

9 responses to “BIDEN GUILTY!!!

  1. Pete


    I saw the interview Tucker did with

    Congressman Massie. To long to post.

    Some of it is in this video:

  2. snoosebomb

    more on the $ and USA exceptionalism , Chinas strength is the world wanting to get off the $ and the ‘merkin bullying that goes with it . on the other hand ‘merkas strength is its vast money printing means where else can you park vast sums ?

  3. Pete

    Happy Juneteenth!

    Brandon looks like a cardboard

    mannequin. No mojo baby…..

  4. Mistah Charley

    i always thought Hunter was guilty but I hope he doesn’t have to go to a really rough prison he should be with the white collar criminals

    he has had so many girlfriends and children it seems he must be irresistible in person

    his next trial is on tax charges

  5. Petruchio

    Sleepy Ol’ Joe will Pardon his Son. There won’t be any blowback by the MSM for this because they are part of The Deep State. Shortly after Hunter’s Pardon, Senile Joe will bow out of the Presidential Election the Dems will nominate Gavin “Gruesome” Newsom as the residential nominee this November.

  6. @Petruchio, dumping Biden would be too clever for them. The DNC machine is collapsing under the weight of its own corruption. Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate but she brought in lots of money and they’d made a deal with her, so they made sure she was their pick. Even back in 2020 nobody thought a second Biden term was a good idea, but he’s a proud man who’s been inside the machine forever so they couldn’t say no to him either.

  7. Biden is a criminal and the entire DNC has become a criminal gang. They have done so many crimes now, they know they are doomed if anyone else gains power so like all good communists, they want an endless dictatorship like what we now see in China again.

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