The Chinese plan to execute the executives who screwed up baby formulas.  The main reason for this sentence is the bribery of officials part of the inditement.  The Chinese people applaud this.  We are not nearly so serious about punishing corruption of officials. If we shot everyone who accepted bribes via ‘election committees’ and then did work for the bribers such as passing laws or going to war because of the bribery, DC would be a very empty city.  The economic collapse is taking down both the sad remains of the British Empire as well as the US empire.  This is the real story, not ‘can we fix the banks?’  It is, ‘Can we fix the empires?’


Northern Trust Interest Rate Outlook.pdf

*Paul Kasriel is the recipient of the Lawrence R. Klein Award for Blue Chip Forecasting Accuracy 

No, our title does not refer to our 43rd president. Rather, it refers to the shape of an economic scenario that is beginning to look to us as the most probable going forward. The current economic environment is indeed bleak and there are precious few signs of a recovery. But we believe that if the massive fiscal stimulus package being worked up in Congress is financed largely by the banking system and the Federal Reserve, there is a good chance the economy will begin to grow by the fourth quarter of this year and continue to do so throughout 2010.

And if we are correct on this, we also believe there is a good chance that the consumer price index will be advancing at a fast enough pace by the second half of 2010 to induce the Federal Reserve to become more aggressive in draining credit from the financial system. This could set the stage for another recession commencing in 2012, or perhaps some time in 2011. So, the shape of the path of economic activity we see over the next few years is not a “V”, a “U”, or an “L”, but a “W” – down, up, down, up, all within four or five years.



I always like to add important events to graphs.  This shows more clearly, what is going on.  I forgot to add the ‘Bretton Woods II dollar devaluation’ arrow which is right where the downslope ending at the ‘y’ in ‘Hyperinflation’.  Starting at the end of hyperinflation and the beginning of wild Federal spending, we see the graph going up and up and up.  But this was due 100% to hyper-spending by the government coupled with the trade deficit taking off like a rocket.  


This graph clearly shows what I keep talking about: the Japanese ZIRP carry trade business was at the root of the expansion of credit which was global, not local.  The US Treasury and Federal Reserve lost control of credit long ago as the top chart shows.  Only after the Japanese carry trade suddenly ended when the yen began it long rise, did credit vanish.  The suddenness of this vanishing credit is clearly shown on this graph.  The Reserve Bank’s credit had to rise tremendously to make up the difference between the Japanese lending, which vanished, and the US banks need for borrowing, since US savings is nil.

Chart 5 shows that in the third quarter of last year, credit creation by the Federal Reserve, the commercial banking system and the savings and loan system totaled $2.5 trillion at an annual pace. Total borrowing by the U.S. nonfinancial sector – federal and state/local governments, households and nonfinancial businesses – totaled $2.3 trillion. So, in essence, the Fed and the banking system monetized the entire increase in debt by the nonfinancial sector and then some. Chart 6 shows that it was the Federal Reserve doing the bulk of the “heavy lifting” with respect to this credit creation. The Fed created $2.4 trillion of the total $2.5 trillion credit created by the Fed, the banks and the S&Ls. If the stories are true about the Obama administration’s plan to speed-up the government recapitalization of the banking system, then the Fed will be able to throttle back in its credit creation as the banks increase their share.

The whole problem is, the banks cannot ‘increase their share’ unless they first get some capital.  The Treasuries being handed out like candy to over-stuffed little Trick or Treaters will only make them sicker.  Why is that?  


CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names


A compassionate government would handle the crisis in this way:

The trillions of dollars in credit default swaps (CDS) should be declared null and void. These “swaps” are simply bets that financial instruments and companies will fail, and the bulk of the bets are made by people and institutions that do not hold the financial instruments or shares in the companies. The ideology that financial markets were self-regulating allowed illegal gambling free rein. There is no reason under the sun for taxpayers to bail out gamblers.

The bailout money, instead of being given to favored financial institutions to finance their acquisition of other institutions, should be used to refinance the defaulting mortgages. This would slow, if not stop, the growing inventory of foreclosed properties that is driving down home prices.

The mark-to-market rule should be suspended until the real values of the troubled properties and instruments can be determined. Suspension of the rule would prevent the failure of sound institutions and lessen the need for a bailout.

Interest rates have to be raised in order to encourage saving and to provide incomes to retirees.

To preserve the dollar’s status as reserve currency, a credible policy of reducing both budget and trade deficits must be announced. In the near term the budget deficit can be reduced by $500 billion by withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan and by cutting a bloated defense budget that represents the now unattainable goal of US world hegemony.

The trade deficit can be significantly reduced by bringing offshored jobs back to America. One way to do this is to tax corporations according to the value added to their output that occurs in the US. Corporations that produce their products for US markets abroad would have high tax rates; those that produce domestically would have low tax rates.


Paul Craig Roberts isn’t on Obama’s Dream Team.  I suppose, he paid all his taxes.  Automatic disqualification.  


Well!  All his suggestions are OK except for one teeny, weeny, little problem: we owe most of our money to foreign powers who can squeeze our nuts if we even suggest, we won’t pay them off.  And what, pray tell, is the pay off for China and Japan, both of whom hold between themselves, over $1.5 trillion in US government debts?


Take a wild guess.  If we retreat on allowing a flood of imports into the US, they will hammer us, good.  Our government will  have to declare bankruptcy or pay its own way like most governments.  This means, we must see taxes rise sufficiently to pay off the trillions [China and Japan are the tip of the iceberg, here] we owe foreigners.  This is over $10 trillion and rising, fast.  Then, hyperinflation will hammer us.


Mark to market can’t be suspended, either.  This is because our creditors demanded this.  They want to know what things are worth.  Our worthless banks do NOT want to know how much their paper products are worth!  They want to assign an artificial worth to them so they can pretend to be capitalized.


I sigh with despair as I see one easy solution after another offered.  There is no easy solution.  None at all.  The solution is painfully obvious: we have to end corruption in DC.  Note the Chinese methodology here.  We must recapitalize our banks via DOMESTIC savings.  We can’t borrow any more.  We now have to pay as we go until the banks are recapitalized, properly.  We also have to bring our government into fiscal sanity.  No more imperial wars.  No more aid to nations that have a higher living standard than the US [Israel comes instantly to mind, here].  END THE WAR ON DRUGS.  This is tremendously expensive.  CUT CIA/DARPA SPENDING.  


News today is, the damn CIA, military and Homeland Security were spying on EVERYONE.  These idiots have no Constitutional right to do this.  Our Founding Fathers were very firm about spying on Americans.  This is utterly illegal and very expensive and should be terminated along with the fools who did this, being arrested and I do mean Cheney.


I do very much agree with Paul Craig Robert’s suggestion of taxing imports.  100%.

If monetizing nonfinancial debt were costless, economically speaking, the Zimbabwean economy would be the envy of the world. But, of course, there are economic costs.Monetizing debt means printing money. And printing money ultimately leads to accelerating prices – prices of goods, services and assets. As well intentioned as it may be, the government does not use economic resources as efficiently as the private sector. This inefficiency from government spending worsens the trade-off between aggregate demand and goods/services price increases. And finally, with the Federal Reserve holding the price of credit below its free-market equilibrium, malinvestment, as the Austrian economists say, occurs. That is, the
lower-than-equilibrium interest rate structure encourages investment projects that cannot profitably be sustained when the interest rate structure ultimately must adjust upward. When the interest rate structure finally does adjust upward, unprofitable investment projects are abandoned and economic activity slumps.

Yes, the report is correct.  I recall, when hyperinflation began, the US media ignored the story.  Even now, it gets very little coverage.  This is because our entire economic system depends on inflation.  Now, let’s go off to London where all the bridges are falling down like dominoes.


Turner attacks growth of financial innovation – Business News, Business – The Independent

Lord Turner said that much of the growth in financial services in the last decade was of little economic use and had increased risks. He added that the FSA and the Bank of England had failed to spot the systemic risk created by the combination of various economic and financial developments.

The increased role of financial services in driving economic growth was due to a surge in activity between financial institutions rather than in providing services to companies, he said. The sector’s importance was swollen by rising asset prices which boosted bank profits and bankers’ pay, encouraging the creation of even more complex products that allowed financial firms to cream off unjustified profits, he added.

Lord Turner is correct only this is global.  The growth in ALL ‘financial services’ wasn’t just of no economic use, it was TOXIC AS HELL.  All it did was take debts from the Bank of Japan and dump it all over the planet on every possible business, property, person or commodity.  The Derivatives Beast betting game went from $1 trillion in 2001 to $66 trillion.  This is utter insanity.  


Sharks, pirates, hell hounds and gnomes went totally nuts and seized a good percentage of all the Japanese carry trade loot they were handling and stuffed their pockets with it.  This was all 100% funny money that created a massive burst of inflation.  Which popped the bubble.  We are now seeing this deflate. Our leaders are trying to start a new global bubble.  They are desperate so they are creating massive amounts of government debt to do this foolish thing.  No one respects the concept of ‘capital’ anymore except, perhaps, the Chinese commies.


British government mounts new bank bailout amid warnings of economic collapse

Britain’s Labour government announced another massive bank bailout on Monday. It comes just months after the same banks received a £500 billion “aid” package from the government that included buying up shares in Britain’s leading high street banks and providing loan guarantees and credit facilities.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown had claimed of his October bailout that it had “saved the banks”. In reality, the global economic crisis has intensified, plunging the UK into the worst recession since World War II.
The latest measures came as the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), one of Britain’s largest banks, posted a loss of £28 billion for 2008—the largest corporate loss in UK history. This includes a £20 billion write-down of its purchase of Dutch bank ABN Amro and US bank Capital One.
Banking shares collapsed due to fears about further losses and the expiry of the short-selling ban at the weekend, threatening to pull down the entire banking sector, Britain’s largest and most important industry.
RBS’ shares are worth just 10 percent of their value two years ago. On Friday, Barclays Bank, which has so far avoided part-nationalisation by the government by seeking funds from Middle East investors, saw its share price collapse by 25 percent.

When a deep in debt government bails out banks by going deeper into debt, this is pure insanity, it leads to BOTH going bankrupt.  How stupid is this?  Britain still has a navy.  I suggest Parliament take their tubs and invade the islands swearing fealty to Queen Elizabeth II and raid them.  Close down the faux banks and investment houses that have PO boxes there.  Then, tax the hell out of the corporations locating their faux headquarters there.


To do this, we have to first arrest and punish all politicians taking money from these pirates.  HAHAHA.  Like I said, if we do that, Parliament would be an echo chamber, just like DC would be a ghost town.


Gordon Brown brings Britain to the edge of bankruptcy – Telegraph

By Iain MartinThe country stands on the precipice. We are at risk of utter humiliation, of London becoming a Reykjavik on Thames and Britain going under. Thanks to the arrogance, hubristic strutting and serial incompetence of the Government and a group of bankers, the possibility of national bankruptcy is not unrealistic.
The political impact will be seismic; anger will rage. The haunted looks on the faces of those in supporting roles, such as the Chancellor, suggest they have worked out that a tragedy is unfolding here. Gordon Brown is engaged no longer in a standard battle for re-election; instead he is fighting to avoid going down in history disgraced completely.
This catastrophe happened on his watch, no matter how much he now opportunistically beats up on bankers. He turned on the fountain of cheap money and encouraged the country to swim in it. House prices rose, debt went through the roof and the illusion won elections. Throughout, Brown boasted of the beauty of his regulatory structure, when those in charge of it were failing to ask the most basic questions of financial institutions. The same bankers Brown now claims to be angry with, he once wooed, travelling to the City to give speeches praising their “financial innovation”.

Like so many analysts, Martin doesn’t bother to track down, where this funny money came from.  If anyone thinks that the Tories would have done better, are fooling themselves.  ALL governments across the planet, were sucked into the Japanese ZIRP carry trade business.  China, at least, could see it and took steps to stop the flood of this money pouring into China from Japan.  The first measures were taken in late February, 2007.  Global markets took a brief nosedive.  


This is why voting in opposition parties will fail in ALL nations unless they first figure out what the Chinese figured out last year!  Instead, the G7 want the Japanese carry trade to start again!  They said so in their last three meetings!  China won’t let them.  China will have hyper inflation if they allow this.


Sterling plunges on public debt concerns – Times Online

Sterling today fell below $1.40 to its lowest point in seven and a half years because of concerns about the depth of Britain’s banking crisis and the Government’s rising debt levels as it seeks to bail out the struggling sector.

The pound, which declined by 2.67 cents to $1.4529 yesterday, fell further to $1.396 this morning over fears that the Government’s borrowing levels may exceed £118 billion, equal to 8 per cent of national income, for the next financial year.

The British don’t have much time left to figure out this riddle.  If they do, they will see how they were colonized by Asia.  This is revenge for 250 years of British colonization of Asia.  Payback will be a bitch.  The sins of the Empire will be taken off the hide of the present occupants of Britain.  There is more to come, trust me on this.  The Middle East still has to get its piece of flesh.


Dollar worries a theme in Geithner hearing – Capitol Hill-

Testifying in support of Geithner, former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker warned that “several trillions of dollars will be necessary” from taxpayers and from the Federal Reserve to resuscitate the U.S. financial system.

“Obviously, commitments made of that magnitude raise very large questions,” Volcker told the committee. It’s not only the potential waste of taxpayer money, “there are also risks of undermining confidence in the dollar and raising the fears of future inflation.” 

And as the British domino falls, the US domino will begin to teeter and fall.  We are not at the bottom, we are still very high up this cliff face.  We have a long ways to fall.  We can’t ‘resuscitate’ ourselves if we don’t figure out how to save our industrial base and our work force.


Report: BofA to cut 4,000 from capital markets unit – Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

And the job cuts in finance continue.  Hundreds of thousands of money making jobs are down the drain.  Saving the banks can’t work if we have no savings.  End of story.  ZIRP means, no savings.






P.O. BOX 483

BERLIN, NY 12022

Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’





Filed under .money matters


  1. January 22, 2009
    “Death Agony of Thatcher Deregulated Finance Model”…

  2. Joseppi

    As Elaine metaphorically states we are still high up on a dangerous cliff…World central bankers and their political accomplices feeling a reality challenged vertigo will desperately clutch onto to a slippery slope with any means possible.

    A 30-year-old unemployed South Korean who predicted a collapse in the country’s stock market has been charged over his pessimistic financial blogging.

    What are they capable of next, Elaine?

  3. Bear of Little Brain

    The other dominoes are Ireland, Spain, Greece, Italy (and probably several of the Eastern European states) – all shackled by the Euro. In this shipwreck, the rat was never even on board!
    As one comment on the Irish situation put it:
    ” The other model is what the British are doing. Britain is letting sterling fall so that the problem becomes someone else’s.”
    Ah, perfidious Albion!
    (Ambrose E-P, Daily telegraph)

  4. DrKrbyLuv

    Great analysis – your investigative articles and analysis helps tie things together – a refreshing alternative to the copy and paste websites.
    I don’t see how any nation may remain sovereign or prosperous when it has relinquished it’s monetary control and the issuance of it’s currency to private banks – especially the central banks.
    There is a clear conflict of interest between our nations well being and the profit of private banks. The continuation and acceleration of their exploitation trumps the prosperity and financial security of the people.
    What don’t we simply take back our monetary control and the issuance of our currency? This would of course require a major awakening of the people to form a popular mandate.
    One thing I disagree with in the Paul Craig Roberts quote box is his suggestion to raise interest rates. I totally disagree – this hurts the poor and the middle class and enriches the wealthy.
    Student loans payments will go out of sight, businesses won’t be able to re-tool for the future, investing in our infrastructure will become too expensive, etc.
    I suggest that all interest rates be moved to zero – for everyone. No spread – no usury – save the interest as a nation and as individuals. Eliminate income tax since the services of the Fed and their collection arm, the IRS would no longer be needed. Fire them – then investigate for fraud.

  5. Gary

    Somebody once asked Ghandi what he thought of
    British Civilization. Ghandi replied that he
    thought that would be a good idea

  6. DrKrbyLuv

    Elaine –

    Congratulations on your fine investigative piece; 1961 TOP SECRET FED RESERVE GOLD EXCHANGE REPORT

    It’s showing up all over the web – you’re becoming famous

  7. emsnews

    Thanks, DrkrbyLuv. Hey, by the way, how are you faring in Steel Town in this terrible cold? We just had the mid-January thaw and it is lasting only one day and then back in to the sub-zero basement again!

  8. Paul S

    “Saving the banks can’t work if we have no savings.” I heard on the talk radio last night some pro business/outsourcing guy scream against unions: “Unions are gonna price everybody out of the market”, or a similar remark. I thought to myself, “Yeah well finish the sentence. You don’t have to worry about losing customers over price. If your customers are unemployed, they won’t be buying your product no matter what your “free market” business model. I also remember what UAW president Walter Reuther said about the car company moves towards automation. Reuther agreed that automation would save on labor, but then Reuther asked, “And how may cars will these machines be buying?” How many more jobs must the corporations cut before the light comes on and it occurs to management: “Hey guys, we are slicing our own throats.” The cheap labor the Jack Welch’s of the world love so much can’t afford to replace the American consumer. Welch and his kind like to brag about their “World-class innovation’. Well riddle me this one JW: where ya gonna find your customers to buy all these ‘wonderful’ products you produce? Oh, you hadn’t thought of that? Well get back to me on that one, will ya? ASAP.

  9. Grok1

    Paul S………..well said. Most of these morons can’t see the forest for the trees. They just don’t get it. The excess profit squeezed from labor at every opportunity comes back to bite them in the ass every time.

  10. PLovering

    It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. George Orwell, “1984”

  11. K-Bo


    Do you really believe the whole evil Illuminati conspiracy to control the world alluded to in your link?

    Elaine, how about you – you mention the global European elites who pull the strings, but never put a name to anything. Plus you somehow have lots of knowledge of black magic doings. So is this group of people (if they exist and are working together) really the enemy of freedom loving people that some claim? If so, how would one fight such a thing – public education, personal and family survival mode protection, public uprising to demand an honest system, or what? I look forward to your promise of a piece on Freemasonry, which is purported to be linked to this other alleged group.

    If anyone wants to read more about the Illuminati conspiracy ideas, check out:

    It really makes you wonder what is going on in the world. Is it an evil conspiracy to destroy and enslave us all, or have greedy people made bad choices and caused all hell to break loose for a few years, and things will go back to “normal” eventually?

    Inquiring minds need to know.

  12. emsnews

    The use of black magic is like all self-creating systems: designed to give the users a sense of power and control. This is IDENTICAL to praying to various gods and performing various ceremonies.
    The people at the very top are very scared in many ways. They feel, if they have some sort of ‘in’ with whoever is ‘in control,’ they can control IT. This is sheer stupidity, of course, No one controls ‘IT.’ As we obviously see with the Derivatives Beast and how he is destroying all wealth.

  13. PLovering

    K-Bo: Lotsa luck with your conspiracy theories. Tough sell on this forum.

  14. David

    Paul S:
    When I taught technology, I always had classes view the movie “Ford: The Man, The Machine.”
    In the movie,(which was supposed to be accurate) Henry Ford raised his workers pay to the unprecdented total of $5.00 per day when competetors paid .50 to $1.00 per 12 hour day. They wanted to hang Henry when he instituted the 8 hour workday and began running 3 eight hour shifts per day.
    A reporter asked Henry why he would do such a thing. Henry replied, “So my workers can buy my cars.”
    Well, Ford was proven right when he had the finest workers in the US traveling to Detroit to work in his factories, and they made him one of the richest men in the world at that time.
    If consumers have no money, or worthless money, they cannot buy products at fair prices, no matter how cheaply they were produced.
    Another aspect of this is the social one. That one is real simple. If people have no hope of bettering their lives, they will slip into despair.
    Many will turn to drugs, alcohol and other forms of relief from their suffering.
    Many will turn to crime…and they will take out their dis satisfactions on those who still possess wealth.
    Police and prisons will keep order only for a short time. If such situations continue, corruption of all types becomes rampant.
    What the Bush crowd did was build prisons, some partially owned by Cheney, and sent the youth of America to war to keep them from causing trouble while the corrupt crooks and scoundrels stole every cent they could get their hands on. While some of this was intentional, and some was not, all of the drug wars, terror wars, and justice system–prison industry were mere temporary solutions to an underlying problem.
    This problem is real simple. The US does not have jobs for its young people…it has quit producing real value added products that can be turned into real monetary wealth that has real value.
    Yes! Tax the shit out of imported goods..give tax relief for domestic products…and use those taxes to pay welfare costs for unemployed American workers…so they can live the easy life like the corporate elites who stole their livelihoods.
    What those short-sighted folks can’t seem to realize is that you pay the piper now or you pay the piper later…and there is no free lunch.

    The Bush-Neocon-GOP system cannot survive for the long term…It was designed to allow the looting of America. The looters then thought…to hell with everyone except me. Well, like Grok1 said, “It came back to bite them in the ass.”

  15. GK

    The only explanation I can come up with for Bush sailing through 8 years of destruction with a smirk is that we was actually assigned the task of looting as much as possible to make the job of weakening the economy that much easier for the central bankers.
    Hey George, have I got a job for you! Loot as much money as you can and have a good time on Air Force one! Have some fun and we will cover for you.
    And it make it easier to sell the socialism of the Obama democrats.
    Anyone who is mentally weak enough to think that we will be saved if we give over our free enterprise to central banking crime families should consider reading this book.

    “When it was first published in France in 1997, Le livre noir du Communisme touched off a storm of controversy that continues to rage today. Even some of his contributors shied away from chief editor Stéphane Courtois’s conclusion that Communism, in all its many forms, was morally no better than Nazism; the two totalitarian systems, Courtois argued, were far better at killing than at governing, as the world learned to its sorrow.

    Communism did kill, Courtois and his fellow historians demonstrate, with ruthless efficiency: 25 million in Russia during the Bolshevik and Stalinist eras, perhaps 65 million in China under the eyes of Mao Zedong, 2 million in Cambodia, millions more Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America–an astonishingly high toll of victims. This freely expressed penchant for homicide, Courtois maintains, was no accident, but an integral trait of a philosophy, and a practical politics, that promised to erase class distinctions by erasing classes and the living humans that populated them. Courtois and his contributors document Communism’s crimes in numbing detail, moving from country to country, revolution to revolution. The figures they offer will likely provoke argument, if not among cliometricians then among the ideologically inclined. So, too, will Courtois’s suggestion that those who hold Lenin, Trotsky, and Ho Chi Minh in anything other than contempt are dupes, witting or not, of a murderous school of thought–one that, while in retreat around the world, still has many adherents. A thought-provoking work of history and social criticism, The Black Book of Communism fully merits the broadest possible readership and discussion. –Gregory McNamee “

  16. nah

    BANKS… its amazing how the same story never gets old when your the one telling it…
    choosey moms choose jiff

  17. emsnews

    GK, people go insane. By the time a revolution happens, all hell has already happened. Example: Cambodia. A peaceful, small country with a king. Who was a pacifist Buddhist. The US got rid of him and bang! The country went insane and the Khmer Rogue came in and butchered nearly half of the country!
    WWI destroyed Russia. WWI also destroyed Germany. Both went insane and both killed millions of people. On and on it goes: history is a bloody mess. But look at the aftermath: are the communists worse than, say, the G7 nations when they were butchering the world? And they did!
    Spain, England and France: killed nearly ALL the humans in the New World as well as Australia, just for example. Slave trade by these same people killed MILLIONS. Without modern weapons! Just abused them to death! Took HUNDREDS of years to free these African natives!
    So people popping off about communism better double check European history. Gads. This disgusts me no end.

  18. openly hidden

    so i am not up to speed on gold. the blogger on asiatimes online said basically — if i understood him correctly — he was shitting himself because of a comment gaither made apparently, and that meant to him obama was sympathetic towards making stuff in the usa again….and therefore, china would start buying gold instead of american debt, and we would have another great depression. in other words, america cannot afford to even consider tariffs and re-industrialization or we would all be doomed apparently…. and china would buy gold i presume as an alternative to usa debt. this is how i understand what you all are taliing about gold all of the time..correct? and maybe my peasant jokes fall flat too. i say these things BECAUSE I AM A PURE PEASANT! hahahha! i can therefore joke this way. but i won’t anymore. bear. funny you mentioned fibonacci i used to trade commodities and will again. but i quit trading because i knew my biggest problem was mental self control…my own mind. i.e. seeing the charts as they are, instead of with emotional perception. so. and same with poker. it is all undisciplined and unruly mind as far as i am concerned but i was too …. influenced by reading what different analysists had to say or what i could see going on outside my window for example or worse having commodity brokers calling me up to get back in the market. so i study the way real hard, i do waht i do during the day as a unfunny peasant, and soon, i will dig in hard on japanese candlesticks. all my life now is getting ready to trade again. and i never paid any attention to currencies or gold but i know weak dollar means higher corn and beans.

  19. David

    Talk about killing…We’ve sure done our share over the years…Killed those other “inferior” unchristian, dark-skinned humans of the world like “dogs” when they cross us…Heh! Heh! Heh! We Americans are the best. We count and other humans don’t…they’re there to be squashed like bugs unless they serve us…(I’m being nasty and sarcastic GK).
    Johan Galtung of the Swedish based Transcend Peace foundation documents that the US has killed 17,000,000 people in 67 wars and “police” actions since the end of WWII. GK, that’s one war every two years so we can control the earth’s resources…in other people’s countries…and it is all catching up with us now.
    Ho Chi Minh was a true Vietnamese patriot. I was on the other side of that conflict and even I recognize that Ho worked tirelessly for his entire life to free his nation from French rule, Japanese rule, French rule again, and then American rule…and he succeeded…then Vietnam had to fight China and then had to stop the genocide in Cambodia…so I think Ho did a hell of a good patriotic job leading his country in the right direction…and anyone can respect that even if he was a communist.
    Ho asked the US for help, but we thought we could make more money if Vietnam returned to being a French colony since France owed us a lot of money from WWI…so we supported France instead and then France used money borrowed from us to buy up our gold and ship it to France until we finally stopped them..some friend huh?
    The US did:
    “35 (attempted) assassinations + 11 countries with torture + 25 bombings + 67 military interventions + 23 interferences with other people’s elections give 161 forms of aggravated political violence only since the Second World War. A world record.” Johan Galtung.
    Read for yourself:

  20. Gary

    Openly…. OK …… no problem…. I gotta go somewhere the
    real wind blows soon… We went from the raging banshees
    from hell for weather to two weeks of the thickest most
    stagnant fogs I’ve ever seen. You cant even see two lines of
    the road ahead. The fogs dont lift either. All day. Give me
    raging blizzards anyday ! The farmers I know around here
    live up by my dads way near the Cdn border in Whatcom
    County. They all are extreme right wing up there hating
    unions, “socialism” and gays but yet they all line up for their
    milk price supports ! This and the wording and some misreading of your wording set me off … My apologies.
    Too bad we cant have a drink now……. Gary

  21. Karmaisking

    I knew you had to eventually become famous. You’re the best analyst in the world on financial events today.

    Now you have to just keep a low profile, continuing writing – and avoid being arrested or shot. Or smeared.

    Only the good die young.

    I’ve had my career blow up at least twice by Speaking Truth to Power. Smear campaigns are vicious and brutal and leave you butchered.

    Watch out. Keep your head down for a while. A high profile is only good for liars and knaves.

    Stay low to the ground. And shoot only when shot at.

  22. K-Bo


    Right, “my” conspiracy theories.

    You’re the one that sent a link to an article stating “We are still in the earliest stages of an economic and financial collapse, which was deliberately engineered to bring about eventual total control of our economy and financial system.” and “These conclusions can only be reached if you understand the powers behind government, their history, and what their goals are. This is why we have been able to predict what has been going on for years. Very few writers understand and many choose to keep their month’s shut because they fear for their lives. This has been an almost 50-year odyssey for us and we refuse to hide the truth. If you do not understand the history of the Illuminati you are in a quandary. It is the missing link that ties all the events together. You cannot use macro analysis without knowing the history of what these evil butchers are up too.”

    And Elaine says things like
    “HAHAHA. Markets have ALWAYS been ‘manipulated.’ Duh! Only when it all crashes down, do ‘regular’ investors realize they have been scammed. Then, it all starts over again with a new bubble being created. The key here is, what are these bubbles and who creates them?

    This leads us straight to the global central bankers. The organizations they belong to like the super-secretive Bilderberger Group, just for one glaring example. And off, into the dark tomb in Yale where the Skull and Bones members chant to the Devil that is Death.

    Then we notice the Bohemia Club. And we suddenly find ourselves in the midst of the Jewish community in New York City and Palm Beach, the same nexus where Madoff, a top ‘trader’ and top swindler, operated. And we suddenly begin asking many forbidden questions: who owns Congress and what are they doing to us? And why are they doing these horrible things to us?

    Then we are called ‘conspiracy theorists’ and are mocked. So stay clueless! Don’t look behind the curtain. Deny what your own eyes see. Do not connect the dots. Or you will be punished.”

    So I ask an honest question – do rationale people really believe in these conspiracy theories? Is it possible? On one hand, it really could explain a lot of things. On the other … really !?!? there is a force dictating all these major economic events !?!?

  23. nah

    peter schiff explains the communist state functions in detail… this is not some new communism bush passed laws to fix that… this is the stereotypical strong arm communism waiting in the wings… a world where protests are chaos, order is instatute, government is supreme, prices are fabricated, the media is suffixed into soft exposure, and human thought is trampled or distorted into defacto support.
    bailouts are for kids

  24. PLovering

    K-Bo, I have posted on KKRap upstairs about Gold manipulation chapter and verse.
    It is a short posting that speaks volumes. The Lizards really do conspire to loot the country.

  25. GK

    Elaine and David, I agree completely that Spain, England and France and the US have killed almost as many as communists.
    In fact everything that I have posted leads to the conclusion that communism arose out of an intellectual disease from within these families and the central banking crime families that provided them their money and went insane with the ensuing wealth and power.
    Once their virus penetrated the USA once and for all in 1913 Federal Reserve we abandoned isolationism and went on our killing spree.
    If your read Diplomacy by the insane (admittedly brilliant, insanely brilliant) Kissinger, you will see that he slobbers over Wilson and his Wilsonian democracy which got the US to invade the world and be its policeman.
    Royalty had a choice of resisting the revolutionary force of money (Russia, France) or comply (Britain, Dutch). They still despise the dirty money families as inferior, but they comply or die.

  26. Bear of Little Brain

    Perhaps there is an internal, psychological conflict between the “Will to Power” and the “Desire to be Loved” (someone else may have a better terminology). The intellectual disease may simply be an attempt to resolve this. All that Id, Ego, Super-ego stuff; well, it’s a nail to hang your hat on (I’m no fan of Freud, but it’ll have to do).
    And maybe groups which feel excluded, or are excluded, are particularly prone to this tendency to coldly analyse societies that they do not feel part of or are excluded from. The analysis leads to a theory which attempts to reverse the process. The theory, sub-consciously, attempts to draw the external society into the excluded group’s theory, which then morphs into an ideology. Love Big Brother. Heh™.
    Just musing, so go easy on me!

  27. Gary

    There is a “force” dictating events. Its called
    Stupidity. This force ranks right up there with
    Gravity, Electromagnetism and Thermodynamics.
    Stupidity can also be called arrogance. The elites
    have inbred themselves to the point of babbling
    drooling idiots. Yes their dream is global dominance but nature will take care of that
    monopoly. Nature loves diverstiy and monopolies
    always end up in incest–metaphorically speaking.

  28. Paul S

    The Bush Neo Cons certainly ARE a big part of the problem/corruption, but the ruling class doesn’t make party distinctions. They’ll bribe EITHER party. Example: NAFTA. If you re-watch the Gore–Perot debates about NAFTA, you will see how the system really works. Gore lied and lied and lied some more about the alleged benefits of NAFTA. Gore is supposed to be a Labor endorsed Democrat. The Democrat and Republican parties are more like organized crime families: they may genuinely dislike each other, but BOTH are criminal. This is also why there is no health care reform; Big Pharma and Big Insurance don’t care if you are against abortion or for it, against gun control or for it, etc. Same goes for the other lobbyists. The list of lobbyist influence could go on.

  29. GK

    Iceland is getting serious. Check out the MSM version of the story vs. alternative news.
    The New Zealand prime minister is from the same tribe. Are we next?
    “The government of Iceland today became the first to be effectively brought down by the credit crunch.
    After several nights of rioting over the financial crisis, Prime Minister Geir Haarde, surrendered to increasing pressure and called a general election for May.
    A poll would not normally be held until 2011.
    Haarde also revealed that he had been diagnosed with a malignant tumour of the oesophagus and would not seek re-election.
    ‘I have decided not to seek re-election as leader of the Independence Party at its upcoming national congress,’ he told a news conference.
    The global financial crisis hit Iceland, which has a population 320,000, in October, triggering a collapse in its currency and financial system under the weight of billions of dollars of foreign debts incurred by its banks”
    “Israelis Contemplate A Rescue Mission
    The Icelandic people are near the breaking point, and the Jewish Prime Mister, President, and Zionist bankers may have to flee.

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