
Corruption is everywhere in our democratic system.  It is epidemic.  It is also part and parcel of how our system operates.  It is sort of the ‘shadow world’ of politics but this shadow world is allowed to flourish only because the nature of running for office and the temptations that lie there are so lucrative.  Only when people go totally nuts and squeeze too many people or are in office too long, get nailed.  But there are many ways of preventing this freebooter-style of corruption.

After a rash of scandals, the new party in power always forbids the old methods of corruption but the lobbyists and petitioners seeking favors find, with the very strong help of the politicians seeking to gain, a way of getting around anti-bribery laws.  When McCain was caught in the Keating Five scandal:


Lincoln Savings and Loan collapsed in 1989, at a cost of over $3 billion to the federal government. Some 23,000 Lincoln bondholders were defrauded and many elderly investors lost their life savings. The substantial political contributions that Keating had made to each of the senators, totalling $1.3 million, attracted considerable public and media attention. After a lengthy investigation, the Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings, with Cranston receiving a formal reprimand. Senators John Glenn and John McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised “poor judgment”.

All five of the senators involved served out their terms. Only Glenn and McCain ran for re-election, and they both succeeded. McCain would go on to run for president twice, including being the unsuccessful Republican Party nominee for president in 2008.


This brush with infamy was no barrier for running for office of President.  And the desire to punish fellow members for soliciting bribery money as ‘campaign contributions’ meant that this odious practice continues to this very day and is not being stopped.  It is getting much, much worse.


Proof is simple: all tax cuts, since the bribery business took off, are aimed mostly at helping the very rich.  The very rich are allowed, with utter impunity, to run pirate cove banking scams across the planet and thus, evade paying any taxes at all.  They have imposed ‘free trade’ on us even as the dire downside effects are painfully obvious.  When they are not donating to politicians to thus, control them, they run for office, themselves.  While running pirate cove schemes such as the governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney ran for President in the GOP primaries!


Hank Paulson gave very generously to the entire GOP as well as to Bush and was given total power over the Treasury.  He now is in the process of openly looting it on behalf of organizations that are destroying our economic base.  So corruption continues to eat away at the heart of our empire as corruption always eats the hearts of all empires.  The richer the empire, the worse the corruption.


In our case, it is so out of hand now, it is destroying public confidence in the entire system.  And it isn’t only the US.  Many other ‘democracies’ are discovering that they do not control their elected leaders.  These leaders all know that if they please the very rich and very powerful, they will be invited to give many speeches to fat cats and even fatter gnomes who won’t listen to a single word but happily use the occasion to hand over bribes.  


With this in mind, the US public is annoyed to see the naked greed of favor-granting politicians using this power to enrich themselves. Imagine that.


Transcript – Justice Department Briefing on Blagojevich Investigation – Text – NYTimes.com


Governor Blagojevich has been arrested in the middle of what we can only describe as a political corruption crime spree. We acted to stop that crime spree.

The most appalling conduct Governor Blagojevich engaged in, according to the complaint filed today or unsealed today, is that he attempted to sell a Senate seat, the Senate seat he had the sole right to under Illinois to appoint to replace President-elect Obama.

Let me take you back eight weeks ago to set the allegations in context.

Back eight weeks ago we the following environment. There was a known investigation of the Blagojevich administration that had been going on for years involving allegations of pay-to-play conduct and corruption. There had been a recent trial of an associate of Governor Blagojevich in which allegations were aired, where people testified that Governor Blagojevich was involved in corrupt conduct, and there was an Ethics in Government Act that was pending, that would go into effect January 1 of 2009, that would bar certain contributions from people doing business with the state of Illinois.

You might have thought in that environment that pay-to-play would slow down. The opposite happened. It sped up. Government (sic) Blagojevich and others were working feverishly to get as much money from contractors, shaking then down, pay-to-play, before the end of the year….I’ll give you two examples set forth in the 76-page complaint. One involves Children’s Memorial Hospital, a hospital that obviously takes care of children. At one point, the governor awarded funding, reimbursement funding to that hospital to the tune of $8 million. But he also indicated privately that what he wanted to get was a $50,000 personal contribution from the chief executive officer of that hospital.

In the ensuing weeks, that contribution never came. And Governor Blagojevich was intercepted on the telephone checking to see whether or not he could pull back the funding for Children’s Memorial Hospital.


Patrick Fitzgerald  was the prosecutor in the ‘Yellow Cake’ fraud.     Here is one of several stories I wrote in 2005, on that topic:  THE ASPEN GROVE IS BEING LOGGED BY PROSECUTOR

Here it is, what the prosecutor had been seeking: From Reuters:

Judith Miller discovered notes from an earlier conversation she had with Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff and turned them over the prosecutor investigating the leak of a covert CIA operative’s identity, legal sources said on Friday.

Miller’s notes about a June 2003 conversation with Cheney’s chief of staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, could be important to prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s case by establishing exactly when Libby and other administration officials first started talking to reporters about CIA operative Valerie Plame and her diplomat husband, Joseph Wilson.

When this came over the wires, it took me rather a few minutes to make the appropriate cartoon.

She is connected by deep roots with the entire gang and if you uproot one, all get pulled up. They are dropping excuses and fabrications faster than autumn leaves. The green canopy is turning yellow fast and everyone connected is trying, like DeLay, to pretend it is OK to commit felonies. 

After all, breaking federal laws is not as bad as a private lawsuit, is it? I remember the Clinton impeachement over lying about a blow job connected with a private lawsuit which was totally inappropriate and inexpressively diminutive. 

So, when do we impeach Bush? His popularity ratings tonight are heading rapidly towards 30% or less, this is Nixon impeachment territory. The government lied about job figures this month just to keep the stock market alive, it was all lies, damn lies.

The interlacing roots that connect everyone in power protects everyone when they explore various obviously illegal or even totally treasonous avenues and adventures.  Periodically, for ideological reasons or just plain spite, various team members are punished but the general game goes on.


This gives the illusion of ‘cleaning the stables’ yet all systems that need true correction continue to get worse.  For example, we have people in power negotiating trade treaties.  Unlike the ‘evil Chinese commies’, our trade negotiators are all traitors and liars or worse!  Chinese commies come back with deals that all make China much stronger.


Our negotiators uniformly come back with deals that make us weaker!  This is NOT accidental.  It is deliberate.  Not one of them has been put in prison nor shot in a stadium.  The list of lies that led us into the Iraq war: no one is in prison for that!  Nor impeached, for that matter.  Bush and Cheney should have been arrested several times over but are still free to do their worst, thanks to the craven Democrats who refused to hold hearings or in any way, shape or form, try to curb the powers of the Executive Branch.


This was due to a desire to have the Ring of Power for themselves.  To rule us all, as the Tolkien ditty carved in fire on the Ring said.  Fitzgerald did manage to put Libby in prison.  But the powers in control of things freed him nearly immediately.  Just like the AIPAC guys who betrayed American military secrets have been protected by the media for the most part.  Remember them?  HAHAHA.  The media prays we forget them.   April, 2005:  Culture of Life Breaking News: NEST OF TRAITORS!

It is no surprize to see American owned media entities are steadfast in refusing to analyse or even cover very much, the stunning news that our highest analysis and operatives in the Pentagon really work for Israel, not America. Just like none of these media talk about certain so-called Americans who hold double citizenship with other nations while destroying America or enabling American deaths. To get even the barest facts, one has to use the internet to go to alien countries to get any useful information or analysis.

Our Supreme Court has now three seats which are occupied by men who have sworn personal fealty via the occult Opus Dei conspiracy, to a foreign power in Rome. Instead of protecting the Constitution, they work to limit our native freedoms so their real ruler can impose his will upon us non-catholics. This is exactly what our founding fathers feared. Much of the hostility to the immigration of Catholics was founded on the fear of Rome controlling America. Previous to Bush, no President went hat in hand to the Vatican but Bush did this several times! 

So here we are, we just had yet another election which featured an absolute flood of funny money funneled into political pockets!  And very little has changed.  AIPAC was not disbanded, it is stronger than ever and funnels more money than ever into the pockets of politicians and the news this week is, an advisor to Obama suggested that the US might cut funds to Israel.  The flood of AIPAC money is for diverting many billions of dollars to the Jews in Israel as well as keeping the entire US diplomatic corps attached to Tel Aviv.  


Note that they got their tool, Hillary, into the Secretary of State, a plum position for them.  In her case, it is all about her husband selling himself like a lady of the night, giving blow jobs to the rich and powerful in exchange for ‘speech fees’.  Here is another older story about the other way of paying off contributors to our corrupted elections:


It’s time to stop selling ambassadorships – Barbara Bodine – Politico.com

After World War I, the U.S. professionalized its diplomatic and consular corps. Yet, without parallel in the industrialized world, the United States continues to raffle off to well-heeled political donors ambassadorships to many of our most strategically important allies, as well as to some of the cushiest spots on earth. The U.S. ended the sale of military commissions over 100 years ago; it is inconceivable today that we would sell off military commands. We should not sell off diplomatic commands — the last vestige of the 19th-century spoils system.

The American Academy of Diplomacy, which counts among its members all living ex-secretaries of state, recently called upon Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain to pledge to end this practice and accord the nation’s diplomacy and diplomats the same recognition we accord our senior military officers, who dedicate their careers to national service. 

This continues and note that Congress has cold feet, unable to pass laws and the Presidents will veto such laws.  This is how they all fundraise, after all!  Way back when the stables were being mucked out in the past, the news media stirred up outrage.  Today, we get one corruption scandal after another and each party celebrates these as golden opportunities to gain power so they can do this, too.  There isn’t even a vague attempt at preventing this sort of goofy under-the-table messes.


Our diplomacy is in total shambles.  Because it is run as a means for gaining political power via donations, rank amateurs run important posts.  This means that people who are obviously not working on behalf of the US people get to run our affairs overseas.  This leads to the US ending up with no real foreign policy except one that enables rich people to suck our own nation dry, conspiring with foreigners.


Proof of this is simple: our government is going bankrupt while our trade is a total train wreck.  This isn’t accidental.  The other method for soliciting foreign and domestic bribes is via the fiction of establishing a Presidential Library.  Once, they were places where documents were preserved.  Now, they are corruption machines eating up our political power.  


Librarian » Blog Archive » Bush Library Lobbyist Who Suggested Bribes for Access Resigns from Homeland Security advisory committee. No. 7.16.2008.121.

Faced with a report that a rogue lobbyist urged an exiled Central Asian leader to support the Bush library to curry favor in Washington, library officials promised that no foreign money will be accepted until President Bush leaves office.
Stephen Payne, who claims to have raised more than $1m for the president’s Republican party in recent years, is a Houston-based lobbyist with ties to the Bush administration. He engaged in a hidden-camera conversation with two men posing as agents of Kyrgyzstan’s former president, who supposedly wanted meetings with top U.S. officials.

I didn’t bother, this time around, dredging up all the stories of our former Presidents going about the planet on private jets, soliciting bribes with fictional speeches.  Clinton, for example, has made over a hundred billion dollars this way.  Bush Sr. even gives speeches to the Moonies in order to get his bribes from Reverend Moon, a South Korean religious lunatic.  Then there is AIPAC…again: paying Presidents to bloviate should be strictly controlled.  There are ways to write laws to prevent this new form of obvious bribery!


Clinton Library Got Funds From Abroad


Bill Clinton’s presidential library raised more than 10 percent of the cost of its $165 million facility from foreign sources, with the most generous overseas donation coming from Saudi Arabia, according to interviews yesterday.

The royal family of Saudi Arabia gave the Clinton facility in Little Rock about $10 million, roughly the same amount it gave toward the presidential library of George H.W. Bush, according to people directly familiar with the contributions.

The presidential campaign of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has for months faced questions about the source of the money for her husband’s presidential library. During a September debate, moderator Tim Russert asked the senator whether her husband would release a donor list. Clinton said she was sure her husband would “be happy to consider that,” though the former president later declined to provide a list of donors.


Note that Clinton will not, even now, give us the damn list.  He dare not, for it shows who owns his wife.  She has promised to cough up this hairball during her hearings.  But will the Democrats force her and her corrupt husband to do this?


No more likely than the GOP forced the Bushes to detail all their foreign contacts like with the Bin Laden family, just for one giant, glaring example.  Indeed, no one in either party seems all that anxious to explore the extent to which our corrupt politicians have sold us to foreign powers!  That is one aspen grove we are to wander around in, lost in the woods, unable to trace all the roots that grow in the muck at our feet.


Arrest them all.


FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AT emeinel@fairpoint.net


Filed under .diplomacy, Politics


  1. JSmith

    Many ambassadorships really are plum positions. When I was younger, I imagined being U S Ambassador to Tahiti. Couldn’t imagine ever having to put in a full day at the office in that job!

  2. rockpaperscizzors

    The Blagovich “complaint” is a shot over the bow in Obama’s direction. Who gave altar boy Fitzgerald his marching orders to investigate the gov for FIVE years? Why did Fitzgerald chase Rezko and dig for a Obama connection? Why did Durbin go public pardon an ex GOP Governor – Ryan? And Durbin is demanding Blagovich to resign along with other dems? The Feds did the bidding of Wall St. and got rid of Spitzer as NY Gov.and then dropped charges. AIPAC’s fingerprints are all over this. The message and threat is pointed in Obama’s direction. As you stated; “the news this week is, an advisor to Obama suggested that the US might cut funds to Israel.”

  3. GK

    I meet the US ambassador to New Zealand who got rich with some seafood chain and then donated to Laura Bushes art-something-or-rather.

    The only thing he talked to me about was how it sucked to pay state income taxes in Oregon.

    Now let’s get to the executive summary of this ‘illuminating’ article: National governments are corrupt.

    What solution does the Hegelian Dialectic provide? World government.

    Check out the theme above and the comment below “The Illuminati will attempt to blame the resulting financial debacles on the cutthroat competition and rampant cheating that goes on between the various national economies”. Bingo.

    “The purpose of the current financial catastrophe was to infect the entire world financial system with toxic waste and other unregulated derivatives, also known as financial weapons of mass destruction, to bring it crashing down so that a single world financial system with a single medium of exchange could be set forth as the suggested solution and then crammed down our throats in yet another nauseating and tiresome iteration of the Hegelian Dialectic.

    The Illuminati will attempt to blame the resulting financial debacles on the cutthroat competition and rampant cheating that goes on between the various national economies, meaning that we have to have a single world financial system with centralized regulation and oversight to put an end to these shenanigans so we can all work together toward world financial prosperity. But in reality, it is the Illuminati themselves who are the root cause behind all those shenanigans, which they continually wage in furtherance of their plans to implement a global, corporatist, fascist police state of Orwellian feudality.”

  4. Elaine – That cartoon is awesome! 🙂
    I’ve been mulching the daylights out of the leaves in my yard for the last few days. I was amazed at how well my Honda lawnmower (which has a new blade) worked. At least an order a magnitude reduction in volume and now I have good in-situ-home-made mulch – for free for the most part (I can’t believe so many folks “bag” leaves). Anyhow, using a lawn mover for mulching is one of the more efficient ways of utilizing the available torque energy from the engine (which is considerable). Cutting grass with a gas-powered lawn mower is a huge stupido waste of energy, but I digress. Oh, same goes with leaf blowers – what a joke. Use a rake in the beginning for most of the moving and then use a blower if you must at the very end or for places that are awkward or hard to get to.
    Anyhow, thanks for the article and end of Ken’s goofy energy 101 rant.
    :mrgreen: loves missus green!

  5. GK – if all of that is true, I wonder what makes the illuma-nutties think their plans will come to fruition. How can they be so sure? I think stronger forces are in play, but thats just my opinion. 😉 (I don’t wink usually, but maybe I need to learn how). 🙂
    P.S. I’d like to change the name of my previous rant to “Peasant Rant 1: Energy 101”. Thanks, Ken.

  6. and I’d like to “incorprate” Elaine’s awesome cartoon by reference and copyright it all and why not, lets just throw on a trademark for the fun of it. Permission for use can be obtained, or of course, you could just have it for all I care..just be aware please.
    Most Lawyers in the lawyer-plagued us of a (more than the rest of the world combined last I heard) suck big time.
    Lawyers love being vicious and drinking their incompetent victims blood – blood-sucking lawyers gonna get a stake in my opinion.
    Keep it amongst yourselves please, cause some of us are woking in our own neighborhoods.
    Fitzgerald didn’t finish what he should of…
    Pelosi is the biggest traitor in my mind. She played with a table she knows nothing about..
    Gotta go mulch some more leaves. Later,

  7. don

    Elaine, excellent information, I just looked up
    the population of D.C. It stands around 588,000
    people. Now I am looking at the number of lobbyists in D.C. they’re are over 35,000 !!!!
    And who said Money doesn’t move Wall Street and
    Washington. Or I should say now that Washington
    is the new Wall Street.

  8. larry, dfh

    Iirc, didn’t Bolivia and Venezuela send their U.S. ambassadors home? THey didn’t seem to need c.i.a. spooks with diplomatic immunity runing amock in their countries. Good riddance! And I think Fitzgerald is a little dirty; he had the goods on rove, indictment and all, and dropped it. Oh well, maybe he feared for his life.
    @BK: yeah, shredding leaves works great. And they don’t blow away after being shredded. But from my experience, a lawyer can get results that a civilian could never obtain. I’m a big fan of lawyers, even though there are some creepy, crooked ones. But when the courts are on your ass, you really need to be packing some legal heat, because the judicial system in this country is so anti-individual-citizen, a soul can get steam-rolled very easily.

  9. a soul can never get steam-rolled….in my opinion, but I hear you larry, dfh.
    Still, if you don’t do anything requiring legal assistance, then your better off keeping the lawyers out from the get go. On the other, arbitors (spelling ?) are another matter altogether.
    I think I’ve met one or two good lawyers during my time in the “business”….like I said, its usually better to keep them out when the big decisions are being made. Helps reduce the blood flow – you know? But sometimes, lawyers are fun to be around short term.

  10. calvino


    Wrong. Corruption has become pervasive at every level of society. We are recasting the Brezhnev years of the Soviet in the USA. Nothing gets accomplished unless bribes are paid and progress is impossible. Innovative and disruptive technologies are crushed because they will hamper profits for the like of GE, to give the most egregious example. Although GE does hold the patents on conversion electronics for wind turbines in the USA, they take the monopoly to another level. They will not license the technology here, not for any price. Any wonder why Canada is actually ahead of us in wind technology and has all the startups? Can you answer that one Misses Supkis, since I am long gone crazy. And where is the Justice Department on that one, if you care to answer? Usually it is simply easier for GE to use their GE capital to compel clients to buy their products and avoid competition. Or sell short competition until it can not access the capital markets due to share price destruction. This is done by international competition as well. However the corruption has pervaded the military procurement process equally. The story is well known of families buying flack jackets for a thousand dollars for their children and spouses in Iraq, because the DoD will not buy the newer technology. Sixty minutes did the story and to no avail.
    Finally, the Clintons can not be on the payroll of the Arabs and the Jews at once. They will go with the Arabs, since their money is buried in the ground and a sure thing.

  11. Grok1

    Elaine…a wee bit off topic from this post but I think you might find this interesting. In spite of banks being able to get money at super low interest rates, this is how they have decided to pass along their good fortune.

  12. calvino

    Little Brain.. sure, go ahead and buy Thorium Power, trading at about ten cents. Help GE make a little money as they short sell the shares to zero at your expense.

  13. If thorium has future value as a better alternative than uranium then its value will become evident won’t it — regardless of shorting or the lack therof and assuming all the corruption doesn’t destroy everything. A bunch of things could become evident if the lawyers were doing their job and facilitating law enforcement as opposed to law obfuscation.
    The GE freezer I have works fine, but it probably wasn’t made in the us of a. What a shame.

  14. calvino

    Buffalo.. bwahahahahah, weeeeeeeeeheeeeee.. stop please.

    ‘If thorium has future value as a better alternative than uranium then its value will become evident won’t it.’

    Thorium Power has built a second scale reactor this spring and demonstrated a controlled reaction. That’s when their shares hit thirty cents. The only reason we are not running everything thorium since the fifties is that the DoD needed uranium for nukes. The chances of them getting money for a production scale plant is less than Legion ever meeting Peter, or neitherone getting enlightened.

  15. I don’t know calvino (honestly this is the first I’ve heard bout thorium but i intend on learning more). Regardless, if thorium is as great as you seem to be implying (or am i confused), then why would anyone choose not to fund it (rhetotical to the nth degree)? Oh yeah, assuming the lawyers are facilitating law enforcement, the hoarders are getting their fair due, and the bankers remember about prudence. Simple, U C? Now how bout letting the engineers talk some sense.

  16. anyhow, 10 cents a pound sounds cheap to me. How can I get some of this stuff?
    Hey, here is a totally random link (seemingly):
    This guy from Lebanon could write.

  17. Incidently, apparently India has the most thorium. I know one thing for sure – there are some top notch engineers from India. I have met them personally.

  18. Plus I have a PhD electrical engineer crazy christian sort-of friend deep in the nuclear industry (i think he is basically working for dukie power)….anyhow, i wonder what he knows about thorium.
    The stock market plus the free trade “gnome-& queeny games” are no longer going to matter when nobody is playing.
    Prudent banks probably already know this and are planning accordingly.

  19. drkrbyluv

    “Corruption is everywhere in our democratic system. It is epidemic.”


    In addition to the corruption of politicians and public officials we have corruption in the investigating agencies who pick and chose who is ultimately prosecuted. The NWO banking bastards maintain their dominance by blackmail, bribes and looking the other way when of their people raids the public coffers.

    calvino – is right in saying that corruption has taken root everywhere including the “private sector.” And why not, the international corporations bribe the politicians and policy makers – why shouldn’t they expect to be allowed to operate above and in defiance of the law?

    GK – thanks for the link, I “The purpose of the current financial catastrophe was to infect the entire world financial system with toxic waste and other unregulated derivatives”

    The Illuminati are stepping up their efforts (this is a long quote, sorry, but I think it’s worthwhile:

    FLASH: Get The Stocks (For The Fed) by Karl Denninger

    There is a flash on the WSJ Newswire that The Fed has “approached Congress” about issuing its own debt.
    “Fed officials have approached Congress about the concept, which could include issuing bills or some other form of debt, according to people familiar with the matter.
    It isn’t known whether these preliminary discussions will result in a formal proposal or Fed action. One hurdle: The Federal Reserve Act doesn’t explicitly permit the Fed to issue notes beyond currency.”
    No kidding. Then again The Federal Reserve Act doesn’t permit buying other than agency and treasury debt as it stands, but that hasn’t kept Bernanke from doing so more than once through chicanery and his famous “Maiden Lane LLCs”, has it?
    Congress (and the FBI!) seem rather adverse, shall we say, toward enforcing the law. Why?
    And what would this debt be backed by? Nothing?
    Then nobody would buy.
    Full Faith and Credit (directly or indirectly by obligating the currency of) United States? That’s a problem.
    The Federal Reserve, a private bank, is asking for permission to issue debt in the name of the taxpayers of this nation, obligating them to pay it down and cover the interest on same, without oversight as to how the proceeds are used and under what limits and terms it is issued?
    You’re kidding me, right?
    If this report is real and Congress does not immediately disavow this attempt – publicly – we no longer have a Constitutional Republic.
    That The Federal Reserve would even discuss such a thing with Congress is, in my opinion, grounds for instantaneous revocation of The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and a return of the control of our monetary system to Congress where it belongs.
    It is my considered opinion that any attempted usurpation of the Constitutional power to obligate the citizens of this nation to pay debt via taxation, which under the Constitution of The United States must originate by specific bill in The House of Representatives (all spending bills must originate in The House), is a blatant attempt to overthrow by chicanery The Government of The United States and must be treated as such by The FBI, The Department of Homeland Security and the citizens of this nation.
    Let me be clear. This is not “reflating” or “inflating” or “hyperinflating” or anything of the kind, although I’m sure some people will pipe up and make all sorts of noise in that regard.
    In my opinion this “discussion” constitutes an attempted coup – period.
    Bernanke must resign. Today.

  20. drkrbyluv

    I complain a lot about the failure of the worlds religions as being in league with the ruling elites. Take for example the fantasy of Zionism that has corrupted many christian and jewish congregations.

    The lie that is Zionism has become a tool to legitimize preemptive war and the slaughter of arabs. In the name of fairness, here is a catholic bishop who is a true religious leader. It is refreshing to hear a religious leader speak so accurately:



    Just in case my attempt to insert a video doesn’t work here is a link:

  21. drkrbyluv

    Does anyone know if there’s an “Idiots Guide to WordPress” that instructs on how to format comments? For example, can we insert videos and photos? Can we apply spaces between paragraphs?

  22. Bear of Little Brain

    “sure, go ahead and buy Thorium Power, trading at about ten cents. Help GE make a little money as they short sell the shares to zero at your expense.”
    Thanks, but I’ve had enough problems out-running CDE, so I’ll pass. Maybe I wasn’t clear: I merely said that thorium was of interest to me, nothing more. BTW, Thorium Power is not quite what it says on the tin, last time I checked. Thought they were consultants and in the weapons-grade decommissioning business (using purpose-built thorium reactors to break down plutonium, or whatever). The Bush doctrine seems to have done for that. Still, unlike your good self, I could be wrong. 🙄
    “If thorium has future value as a better alternative than uranium then its value will become evident won’t it.”
    Ken’s straightforward statement is quite correct, so I cannot see why you ‘laugh’. Confusing thorium in general as a possible power source with a specific specialist company is not helpful. The original comment (blues?) that thorium by-products degrade to safe limits in centuries rather than millennia is the advantage of this technology but, as you say, the requirement so far has been for weapons.
    As to the GE wind turbine power conversion, is this the kind of thing you had in mind?
    AMSC. Feel free to short it.

  23. calvino

    Buffalo.. THPW is the symbol of the company, trading at a dime. Do not know what thorium is trading for as a commodity. Just don’t kick the dust and breathe it. We have domestic thorium, New Hampshire and Idaho and California, if I remember.

  24. calvino

    Little Brain.. thpw is the only listed game in town for thorium. As far as I understood, they wanted to get funding to build a utility scale reactor. I did not advise Buffalo to get the shares. I recommended it as a Hail Mary play, not beyond that. Additionally, the science is Russian, so I would be doubly careful with Prime Minister Putin lurking around the Academy of Science.
    I laugh not at Buffalo, I laugh at the idea of our capital markets rewarding good technology, when they reward monopolists now and entrenched interests.

  25. Calvino – thanks. For what its worth, I don’t think you are crazy, but I may not know you as well as Elaine. Hell, I’ve never actually met you face-to-face.
    Anyhow, I thought 10 cents (sense :???:) a pound was too good to be true. Whomever THPW is, I suppose it depends on management and who they have fiddled around with if you know what I mean.
    I still think we need more engineers. Engineers understand physics in a practical way. Engineers know that you only have to go out so many decimal places. After awhile, its just insignificant.

  26. calvino

    Little Brain, we all know about the phantom china sales by amsc and I do not believe in supercooled semiconductors going into utility projects. I will pass on shorting it however.

  27. calvino

    Supercooled conductors that is. I was looking at a transistor circuit just now, so don’t jump down my throat.

  28. emsnews

    Penny stocks are fun if you don’t mind losing money. Some do hit that old gold mine and shoot upwards which is why so many people dabble in penny stocks.

    Years and years ago, I knew a number of happy gamblers in Brooklyn who played only with penny stocks. They drank together and bet on horses together, too. And had a jolly time since they didn’t care if they lost.

  29. I didn’t know the thorium reactor would draw so much interest. Should’a left a link. Here’s more:


    New age nuclear (Pg 3)

    by Tim Dean
    Issue 8 of Cosmos, April 2006

    And this is where it gets interesting: thorium has a very different fuel cycle to uranium. The most significant benefit of thorium’s journey comes from the fact that it is a lighter element than uranium. While it’s fertile, it doesn’t produce as many heavy and as many highly radioactive by-products. The absence of U-238 in the process also means that no plutonium is bred in the reactor.

    As a result, the waste produced from burning thorium in a reactor is dramatically less radioactive than conventional nuclear waste. Where a uranium-fuelled reactor like many of those operating today might generate a tonne of high-level waste that stays toxic for tens of thousands of years, a reactor fuelled only by thorium will generate a fraction of this amount. And it would stay radioactive for only 500 years – after which it would be as manageable as coal ash.

    So not only would there be less waste, the waste generated would need to be locked up for only five per cent of the time compared to most nuclear waste. Not surprisingly, the technical challenges in storing a smaller amount for 500 years are much lower than engineering something to be solid, secure and discreet for 10,000 years.

    But wait, there’s more: thorium has another remarkable property. Add plutonium to the mix – or any other radioactive actinide – and the thorium fuel process will actually incinerate these elements. That’s right: it will chew up old nuclear waste as part of the power-generation process. It could not only generate power, but also act as a waste disposal plant for some of humanity’s most heinous toxic waste.

    This is especially significant when it comes to plutonium, which has proven very hard to dispose of using conventional means.

    There are many, many interesting links on the web about the thorium reactor. Apparently, someone’s come up with a very neat design, I think involving fluorine (something like that).

    Here’s an experiment. Between Paragraph #1 and Paragraph #2 I’ll put “& # 8 1 9 4 ;” (sans the spaces). Between Paragraph #2 and Paragraph #3, I’ll put just a normal keyboard space.

    Paragraph #1

    Paragraph #2

    Paragraph #3

  30. Blagojevich scandal makes one wonder what prompted Fitz’s premature action. Blagojevich is completely nuts, crude, low rent … he’s obviously pissed off someone very powerful, because this could have waited – – – maybe it was Rahm Emanuel. Patrick FitzGerald is a political animal, evidenced by the fact that he didn’t bother going after Scooter Libby’s boss What back story is brewing? What disaster is cooking from which the power elite want to divert our pesky attention?

    Please pass the popcorn.

  31. Bear of Little Brain

    How about, for upsetting BoA and friends with an unacceptable precedent?
    “In a stinging note of support for the laid off workers that have taken up residency in Chicago’s Republic Windows & Doors factory, the Governor of Illinois has suspended business with Bank of America until it reissues credit to the shuttered company. “

  32. Bear of Little Brain

    Should have credited WhatReallyHappened with the link

  33. Fitz is probably just another polital hack. But then, some things are just way too convenient. The honerable governor did just “declare war” on Bank of America. Hmm.


    Hackers Successfully Install Linux on a Potato

  34. Bear of Little Brain

    No, it’s a hoax. A potato does not have a kernel for it to run on. A cashew – maybe.

  35. ”Let me be clear. This is not “reflating” or “inflating” or “hyperinflating” or anything of the kind, although I’m sure some people will pipe up and make all sorts of noise in that regard.”


  36. Why not? It could be just Debian GNU/Hurd. The resources would definitely be minimal…

  37. RobG

    I think the Fed (the NY Fed) really needs to sell apples on Wall Street: Fed Weighs Debt Sales of Its Own

  38. GK

    Here is a video game that Calvino buys for his children.

    Actually our tax dollars are paying for it, but no one cares.


    “This is no game and several of these systems have recently been installed and are in use , live, along the Israel-Gaza border. The video of the female operator is chilling – her unhurried , yet lethal operation, poise and perfect make up – ensures and maintains the disatnce from the blood and guts of actually blasting people to bits.”

  39. Callendar: There’s 200,000
    consumers in this town, and they’re all waiting for you… just you.

    Albert: Yeah, to con ’em into
    buying a whole load of stuff they don’t need and can’t afford.

    Callendar: There’s a nasty
    little streak of honesty in you, Albert. You wanna watch that… it’s
    bad for business.


  40. GK

    Here is a guy with balls of steel who puts his principles before his own comfort.


    “I was disgusted to be associated through citizenship with the most dangerous gang of criminals in the world, the United States government. Renouncing my citizenship is a means of achieving a political divorce with that vile institution,” Gogulski said. “American politicians extol their state in terms of liberty, human rights, free markets and the rule of law. Examination of the country’s history and present actions reveals nothing but lies and hypocrisy. The genocide of Native Americans, slavery, nuclear slaughter at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, support for brutal dictators, the torture of innocents at places like Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib, the massive robberies for the benefit of big business in the name of ‘rescuing’ the economy, the world’s biggest prison population, the growth of a domestic police state and the brutal wars of oppression underway in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia paint a rather different picture. America, via its government agents, is truly exceptional – exceptionally evil,” he stated.

  41. nah

    i saw the movie with the albino dude that was crazy being the man amung men selling influence undermines the presidency of the united states and the position of union

    vote your paycheck

  42. OC


    Besides keeping the lights and heat running next winter, we need to keep the health care system going too – if Ben and Hanky are to blow it by Spring 2009, we could have a sudden rise in mortality rates for the old (most of us on this blog..) the weak and the very young. There is an extremely high probability of this taking place especially with large numbers of general population be given pink slips. Health care reforms are needed fast!!!

  43. emsnews

    At a party in 1967, I suddenly announced this: ‘When we get old, we will be forced to lie two to a bed in hospitals and they will leave us in the streets to die’.
    This seemed one of my easier flashes of insight of the far future. But then, in the center of our galaxy, a huge black hole churns away, slowly sucking in all the stars from its part of the galactic area. And we are falling into the Andromeda galaxy which is bigger and nastier. And that is one of billions of galaxies falling into the maw of the Great Attractor, a super-huge black hole….how’s that for dark thinking?

  44. Simon

    Actually the Japanese Empire kinda deserved the nuclear one-two 🙂

  45. criticalcontrarian

    The Gaza Strip is now the largest concentration camp in the world: http://tinyurl.com/65bt3p
    & # 8 1 9 4 ;
    GK: There are people who care but they are not yet in power. Things will change. Radically. Read: Fears of a million layoffs a month in corporate America: http://tinyurl.com/57bqv7
    & # 8 1 9 4 ;
    When another 12 Million Americans loose their jobs next year paying for those expensive video games there will be hell to pay, and you and I know who is going to pay, don’t we???

  46. criticalcontrarian

    blues, that didn’t work very well.

  47. criticalcontrarian

    Humor of the Day
    “& # 8 1 9 4 ;”
    Gordon Brown ‘saves the world’:

  48. criticalcontrarian

    blues still no cigar.

  49. calvino

    neitherone.. I don’t know who it will be, please let everyone know in who will die in your murderous fantasy world. So far we have the Pakistanis and the Israelis. Is there anyone else that should fear your radioactive presence, besides little boys in Thailand?

  50. criticalcontrarian

    Hey hobbled, the vuzvuz 875kms Southwest of Baghdad. Have we grown up yet little man? Are you now ready for a grown up conversation? So much fear and anger in your tone. Let me guess, dominant mother, absentee father?

  51. calvino

    neitherone.. nothing scares me like western fakes trying to be Tibetan while squatting in a lotus and emitting heavy isotopes to poison everyone around.

  52. criticalcontrarian,

    Here’s the basic thing about HTML:

    The basic thing! ab& # 8 1 9 4 ;cd

    The basic thing! ab cd

    See? With the spaces gone, the browser software accepts the codes as “special,” so they disappear from the screen and do whatever HTML thing the browser interprets should be done.

    These WordPress “themes” are mostly collections of CSS page files and image files. The CSS page files are sent the regular web page files, but they contain code that gives the browser special instructions on how to interpret the codes in the regular web page files. Most “themes” are written by amateurs, and the WordPress people are not as picky as they should be regarding their quality. You can try out, and then purchase (10 bucks or so) themes written by “professional” theme crafters (Just Google – WordPress themes -) .

  53. criticalcontrarian

    hobbled, I misread you, …from children to little boys, thats a big giveaway… Must be submissive mother, abusive father, right? Turn on the lights and take a cold shower your leaking…

  54. criticalcontrarian

    Thank you blues, appreciate the assist.

  55. Bear of Little Brain

    You beat me to it! It’s definitely all the fault of that American interviewer, who addressed our Crash Gordon as “an acclaimed leader” when he last paid homage to the imperial throne. Anyway, here’s my link to the bun-fight called Parliament, but without the lead-in ad.

    The man is now delusional. He spent a fortune on expanding social programmes through the good times, contrary to my understanding of Keynes’ ideas. Now he will see his beloved projects collapse, even as he resists and moves into denial. The pity is that one of his ideas – to improve the teacher/pupil ratio in state schools to that of the private sector, something like 1:12 or 15 – is one that I have long wanted to see. Unfortunately, he blew vast amounts on expanding the health and social services in the face of an ageing population and uncontrolled immigration (the sort that does not go home when the economy turns down but stays, on state benefits- not being racist, just realistic). Many of these state programmes, once in place, seem to take on a life of their own, aided and abetted by any number of ‘rights’. And he intends to keep on borrowing. We are so f****d.

  56. Bear of Little Brain

    Just reviewed the latest postings.

    Poor Elaine. At times, she must feel as though she’s herding cats!

    Love it. 😀

  57. Bear of Little Brain

    “At a party in 1967, I suddenly announced this: ‘When we get old, we will be forced to lie two to a bed in hospitals and they will leave us in the streets to die’.”
    Speaking of population die-off, I came across this cheerful analysis:
    There are a couple of other interesting articles there as well; e.g., the one on Iran, oil, and uranium.

  58. Bear of Little Brain

    to add a ‘gap’. Not elegant, but just one keystroke (okay, two, sometimes?

  59. Bear of Little Brain

    Think I’ll go with the
    tilde, Swanson.

  60. criticalcontrarian

    Hey Bear, that was quite a gaffe for poor Crash really. He just tries too hard to step into Blair’s shoes (why is lost on me) that he turns into a ham.
    About the cat, errr dogfight, just having a little fun at the expense of the resident MM (mental masturbator). If he would just lighten up and pass some gas he wouldn’t be so stuffy. For a smart guy he is pretty good at stupid, eh?
    Buffalo’s characters are quite elegant, thank you. Cheers.

  61. well, well.
    what do we have here?

    action? a circle jerk?

    i see a wordpress blogging, and tears.
    what ya DOING?

  62. Pingback: what do we have here?, action?, a circle jerk? « PlanetNetopia.com Freedom!

  63. DrBenway

    “AIPAC’s fingerprints are all over this.”

    Geez… and I thought it was Mossad!

    Thank you, blues – that sequence does seem to solve the para break problem. Well done!

    “Blagojevich scandal makes one wonder what prompted Fitz’s premature action. Blagojevich is completely nuts, crude, low rent … he’s obviously pissed off someone very powerful, because this could have waited…”

    You wouldn’t want to wait until he actually apppointed someone. The appointment could be undone, but it would take time and be an enormous mess. Besides… Mossad wanted it this way – right?

    “And that is one of billions of galaxies falling into the maw of the Great Attractor, a super-huge black hole….how’s that for dark thinking?”

    It’s going a bit overboard, don’t you think? After all, that’s a couple billion years off. We won’t be around to see it.

  64. since there is just a bunch of idle talk presently (or at least according to the interluding walkndude),
    i don’t think there is any black hole capable of eating up everything around it…..no way – after the hole eats so much (depends on the shape flux), it just can’t contain the energy which oh so wants to get out and do something worthwhile. You know? Where the energy goes nobody knows I suppose….

  65. For that matter, what difference does it make where the energy “goes” long, long term, and really, what difference does it make where the energy came from initially (we will NEVER know now will we?)
    idle, idle, chatter…the clock is ticking cause time is of the essence.

  66. Gary

    Hey Ken …. I think the energy eventually
    blows out into another dimension, parallel
    universe,or godknowswhat. Our cultural energy
    is now in a black hole, and eventually it,too,
    will come out,most probably in another country,
    another culture.

  67. calvino

    obsequiousootlicker.. yesterday you promised you would not dignify my posts with a response. Now you have taken full license with your pederasty. Is there a little Palestinian boy that stole your heart?

  68. Bear of Little Brain

    We’ll see how things play out with Crash, but it has all the qualities of a Greek tragedy. All his adult life he has wanted and worked and schemed for the PM’s job. When he finally achieves it, he finds he has been handed a poisoned chalice, and one which he helped fashion. No sympathy from me. He signed off on the Lisbon Treaty without our promised referendum. Hope to see him in the Hague with Blair on war crimes charges. The sooner, the better.

  69. Gary – for sure – I agree. Also, your other comment made me laugh out loud. 🙂
    Metaphorically speaking, a “black hole” could be so many things, but even a black hole has boundaries! Thus, it has a shape. The more shit you put in a shape so to speak the more the shape changes (FLUX). After awhile, you put too much shit in it, the shape changes big-time! Ka-boom or maybe whooooooooooshhhh (high velocity). Who knows, I just wouldn’t be close around when a black hole goes outward!
    At this moment in history, thinking about the “big-bang theory” and other such imaginations is nothing but a waste of time. There are much more important and immediate considerations. Maybe later. And I do agree about this – actions speak louder than words.

  70. JSmith

    “Where the energy goes nobody knows I suppose….”

    Hawking radiation. Black holes have been shown to evaporate. However, the evaporation time of a black hole is proportional to the cube of its mass, so it takes an extremely long damn time for this to happen.


  71. Maybe – Maybe not. Maybe hawking radiation used flawed calculus as one of its assumption.
    Who gives a fart.
    There are more IMportant and IMmediate considerations.
    Its funny cause I was just imagining in my mind what Steven (Stephen?) Hawking could do besides talking?
    Peace Steven if you are out there somewhere – we all have shapes. Think of a womb for example. The energy wants out.

  72. If you want my opinion, maybe sometimes there is “radiation”, but just as often (or perhaps moreso depending on where the boundaries are drawn) there is quantum release.
    Ka-boom is one possibility.
    Ka-bang another.
    Ka-ploop a third.
    Whoooooosh in many directions perhaps – vectors and such.
    There are so many possibilities and we will never know for sure.
    Just my opinion (“MI-RE”).

  73. or at least, I don’t think we will ever know for sure….history suggests as much.
    Why not focus on the here and now at this moment of unprecedented (by all realistic measures) crisis.
    We need action – collectively.

  74. I know – easy to say….

    P.S. Smit – do you still think you are superior?

  75. emsnews

    When we all fall into the same black hole, it probably blows up and starts a new universe. The Goddesses of the Cave of Wealth and Death anticipate this. After all, Lady Luck is the only one who survived the last melt-down.
    You see, she is all about random chance. The only thing that survives a massive universal collapse is random chance! Random chance, you see, has no physical form or shape yet it is the force that shapes all things in creation!
    When creation happens, this is when random chance has reached an impasse and the only thing that can happen is for all hell to break loose which is the Big Bang #2 or #2,000 or whichever Big Bang we are at at this point in time in the future.
    It amuses me to think about these things because frankly, it puts everything in perspective. All the diddly little gods that humans create can’t hold a candle to dear old Lady Luck. And she is pure evil in herself. She rolls those dice and decide if a deer will cross your path at night while you are zooming along at 75 mph on the NY Thruway, just for example.

  76. Gary

    Good Lord Calvino !

    Do you always end up doing these Sherman’s
    Marches-to-the-Sea on Weblogs ?

  77. emsnews

    No, Calvino does Sherman’s tango to the Red Sea.

  78. But wait a second if you will, it takes two to tango, so who is Calvino tangoing with?

  79. Actually, I take that back whether I’m allowed to or not. I don’t really care who calvino is tangoing with. Nonetheless, it still takes 2 to tango.
    Who wants to dance alone. Not me.

  80. emsnews

    He is tangoing with his Doppelgänger.

  81. Well, that is his business. I don’t care.
    Wait, here is a whole new theory. Maybe the black holes aren’t holes at all. All we need to do is just get there. OK, all you fools. You go first. We can build a bunch of spaceships to send you off. The rest of us will remain behind and try to learn how to live peacefully.
    There is plenty to go around.

  82. If you don’t want to get on the spaceship, then what the fuck is your excuse?
    Really, all you so-called elite actors. The show is up. Eliteness depends on love, and too many are too confused about love and blood.
    Better to be meek maybe, but thats just not my cup of tea.

  83. At least not on these chatting & talking place-shape forums for discussion. Meekness is just destroyed here especially if you don’t understand history.
    Elsewise, meekness makes sense to me.
    Peace is even better.
    Spaceships aren’t the only alternative. Prisons will do.

  84. First though, lets release all those in prisons who are just soaking up funds for no reason at all.
    Then (or even now) some justice would be nice, but knowing the lawyers around these hearn parts, I ain’t holding my breath. Bubba justices makes more sense until better justice becomes evident.
    After justice, then I’ll get on the spaceship.

  85. And for legal reasons, let me just say being that the Constituion as well as the Bill of Rights (and such) are inperiled. Please consider all of the above nothing more than a story for passing the day away.
    And now enough for the 11th day of the 12th month in some kind of rotation.

  86. emsnews

    I remember, from my L-5 Society days, there was this ‘space colony’ proposal. What amused me the most was, the high school level was right above the prison level.

  87. Elaine – have you read Dragon’s Egg? I think that was the name of the book about a group of folks amongst whom rotation occured much more rapidly (relatively speaking of course).
    Anyhow, those L-5 Society days must have been something. Sounds to me like and L-4 or and L-5 space station makes total sense. Most stable and least energy. Imagine that 😀 from :mrgreen: who luvs missus green all the way….

  88. Sometimes, I can’t type….
    “like an L-4 or L-5 space station” is what I meant to type
    (total sense – simultaneous and coincidental, both – as in good communication blogging style)
    four has a lot going for it being a square, and
    five knows about the funky shapes and ratios
    (both would be best)
    They could support each other but still be distant just in case ole six was thinking mean and trying to be a lonely feffef – 656656 – who needs the zeros… – not me, they are just imaginary).

  89. You know what seems so sad today. Dreamers are pushed of to the side. It is too easy to be bitter.
    Whats to be done.
    Best to be local I suppose, but it is nice to have other communities in other dimensions. I hope we can hold onto this.
    6 days weeks would be nice, but I suppose those “7” lovers would be offended on account of precedent. Still, if something makes so much more sense and we all basically agree, then why doesn’t it happen?
    Hm. I guess talk is cheap.
    Just now, I won’d deny I’m thankful for the 2nd Amendment.

  90. And the last bit of foolishness that I know is obvious (and so why am I saying it – suppose im a fool), but anywhat. If you have a big fucking GUN you best know what you are pointing it at cause tit and tat plus karma and splat have a ruthless mean-ass way of pounding back.
    The big guns just like the big boys (who never grew up) need to be set down permanently. Who we trying to kill?
    *I support the L-5 Society goals from what I’ve read so far 😀

  91. its a hologram, Ken.
    as from your posts you well know.

    as you well know,
    your are keeping these fools BUSY,
    instead of taking any action.

    we are talking treason.
    not black holes.

    we are talking weapons and arrests, by the PEOPLE not the police, etc.

    Ken, I am talking you. sir….

  92. emsnews

    Walkndude, remember the 2nd Amendment. The GOP loves gun owning for some strange reason. Heh. I suppose they hope that guns will be turned on liberals, not them, too. Talk about deluded.

  93. i am well versed in the law.
    but not a lawyer.

    i pay those, to tell me who can be proven to have committed a felony, and those who AID and ABED ‘ken’.

    I am more than capable, and READY, to make arrests.

  94. Hey walking dude (what a misnomer), best I can tell you are nothing but a helmut wearing fool who has no idea about whats fixing to bite you in the butt. You can abed all you wish, but it will make no difference when real justice gets ready to pull you and your ilk in permanently. Who do you think really calls the shots. Clue – it ain’t the fools wearing the helmuts.
    Wake up why don’t you before its to late for you.
    Asshole. Why don’t you just walk away for your own sake. Walking is a good thing so maybe you will come to your senses. If not, just remember chance favors justice if it favors anything at all, cause life is paramount in the big scheme of things and helmut wearing and teeth-bearing fearful threatening fools know nothing about this. Your day is coming.
    Peace for those who are working to end suffering of innocence. What are you doing walking asshole fool? Fuck you.

  95. If fact, you bullying asshole. I think I might just start searching for your ass. No – what a waste of time.
    You will be subsumed and I don’t give a shit when my day comes. It will come when it comes.
    The buffalo remains.

  96. Furthermore, you utter asshole who best I can tell knows nothing bout walking or hiking — Nobody keeps anybody busy unless they choose so. You know something about choice walkndude. Do you – or are you always just walking by your lonesome? Who are you. There are many folks here who can find out. I have nothing to hide. Liberty or death, or if not, just a pleasant walk in the woods listening to the birds be fine by me.
    :mrgreen: luvs missus green and don’t mind going into black holes either.
    Come on walking dood. Whats your problem?

  97. Planet Netopia – What a joke. Come back to earth why don’t ya…..
    Wait there goes a walking dood. Arrest the fool.
    Do you have kids walkndude? Do you care about their future? Do you know anything about solutions? Why don’t you direct your misguided anger at its cause – your own dismal self. Seems that way to me based on your talk, but what do I know. Anyhow, if you have children, then you might understand the stakes, but I doubt it.
    Sorry Elaine for all the post today. Sometimes its easier to be meek, but what good comes from that? Not much these days.

  98. Ken is a wonderful guy! Totally innocent! (Let’s not hope it’s too total.) Like everybody else here, he’s an electronics engineer. Time to “flesh out” the black hole situation.

    (Inserting code for this theme is a royal pain, so to hell with it.)

    Long ago, in a Galaxy far away, I read about this experiment. (In other words, I can’t find the damn link.) These physicist types were just fooling around with the old supercomputer (hundred million dollar hobby). They did a tensor geometry run on a five dimensional universe (a simulation). It worked out like this: Inside a five dimensional black hole, everything just expands, faster and faster, but not forever. The intriguing thing is that anyone inside this five dimensional universe would perceive that they were living inside a three dimensional universe, plus with time. In fact, the total mass of the five dimensional universe effectively “congregates” toward the outer event horizon of the five dimensional black hole. Faster and faster. Reaching the event horizon simultaneously, at the speed of light.

    Then, the five dimensional black hole explodes.

    So much for that.

    A little more about the HTML magic. I’m not quite a hacker. Studied the math and physics and all, but this hacking stuff is for the damn kids. But still I’ve learned a thing or two. This web page, for example, has a couple of components to it (I’m just beginning to learn about this stuff myself). It’s mostly the text page, probably at least one CSS page, and some image pages. And some Javascript pages (five of them here, and my script blocker is blocking all but two of them). These Javascripts are little programs that are supposedly contained in a software “padded cell.” So they “cannot cause harm.” Of course they can anyway; why do you think I have a script blocker? (It’s Firefox, with the NoScript plug-in.)

    Now here’s where you get to see the stuff you aren’t quite supposed to. If you have Firefox, just hit “view”, then “page source”, and you will see the whole text page. But you won’t see the CSS page, nor the image pages, nor the scripts. But we can deal with that. Just click here:

    Finally! A complete Web Authoring System for Linux Desktop, Microsoft Windows and Macintosh users to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

    Download and install. Then open this sucker, hit “File”, then hit “Open Web Location”, and aim it at this site. Easy! (I like this one better than KompoZer.) It looks just like in the browser, but it’s not. Now. If you really must SEE IT ALL: Hit “File”, then “Save as”, and put it into a NEW folder (not one with other stuff, else all the images, CSS, scripts, etc., will get scrambled in with the rest). And now you can see it all. (You could even steal the entire theme this way, just so you’ll know. Once you mess with this, you are a hacker.)

    The CSS page controls everything. The scripts play their little games. The images show up. The text is there too, of course. Game on!

  99. emsnews

    Yes, and playing with CSS is fun but don’t make ANY errors or all hell breaks loose. Then we have to hire hacker teens (or my own spawn) to fix it.

  100. Hey its 12/12/08 GMT time. 12/12/12 is on the way as is all the time after that which will be no different than today feffen velocity wise. Blues – maybe 12/12/12 is the outer event horizon, 5-dimensionally and metaphorically speaking. Maybe not. Chance. What a big ass mean she-dog it is. I respect chance.

  101. JSmith

    “Just my opinion (”MI-RE”).”

    I’ll tell the Nobel Committee. Watch your mailbox!

  102. JSmith

    “P.S. Smit – do you still think you are superior?”

    Unfortunately… every passing day provides more evidence to that effect.

  103. JSmith – if you are so inclined and happen to be in the Charlotte, NC area – look me up. I’ll share some of my homebrew and/or wine with you (if you want it) and then we can further discuss Smit’s supposed superiority! 😀

  104. Blues in his incredible post states:

    “The intriguing thing is that anyone inside this five dimensional universe would perceive that they were living inside a three dimensional universe, plus with time. …..Faster and faster. Reaching the event horizon simultaneously, at the speed of light.

    Then, the five dimensional black hole explodes.”
    So then, the five dimensions in the simulation at least from the standpoint of those living in it (the sims) are as follows:
    1. Perception
    2-4. x, y, z (good ole standard 3-D), and of course
    5. Time
    Makes sense to me. I think the explosion part at the end though is nothing but a failure of calculus (with I think it utilized in tensor geometry) to properly model situations where the intensity seemingly approaches infinity (or perhaps zero). Its just as likely as anything else that the “exposion conclusion” is a failure of the underlying mathamatical premise(s) which are based upon a shaky foundation when the extremes are approached.
    Elaine, I’m looking forward to more “black-hole” discussion.

  105. Incidently, we all should know that when you measure something at the quantum level that can change everything.
    Anyhow, the string-theorist might like this. Inside “perception” resides many, many more dimensions.
    Incredible, don’t you think? Be inwit.

  106. emsnews

    I am a string theorist: everything that appears to be ‘free’ has STRINGS attached. And these usually run somehow to some sort of really nasty person who wishes to either kill or enslave or rob you.

  107. well all i can say is remember: you can always cut the string…
    or can you?
    Time must be connected with the strings in some intimate way. Don’t you think? History suggests as much.

  108. WAIT.
    Since, I’m already a once-taker-backer, i might as well be a twice taker-backer, or that matter, a taker backer whenever i choose 2.
    Screw history. Herstory is what I want to learn about and this story just has not been told much lately except in quiet rooms and soft wispers.
    Still, we all know what “history” means. The Past. Can we learn from it or not?
    Time will tell.

  109. I’m Jim Cuneo.
    2nd LT, JROTC, ROCT.

    and i agree, with Justice.

    now go cry.
    when we do wordpress. your IP’s will be enough. for this little nazi group.

    what do i do? put my money where my mouth is Everyday. planetnetopia.com is just ONE of my sites.

    better yet, we might get some of this little group, when we do NASA Ames, WordPress, Google.

    fucking traitor bitches.

  110. i am the part of the Matrix,
    that holds the end to this.

    you should read my wittings on string, reality and how to insert it into that matrix.

    if you have… time.

  111. hey j-smit and you matix-helmut wearing cog.
    who really know about Pluto (no 9).
    I think Pluto is a planet.
    but that is just my bit – gottit smit?

  112. and the bit 1 and a stinking imaginary zero (0) aint nothing but a duality.
    But the square root of the bit is much more than that!.
    Or at least, that is what I think.
    Salam, Shalom, and Peace – whatever you wanta call it – makes no difference.

  113. JSmith

    “JSmith – if you are so inclined and happen to be in the Charlotte, NC area – look me up.”

    Thanks, Ken… I seldom travel to the Southeast but I’ll let you know if I do.

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