JP Morgan Is Main Benefactor Of Financial Crisis

The NYT has an interesting series of articles that try to explain the collapse of international banking systems.  These articles even dare to mention the Derivatives Beast to some small degree.  But the Times does us all an immense favor by showing who won in this last financial convulsion: JP MORGAN.  I have targeted JP Morgan for a lot of ire because it operates like Japan in the US news media: it is mostly hidden from view.  Just like most academic pundits like to focus mainly or only on China while ignoring Japan, many pundits focus on the badly exposed idiots running Goldman Sachs and huge parts of our VISIBLE government systems while ignoring JP Morgan.  


Editorial – Reforming the Financial System –

The multitrillion-dollar market in derivatives was a major catalyst of the financial crisis. Derivatives are supposed to help investors and businesses manage risk, but after a 2000 law largely deregulated them, they also became tools for vast speculation, creating and amplifying risk instead of reducing it.

The reason they were deregulated in 2000 was simple: this allowed ‘free markets’ to operate and these always end up being opportunities for ‘freebooters’ to go crazy. That is, pirates take over and use something as a tool for looting banks and exploiting trade for themselves.  I get a LOT of flack for supporting regulations, rules and restrictions.
There are a lot of people who imagine that ‘freedom’ leads to good things only.  I wish this was true.  But alas, it isn’t true at all.  Freedom works only if one restricts it, often severely.  For example, we are free to drink hard liquor and then jump off a cliff.  Should we do this?  Of course, self-restraint is important.
But in SOCIAL SYSTEMS there is no possibility of ‘self restraint’ since individuals have little power over large groups!  Being individualistic is loads of fun but it can’t operate any large systems, indeed, it can’t operate even in small families.  The agony of many families is when one member decides to do as they please and don’t give a hoot about the rest of the family.  For example, someone in a family decides to be an alcoholic or drug user. They then cause immense suffering and turmoil within the family usually leading to the collapse of the family and death.
Individuals can make bad choices.  So can institutions and organizations.  All organizations need counter organizations to keep them from doing stupid things.  When the Constitution was devised by our Founding Fathers, they worked very hard to prevent all power being held by only one authority which is why they restricted the powers of the Presidency so greatly.
In banking, the role of the central bank is to counteract the power of the political realm as well as the private banking system.  Frankly, private bankers don’t want ANY restrictions on their activities and work tirelessly to prevent this.  By 2000, they had managed to corrupt Congress and the Presidency so badly, they got all the freedoms they wanted and we had the biggest credit bubble in our history.  Which is still causing future problems.
In general, the administration’s plan to regulate derivatives is serious and far-reaching. But, unfortunately, it is marred by loopholes that would protect banks’ lush profits in derivatives while leaving the system and taxpayers vulnerable to renewed instability.
The remaining giant bankers are bigger than ever as their rivals went under.  These handful of powerful bankers are very easy to identify.  They have poured money into the government to insure that the Goose with the Golden Eggs is not regulated.  That is, the darling Derivatives Beast will continue to grow ever bigger.  As I correctly figured out 2 years ago, this entity is the most dangerous thing to ever be created by investment bankers.  It looms over the entire planet’s financial systems.


It is no surprise that the Chinese may have ( this is still not official at all) toss the derivatives market under the bus and run it over a couple of times.  If anyone can kill this creation of the big international bankers, it is China.  This may even end up being part of the rescue package China will use when the US empire finally goes bankrupt.
I also predict that the tool used to kill the derivatives deal making will be forcing world finance to be done on the basis of gold/SDR restrictions.  There is not a 100% chance of this happening, only about 20% chance.  But the possibility of this causes great fear in the international banking for profit community.  Their bread and butter and caviar bonus money comes nearly entirely from the derivatives markets.
The basic flaw in the plan is that it splits the derivatives market in two. Standardized derivative contracts would be traded on regulated exchanges. Customized contracts would continue to be privately traded — which could open the door to some of the same below-the-radar transactions that have already proved so disastrous. Beyond an odd contract here or there, derivatives should be standardized and exchange traded, period.
The administration’s proposed legislation also would exempt some derivative investors, like many hedge funds, from the requirement to trade standardized contracts on an exchange. This major exception could undermine the entire objective of lowering risk, increasing transparency and fostering efficiency.


As I have often pointed out, most of the derivatives market is a ghost market.  Unlike commodities derivatives, the greatest growth in derivatives are the various ‘game’ derivatives.  Bets on all sorts of deals of varying quality and quantities.  The bankers use the brains of the wizards who often physics experts, astronomers and others who work in quantum theories and are accustomed to thinking in infinite numbers.  These mighty minds are hired to do one thing: figure out schemes to create infinite profits doing the least work possible.


This is due to basic human laziness.  If one can conjure money out of thin air doing various accounting or investing tricks, the less it is tied to the real world, the easier it is to make it suddenly shoot up to infinity.  Nothing is easier to shoot to infinity than to print paper money with ever more zeroes.  Since this is laughably easy, various governments resort to this, over and over again.  Way back in Yuan China nearly 1,000 years ago, inflation of the currency ran rampant nearly immediately after the Song dynasty first dabbled in paper money right before Ghengis Khan invaded and killed everyone.


The hard work within any paper currency system is to NOT add zeroes and NOT increase the money supply too fast.  Resisting temptation is the entire business of running a paper money banking system.  Derivatives are the exact same equivalent of ‘printing money’.  It is easy to do.  The hard part is figuring out how to attach this magic money making to something real so it looks as if it is part of a real economic system.  But then, being able to detach it from anything real so it can shoot to infinity.


Look at how it grew after 2000!  Of all the systems on earth, this one is the one that made a beeline to infinity.  The job of any governing system is to patrol for any signs of anything suddenly taking off and heading towards infinity.  This is the alarm bell: the ‘J-hook’ or ‘hockey stick’ graph is a sign of destruction or collapse.  When any system exhibits this characteristic, regulators must shut it down or put up barriers to prevent further growth.  It doesn’t matter if this is population groups, germs spreading, paper money printing, house values: our great enemy to our future happiness is ANYTHING growing at an insane, accelerating rate!


Obama’s group of goofballs don’t want to stop the Hell Hound Hedge Fund pirates.  Nor do they want to regulate the most explosive part of the Derivatives Beast: the over the counter private deals.  This is because, the ability to make funny money via magic is embedded inside this market.  And the gnomes would rather shave their lower body parts off than part with the OTC markets.


But the real failure, according to finance experts and economists, was in the quants’ mathematical models of risk that suggested the arcane stuff was safe.
This is another article wherein the NYT tries to explain the recent total collapse of global profit banking systems.  The quants who I call ‘wizards’ were hired to use the same mathematical systems to describe the supposedly infinitely rapidly expanding universe to create a similar system that would also be infinitely expansionist.
They managed this, using the exact same models and tools used to describe (I believe, erroneously) the expanding universe. Now, I have questioned this model due to the increasingly powerful information that most, if not ALL galaxies are NOT flying  away from each other but are falling INTO each other.
This is paradoxical because the size of the universe is growing, not shrinking.  Like all immense paradoxes, one should suggest that the forces at work are not elegant and simple but are complex and dangerous.  One of the lessons I learned in life is, where there is paradox, there is great danger. That is, we have two opposite systems running simultaneously.  And these systems are in direct conflict with each other.
This is why I mention the Cave of Wealth and Death so much: in this place, zero and infinity are one and the same yet operate exactly opposite of each other.  Just when you think you are looking at infinity it suddenly and very violently becomes zero and vice versa.  Nothingness can suddenly explode into the Big Bang Universe and an expanding Universe can suddenly collapse into nothingness.  We don’t know and CAN’T know for certain because the process eliminates all prior knowledge.


The risk models proved myopic, they say, because they were too simple-minded. They focused mainly on figures like the expected returns and the default risk of financial instruments. What they didn’t sufficiently take into account was human behavior, specifically the potential for widespread panic. When lots of investors got too scared to buy or sell, markets seized up and the models failed.
How in the name of the Goddess Libra, can anyone NOT know about the economic elements of ‘panic’?  History has story after story after story going back in time to give us a very good idea as to what happens when a speculative market surges to seemingly infinity only to violently and suddenly collapse in just one short period, days or even hours?
Only a lunatic could claim that this was unknown and leave this out of economic theories or future speculative systems!  All speculators know about panics.  They think about this all the time!  What they hope for is to FORESEE these panics and bail out before other gnomes seeking to see the panic coming, bailing out.
Usually, they all bail out at once!  HAHAHA.  This is a PARADOX!  That is, the more these guys focus on being able to bail out of markets before they collapse, they collapse the markets by bailing out early!  Since they all watch and spy on each other and read the same news and use the exact same astronomical wizards to track things, since they all believe in the Horoscope of Charts and Graphs and look for ‘heads and shoulders’ and other goodies, they all do the exact same things at the exact same times!
Thus, they remain a MOB.  And are uncontrollable when they dump everything and run for the exits as fast as possible.  So, anyone devising an economic model which ignores this reality must be aware of this very powerful force: panic.
. That failure suggests new frontiers for financial engineering and risk management, including trying to model the mechanics of panic and the patterns of human behavior….
HAHAHA. The mechanics of panic are already understood by the gnomes.  They know they are a mob which is why they socialize with each other: this is how they track the most important part of their economic machine which is gossip.  One of the paradoxes of gossip is, everyone loves it and needs it and it is quite valuable but no one wants to learn from gossip.  So we all talk about things but leave them to happen over and over again.  This is why regulators have to exist.  They prevent things from continuing despite everyone knowing it is very naughty to let something continue.  This, incidentally, is why we have laws.
…J. Doyne Farmer, a former physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and a founder of a quantitative trading firm, finds the behavioral research intriguing but awfully ambitious, especially to build into usable models. Instead, Mr. Farmer, a professor at the interdisciplinary Sante Fe Institute, is doing research on models of markets, institutions and their complex interactions, applying a hybrid discipline called econophysics.
To explain, Mr. Farmer points to the huge buildup of the credit-default-swap market, to a peak of $60 trillion. And in 2006, the average leverage on mortgage securities increased to 16 to 1 (it is now 1.5 to 1). Put the two together, he said, and you have a serious problem.
Econophysics?  HAHAHA.  This is why I have tried, in vain, to personalize the forces in ‘econophysics’ and express their characteristics using ancient paganistic imagery.  That is, if we look at these impersonal forces as cartoon figures, we can see their shape and form more clearly.  Complex relationships become clearer.  Understanding how the cosmic sisters, Zero and Infinity, interact is easier than looking at complex formulas.  That is, instead of needing to be genius to understand strange universal forces, we can ‘see’ them and make accurate predictions based on these stories.


There are many levels which one can digest incoming information.  One is mathematics.  This is a core system and is the fundamental basis for all other systems.  Then, there is the Laws of Nature business which sets the rules and regulations as to how physical things interact.  Then there is metaphysics which is all that is inside our brains which evolved over time in very strange ways.  Integrating all of this into some sort of system is very difficult since our emotions are out of control.


We want to have reality conform to our desires and emotions, not the other way around.  The concept of balance is the bane of our emotions.  Note that when we fall in love, we become emotionally very unbalanced.  And when we fall out of love and it turns to hate, it mirrors the love process.  Often, the more we love something at first, the more we hate it if we turn against it.  All throughout the universe as well as our internal minds, the tension between exact opposites is very powerful.  This paradoxical situation is kept in control by balancing opposites.


This implies tension.  That is, a system that works is like evolution: nature gets into an elaborate balance.  Then outside forces change this and all is thrown into chaos.  The earth is not stable or simple.  It is a complex balancing act in danger of shifting violently if any one factor is changed.  For example, the sun’s activity rises or falls and life on earth is contorted with changes.  A continent crashes into another continent and the entire planet’s ecosystem is totally altered.  Species and life forms vanish forever and new ones appear out of the mess.


Below is another NYT special that is pretty interesting and I wish to examine it closely.  These three boxes show the relative size, vis a vis each other, of the financial banking powers starting in 2007.  Watch how some vanish, the entire structure shrinks dramatically in size and then resumes growing with far fewer entities.  And take special notice which one of these entities grew much bigger during all this!


$1.87 trillion October 7, 2007
Screen shot 2009-09-14 at 9.21.19 AM
$290 billion March 9, 2009
Screen shot 2009-09-14 at 9.35.22 AM
$974 billion Sept 7, 2009
Screen shot 2009-09-14 at 9.35.34 AM
Everything shrank and then doubled in size in just one year.  This is thanks to the US taxpayers recapitalizing these guys at great, great future expense.  We are rapidly using up our credit with the entire planet, trying to restart these guys!  And note who grew the most: JP MORGAN.  Not Goldman Sachs!  Throughout this last 3 years, I have been hammering away at JP Morgan.  It is a fad right now to go after Goldman Sachs.


I would dearly love to run with the herd but then, what is the point of me existing?  If we all think the same thing the same way, this is a sure-fire sign that we are not thinking at all.  There are many herds online that run this way and that.  Mostly, there are many unwritten rules as to what you are allowed to think or believe.  Since I cross all frontiers and think all sorts of things and look at stuff from my own point of view, this often crosses the mob rule systems.  WELL DUH!


In this case, the Rolling Stone story about Goldman Sachs was misleading.  That is, it targeted the wrong Beast.  JP Morgan, like the Rothschilds, has been a this for a lot longer than Goldman Sachs.  And wields a lot more concealed power.  This is probably why the Washington Post ran that bizarre story about JP Morgan ‘suddenly’ going to DC and setting up shop there!  Talk about insane!  JP Morgan IS the government and unlike Goldman Sachs, has learned to be far more invisible.


JP Morgan has many controls within the Federal Reserve, itself.  One might suggest, it IS the Federal Reserve and this is one mighty reason JP Morgan has suddenly gone to DC: to stop Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill!  This bill will open a can of worms.  We will finally get to see exactly how JP Morgan operates!  Wow!  Another reason we should support this bill!

sunset borger

side picture begging boneEmail:



P.O. BOX 483

BERLIN, NY 12022

Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’


sunset borger


Filed under .money matters

35 responses to “JP Morgan Is Main Benefactor Of Financial Crisis

  1. As if what you’ve addressed here isn’t bad enough, the gnomes want British taxpayers to bailout their off-shore tax havens. A brief sample:

    “Offshore expert Michael Foot will next month set out a number of options to government ministers in the report as anxiety grows within Whitehall over the health of Britain’s overseas territories and crown dependencies.

    Senior insiders say early drafts of Foot’s report suggest that the government may need to make provisions for the financial failure of British tax havens. Experts suggest the failure of a major tax haven could potentially cost the UK tens, if not hundreds, of millions of pounds.”


    ELAINE: No kidding!!! Argh. When London demanded that the entire Iceland people pay for the pirate banks using Iceland as a raiding base, I knew these laws would be used against the British people who are the subjects of the Queen. More pirate islands hail Her Majesty as their overlord.

  2. DrKrbyLuv

    J P Morgan Chase has quietly become the main force behind the all powerful NY Fed.

    In 1997, the New York fed reported that it’s three biggest member banks were Chase Manhattan Bank, Citibank, and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. In 2000, J P Morgan & Co and Chase Manhattan (Rockefeller) merged to become J P Morgan Chase Co. Only Citibank (Rockefeller) and the BoA was larger (BoA not part of the NY Fed).

    In 2004, J P Morgan Chase acquired BankOne. The Morgan and Rockefeller empires firmly took control of the NY Fed.

    We know that upon J P Morgan’s death it was discovered that he really didn’t have much money and that the majority “his” bank stock was really owned by the Rothschilds.

    Rockefeller also had connections with the House of Rothschild. Unless something has changed that we don’t know about it should be clear that the House of Rothschild has a loud voice in the operations of the NY Fed which of course, runs the Federal Reserve system.



    ELAINE: Correct, DrKrbyLuv. The organization set up by old JP Morgan still lives, of course, and still is used as a major staging base for invisible manipulation of the banking (and gold) systems. It is also the #1 Derivatives Beast owner.

  3. larry, dfh

    And I bet they didn’t see the French Revolution coming, either.

  4. flipspiceland

    From an earlier NYX piece and others, Jamie Dimon of JPM is TheBamster’s go-to guy, not Lord Blankfein so that makes perfect sense (the JPM is the main beneficiary).

    I don’t think people who vote understand the “Derivatives Beast”. No one I know and they all have at least a post high school education, is interested in the complexities of this hydra-headed monster.

    What needs drilled into their heads is a simple no nonsense metaphor that can serve to capture the ogre and pound it out day after day.

    (I’m working on it. Unsuccesssfully).

  5. emsnews

    It is very hard to understand which is why I simplify things with goofy stories. The minute we talk numbers, people’s eyes glaze over.

    Periodically, I use lots of numbers and data to back up my contentions.

    Flipspiceland, you are right about Dimon being the one who has Obama’s ears and rear.

  6. DrKrbyLuv

    Maybe someone can help me with a question I have regarding an earlier comment made by Elaine.

    I don’t remember where, so I’ll paraphrase what she said: “Japan lost the carry trade, which is now taking place in the U.S.”

    (sorry if I grossly misquoted you Elaine)

    So, here’s my question – what evidence can we see that substantiates that the carry trade is taking place in the U.S. instead of Japan?

    One unusual fact that may be connected is the exponential growth of the The Federal Reserve Custody Accounts.

    “The custody account currently stands at $2.787 trillion (with a “t”) dollars. It has increased by over $430 billion the past 12 months and by more than $275 billion in 2009 alone (through July 29). These are truly shocking numbers, and they tell us that foreign central banks have been accumulating US debt instruments throughout the crisis.”

    Chart Here –

    So why are these accounts exploding? Is this money involved in the carry trade?


  7. K-Bo


    Show mathematically that fractional reserve banking is economic parasitism.


    ELAINE: Thanks for the link, Interesting stuff. Of course, when he gets into the issue of slavery and wages and money, I see a rising need to explain how this works or rather, how money does NOT enslave people….but clearly, debt and wars do.

  8. Matheus

    I want to create a new economic system, what should i read a study to do it ?

  9. charlottemom

    re US dollar carry trade — i looking at foreign govs, transnatl companies (walmart) issuing bonds in dollars, ie today it was Germany. Isn’t that a clue to carry trade?

  10. adammateyko

    I would second the comments of K-Bo and recommend anyone to read that paper. Banking as a “wealth creation” activity is the opposite of its true role.

    Also Stiglitz seems to have the right ideas … see

  11. emsnews

    Just as we have to pass all theories through more than one test we have to do this with economics. There is a large body of work to draw upon as well as raw history.

    Wealth creation ultimately is labor. Since the beginning of human society, this has been so. How labor is EXPLOITED and how it interfaces with raw materials like domesticated plants and animals or rocks or metals, is the history of economics.

    Money is an abstraction even when it is a metal. This makes it a locus point for balancing many disparate forces within an economy. And opens it to constant abuses.

  12. emsnews

    About the carry trade: the US dollar is now supported by a ZIRP central bank and it is also plentiful so it is the ideal carry trade item to be used against higher interest rate systems…LIKE CHINA.

    Which is why the Chinese made dark noises about floods of funny money trying to come ashore.

  13. DrKrbyLuv

    Elaine wrote:

    “About the carry trade: the US dollar is now supported by a ZIRP central bank and it is also plentiful so it is the ideal carry trade item to be used against higher interest rate systems…LIKE CHINA.

    Which is why the Chinese made dark noises about floods of funny money trying to come ashore.”

    My Comment:

    My understanding is that the Federal Reserve Custody Accounts may include central banks, hedge funds, mutual funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, etc.

    First look at this Federal Chart showing how direct foreign purchases of bonds has shrunk:

    But yet the bonds were sold with demand to spare.

    So, is the carry trade funding U.S. bond sales? By hedge funds, mutual funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, etc – held in Federal Reserve custody accounts?

    I think your answer could be a great article.


  14. Gus

    New Pecora type hearings needed. Check the pic of
    the dwarf on J P Morgan’s lap LOL

  15. sharkbabe

    Now they’re putting all that looted taxpayer dough into life insurance derivatives. Die faster, motherf*ckers!

  16. nah

    got these guys on TV… some fed vice chair, a broker of varying stature, and talib that guy that wrote about the black swan…
    and it boils down to this… markets are there to provide liquidity to goods/services/investments…. markets are becoming illiquid with over sized leverage… so we need the government to use TREASURIES to provide liquidity to the market ‘i assume in the same vein making itself less liquid and over leveraged’…. so that we can maintain an overleveraged banking industry that requires traders to balance THE ENTIRE ECONOMY by providing liquidity…. essentially as i see it they need a new AIG and thats uncle sam cuz all these bastards know what kind of a boat they got themselves into…
    the more liquidity they talk up the less liquid the assets are and the underlying quality of the ‘settable capitol’ is set on a ballence purely by 2Big2Fail banks fictitious bottom lines… and the regulators are all kensians that believe MORE LIQUIDITY LEADS TO MORE LIQUIDITY… there is a pattern taking hold and it is not quality assets in an open market
    these bastards on TV talk up liquidity but not once did they discuss PUTTING THIS CHEAP PAPER ON A PUBLIC MARKET TO MAKE IT LIQUID ON AN EXCHANGE…
    the people at the levers have PHDs and cant see all the garbage they expect to disapear tommarow cuz the pharoe keynes necessitates a liquid surface of speculation
    if not just cuz money makes holes smaller
    or systemic corruption easier or whatever

    all pillsbury dough has a funky taste, that funky taste is cardboard

  17. nah
    Whoopi Goldberg won an Oscar for her supporting role as a spiritual medium who helps Sam communicate with his girlfriend from beyond the grave. Goldberg said it was Swayze who convinced director Jerry Zucker to cast her.
    baby dancing with johnny was the titanic of my pre-teens…. dont think ive ever watched either movie all the way through but have seen both 10+ times

  18. PLovering

    “Dr Marc Girard, a specialist in the side effects of drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts, has said said on French TV that the “swine flu” vaccine could cause 60,000 deaths in France, especially among young people, children and pregnant women.

    He also said that the people promoting the “swine flu” vaccine are doing so because they have links with the pharmaceutical company.

    The problem with the “swine flu” vaccine is that it is not just “badly developped” but “not developped”, he said, adding that it is being prepared in conditions that endanger the public health.”

  19. emsnews

    Plovering, you are off topic.

    And yes, there are many, many scaremongers out there. And they operate on slender to no proof of anything.

    By the way, I just had my annual flu shot and am perfectly fine. As always. I can’t fathom the fear freaks at all.

  20. PLovering

    @Elaine, “And yes, there are many, many scaremongers out there. And they operate on slender to no proof of anything.”

    The French doctor probably knows more about the swine flu quantgos than Zealots pushing deadly vaccines.


    ELAINE; I don’t believe him for the very simple reason, I get flu shots all the time and never suffered even slightly. Phobias are very real to the people who suffer from them. The antivaccination phobia blocks out nearly all other information. I know people with phobias think others who don’t have it are crazy. But to those of us who are not phobic, it is the opposite. That guy proved NOTHING new to back up his own hysteria. The fact that he was emotional is proof that he is in the grip of a personal phobia.

  21. if

    When the going is good, the bankers make millions in profits – which they take home as salary and bonuses. An analyst at JPMorgan estimates that American and European banks will pay their 141,000 investment banking employees $77 billion in 2011…or about $543,000 per employee. Since they pay out so much of what they earn, they lack the capital to survive a crisis. But when they’re threatened with extinction, the feds step in to bail them out. No wonder they have no fear of a meltdown…

  22. flipspiceland



  23. emsnews

    If, you are right. There is plenty of ‘capital’ in the investment banking system and every penny of it goes straight into the pockets of the gnomes who starve their own organizations of all capital. This is because they use our government’s future tax revenues as their capital.

    Worse, they push for tax cuts a la Reagan that benefit mostly them so they don’t even have to pay for future bail outs via taxes.

  24. if

    “It’s truly a come-to-Jesus moment for Bank of America”
    * Judge rejects SEC-BofA deal
    Rakoff, in his ruling, found that the settlement “suggests a rather cynical relationship between the parties: the SEC gets to claim that it is exposing wrongdoing on the part of the Bank of America in a high-profile merger, the bank’s management gets to claim that they have been coerced into an onerous settlement by overzealous regulators. And all this is done at the expense, not only of the shareholders, but also of the truth.”

  25. JT

    Here was a nice link (I don´t know if anyone has posted this already).

    The biggest and most secretive gathering of ships in maritime history lies at anchor east of Singapore….

  26. Gary

    Good one on 911, Elaine.

  27. charlottemom

    Green shoot data is jiggered. Reduced inventories, credit shrinking, ghost fleets, etc. It’s only a matter of time before americans realize they’ve been duped with this recovery-less recovery.

    BTW – saw on zerohedge that CEO of Rockefeller has committed suicide. Wonder how this fits into financial mafia syndicate.

    We can no longer distinguish between the government and the Wall Street criminals. What now?

  28. if

    Amazing Photos: 9/12 march on Washington vs. USA Today National Mall schematic


    ELAINE; Be VERY wary of ANYTHING claiming ‘millions marched’ when we know that people posting this garbage are using OLDER demonstration pictures and videos.

  29. John

    Nah, wtf are you RAVING about.

    Not one to let your complete ignorance stand in the way of an opinion are you.

    Issueing treasuries to increase liquidity indeed!

  30. DrKrbyLuv

    Anyone know why HSBC wasn’t included in the NYT animated chart?

  31. emsnews

    I suspect because HSBC is based in Europe so they didn’t include it. These were US-based organizations though I am NOT certain about this.

    By the way, the old guy who was fixing my tractor finished today and I spent the day playing with the tractor….it had been in his shop for more than a week and work piled up.

    Will be posting a story soon.

  32. criticalcontrarian

    Another Rocky ronin bites the dust. James S. McDonald, head of investment-management firm Rockefeller & Co. and a board member of NYSE Euronext, died on Sunday in Massachusetts, apparently taking his own life. Gunshot wound to the head. Further proof that things are not hunky dory as touted in Rocky land.

  33. criticalcontrarian

    Over the weekend, one of the “good guys” also met his maker. A man who knew how to serve his fellowman. A native Iowan who served humanity for over 50 years. A quality human resource badly needed in todays world.

  34. SurfBoy

    if September 15, 2009 at 7:02 pm
    Amazing Photos: 9/12 march on Washington vs. USA Today National Mall schematic

    I looked at the videos and pictures and did not see any reference to “millions” of marchers, and all of the pictures (except for one with clear blue sky) show the cloudy day there in Washington DC. It looks like there were many thousands who are fed up with the govt screwing the poeple.

  35. SurfBoy

    I support HR 1207 Audit the Fed 100%.
    Ron Paul et al. needs all the support we can give them.

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