Social Security Will Cut Retirement Pay While Giving Billions To ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS

Billions of dollars for the vast army of illegal aliens invading America, they get free hotels, homes, meals, everything while they run riot, loot, rape, kill and steal….America is being KILLED systematically and now the people who worked all their lives will get NOTHING.  Arrest Biden!  Arrest all Democrat leaders in Congress!



My Representative in Congress i s Elise Stefanik.  She is standing up for us all, she fights the Democrats and right now, the Democrats are shipping as many illegal aliens upstate NY to attack us all in the hopes, these invaders will vote illegally and get rid of patriots like Stefanik.



In LA which is run by liberals, they are building expensive ‘hotels’ for illegal aliens:



So, the Democrats are building vast, fancy hotels for invaders!  The rage of the citizens reading this story is huge, every comment without exception, attacked the Democrats in California:


We know they aren’t for homeless they are for non citizens.


Will these apartments actually go to the homeless or will they just be given away to illegal immigrants?


They should only make it available to homeless Veterans. They served our country.


Who in their right mind would put a homeless person in a unit that costs nearly 600,000 dollars each! Um, it IS a money issue.


This is all insane and here are other California lunatics, pissed off that signs forbidding guys in fast cars doing illegal U turns at night as they parade about in the public streets, seeking man to man sex:


UNBELIEVABLE! LA City Council Removes ‘No U-Turn’ Signs in Gay Neighborhood, Claiming They’re Homophobic (VIDEO)


Everything stinks now.



Filed under .money matters

15 responses to “Social Security Will Cut Retirement Pay While Giving Billions To ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS

  1. Pete


    So, if they cut SS

    that’s political suicide.

    They are done.


  2. It interests me how a traditionally left-wing issue can be recast as a right-wing one, with a bit of spin. Cutting social security is the sort of thing I’d have marched against in anti-poverty coalitions 30 years ago. It’s a government program, so the traditional right-wing response was that we should get rid of it completely. If we got rid of the social security deduction on payrolls people would be able to invest their own money and they’d do a much better job than government, would’ve been the argument.
    But now the boomers are on social security themselves, so that’s become a bad argument. Still on the right you mustn’t be in favor of government action to reduce poverty. So instead it gets a wrapper of xenophobia: these groups we’re terrified of are getting our social security instead of us.


    I am very old. I remember previous inflation firestorms. They are ALL connected to WAR SPENDING and what are we doing?



  4. @Elaine, I agree. Ukraine never should’ve gotten to this point. And stop funding Netanyahu also. The money to pay for all this is just being printed into being. If you’re going to print money at least spend it on something productive.

  5. Pete

    About the G7 farce:

  6. Petruchio

    @#7 Pete: The people driving this Russian Asset confiscation are so blinded by their bitter, venomous Hatred they are willing to trash everything just to be vindictive. They don’t care what happens to the Country (USA) they infest. Their loyalties lie elsewhere.

  7. Yes, they are suicidal.

    Russia is a MAJOR energy provider on earth! The entire EU economic systems are collapsing due to this stupid war.

    And I keep pointing out, Russia has always gone to total warfare when protecting their only ice free port.

  8. Jim R

    It isn’t Russia’s war, Elaine. It is Biden’s. .

    If you had been paying attention, you’d have noticed that every escalation step has been the Biden gang, starting way back in the first term of Obama. Hunter was over there collecting graft for him, and it was the Biden gang organizing the Nazis in Kiev.

    They have been shelling Donetsk for ten years now, while the propaganda rags have all been shouting that Putin ‘annexed’ Crimea, which has been solidly Russian ever since Catherine the Great, 225+ years ago.

    The Canadian parliament stood and applauded for a 98 year old Nazi who actually worked for Hitler.

    And, Russia did not blow up its own pipeline.

    How did it work out when Hitler invaded Russia? How did it work out for Napoleon?

  9. Jim R

    My apology, Elaine.

    On re-reading your comment, I see that you are saying the same thing. Russia did not start this war, but if some idiot wants war, Russia can do war.

    This makes what, the fourth or fifth attempt by another country to take over Crimea?

  10. I figure the Neocons have been hell bent on finding an enemy to replace the USSR ever since it collapsed in 1991. They were anxious all through the 90’s because military spending came down a bit. Anti-globalization activists started organizing and there was no Cold War pretext for labelling them dupes of the USSR anymore, so people were actually listening to them.
    In 2001 it looked like the Neocons had gotten their wish. A global War on Terror; a shadowy evil enemy that’s all around us, organized into little cells of 3; people had better check the terror alert level every morning to see if it’s code blue or code orange or what, and if there’s a high-risk terror alert you’d best be anxiously watching your back all day to check for brown-skinned people doing suspicious-looking things. They can hide bombs in cellphones, you know. They might attack us with chemical weapons. Keep a tarpaulin and duct tape on hand at all times in case you need to hide.
    It really never worked. Some people fell for it, but not enough. In desperation the Neocons went back to Russia, promising NATO membership to Ukraine and Georgia in 2008 I think it was. But Obama refused to push for a new Russia war, and there was only so much Hillary could do by herself as Secretary of State. If she’d won in 2016, as was supposed to happen, this wouldn’t be so far behind schedule.

  11. Jim R

    Maybe Obama wasn’t pushing for it, but his administration was laying the groundwork for the ‘Maidan’ and hand-selecting Nazis to run the coup government in the Ukraine and Georgia.

    It only took a couple days for the Russians to kick the Georgians out of South Ossetia, but the Ukraine is huge and connected with Europe.

  12. The Ukraine ‘economy’ has collapsed. They still ‘function’ on US dollars pouring in $50 billion a MONTH. This is INSANE. Kick Biden to the curb!

  13. Jim R

    #14, Exactly. If not for billions of our dollars every month, Kiev would have been forced to give up some time last year. They would all be starving.

    This winter is going to be a cold one for them. Russia has canceled their electricity supply.

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