London Daily Mail Smears Trump, Stormy And Newspaper Will Be Sued Again


The infamous prostitute who now is an elderly lady desperate to be a sex icon, still, is on the top front page of the Daily Mail in England and the US.  Trump won a court case against her and she has to pay him $300,000 and she didn’t pay him, yet.  I suppose now she will be forced to hand over the British loot for this ‘tell all’ which is 100% slander and very sexual in nature and she thinks this will pay off Trump but he can sue her…again!  And win even bigger, this time.



The Daily Mail took time out to show us, Trump walking in front of the frumpy Queen of England and it is all about how nasty he is for doing this!  Well, the entire Royal Family should walk behind Trump!


They are BILDERBERG GANG FOUNDING MEMBERS…and they are top tier members shrieking about ‘global warming’ and they want to starve those darn peasants to death while freezing them, too!  She is, in other words, wanting to do mass murder.  Her son, the new King, is very keen on starving/freezing everyone else to death.


He pushes for no more fireplaces in England while using over 100 fireplaces in his several palaces!  This desire to ‘clean the earth’ is directly aimed at those pesky peasants who are building homes and eating beef, etc.  Note how the elites want to outlaw cows!


The British Royals run around England, pretending to love these pesky peasants and try hard to hide their true desires but this is it in a nutshell: they want all the goodies for themselves while we DIE.  To hell with them all.


What is even funnier is how ‘Prince’ Harry kicked the royal horse in the shins and ran off to the USA without going through customs, on a private jet when all travel was shut down due to covid rules, is now demanding the Crown and ALL COUNTRIES HE GOES TO INCLUDING THE USA, should pay for armed guards for him and his nasty wife:



He is spending a fortune in lawyers to gain this big boon.  Any country he visits now and he spends 50% of his time roaming all over the earth, pointlessly, or worse, making fun of the Crown in England…and wants all of us, peasants and royals, to pay for his guards while he insults everyone.


To hell with them all.  My ancestors fled the Crown 400 years ago!  We fought against the Crown in 1776.  Harry is supposedly a trained fighter.  He can fight to protect himself!  I have had many attacks on me including a man who shot six rounds at me in LA many years ago and I defended myself over and over again which is why I was called ‘the Housewife From Hell’ many years ago!


This stupid, helpless baby should know how to shoot a gun or knock someone out (god knows, I have done this more than once!) if he can’t do this, send him to my mountain and I will train him.




Filed under .money matters

12 responses to “London Daily Mail Smears Trump, Stormy And Newspaper Will Be Sued Again

  1. Mistah Charley

    stormy says she describes the penis so Melania will know she’s telling the truth – that makes a kind of sense

    i think harry should become a u.s. citizen and as part of the process renounce all claim to the British throne

    my grandmother was a member of the daughters of the American revolution

    i see you, Elaine, don’t believe in global warming – I can’t agree with you there

  2. Anne

    Graham ‘accidentally’ exposes the true nature of American diplomacy

    Recently, senior American politician and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham unabashedly stated in a media interview that Ukraine holds business value for the US. He claimed that there are “10 to 12 trillion dollars of critical minerals” in Ukraine, and the primary reason for supporting Ukraine is to seize these critical minerals by defeating Russia on the battlefield.

    As a Senate “hawk,” Graham often garners attention with his extreme rhetoric. For example, he once claimed that parts of Iran must be “blew off the map,” and he touted American military aid to Ukraine as “the best money we’ve ever spent,”

    Hopefully, this vile creature will have a heart attack soon. Good riddance!

  3. The gaslighting going on about this ceasefire plan that supposedly came from Israel is really incredible. I’ve been wondering what Netanyahu would say about it ever since Biden pulled this rabbit out of his hat 2 weeks ago. Still nothing from Netanyahu, but because Biden says Israel supports the plan our media is reporting that Israel supports the plan.

  4. Eamon

    Linsey is despicable.

  5. Mr. Charley, it is 45F this morning where I live. It has been VERY COLD this ‘spring’. It is hot elsewhere but even ENGLAND HAD HUGE SNOW STORMS YESTERDAY.

    Your ‘global warming’ isn’t global at all. Snow in JUNE in ENGLAND is insane but it did happen during the Little Ice Age 400 years ago.

  6. The RINOs in Congress are infuriating. They stay in power due to being heads of committees based on how long one holds office. But one by one, these RINOs are being removed and eventually there won’t be anymore.

  7. Jim Harmon

    No Dick Donnie flops again.

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