Fake ‘Peace Conference’ Bilderberg Scam: They Continue War Against Russia


The Bilderberg gang has gone totally insane now.  They are freaking out, big time.  Right now, in desperation, they are falsely claiming ‘world leaders (minus Putin) are gathered…peace conference over Ukraine.’  Hello!  To do that, you need to negotiate with…RUSSIA.  The many wars of our rulers continue and they tried to trick Trump into these wars but he woke up and stopped it and did diplomacy, successfully, instead.  Now, it is nonstop wars again.


The NY Times is freaking out.  Trump, despite all the abuses of the judicial powers of NY, a state the Democrats are systematically destroying, they can’t stop a Trump victory.  Next week, they hope to lock him up in prison!  Like any good third world dictatorship, the Democrats cheat at elections nonstop to maintain power in NY and California.



The English ‘Daily Mail’ continues to attack Trump on every possible way:



So, this guy is now doing ‘nothing’?  Is this guy going to vote for Biden?  The insanity of the Bilderberg gang continues.  Oh, joy, they found ONE CRAZY MAN to put on their front page, who decided to do nothing in this election!  Whoopee!


This article shows how very desperate the Bilderberg gang is, they are freaking out, nonstop now.  All of Europe is slipping to the right, too, and the liberals try to stop this by making things even worse.  Here is another Daily News story about how the super rich are dying due to ‘climate change’:



These utter fools built fancy homes on top of CLIFFS that are made of GLACIAL DUST STORMS during the last Ice Age and now these are eroding away again!  This happens every Interglacial for the last several million years.  Wether the temperatures are high or low, the ocean erodes the soft sea shore hills.  When the ocean recedes during Ice Ages as much of the moisture is locked in massive glaciers, then the new ‘dry land’ gets tons and tons of fine dust from the Midwest!


Liberals are totally insane now.  They have unleashed a massive crime wave on us all by forcing us to let anyone invade America from anywhere on earth, any time:


Illegal Alien from El Salvador Charged with Raping and Murdering Mother-of-Five in Maryland


Here is another fine example, an alien who skipped out of his immigration hearing so he could murder someone:


Illegal Alien Skipped Immigration Hearing Before Stabbing California Man to Death



Filed under .money matters

2 responses to “Fake ‘Peace Conference’ Bilderberg Scam: They Continue War Against Russia

  1. Pete

    Guess who is buying Gas

    from Russia? $600 million!

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