Deadly 7.2 Mag Earthquake Slams Haiti Hard

A very unusual and violent earthquake just hit Haiti late today.  Haiti is one of the poorest if not the poorest nation in the Americas.  Evidently, major public buildings were totally destroyed.  This is a great catastrophe for Haiti and it also has geological implications for many more people than just in Haiti, itself.  The last ten years has been a decade of geological action including some of the worst tsunamis ever recorded in the last 200 years.


Haiti earthquake: thousands feared dead – Telegraph

Haiti’s presidential palace and numerous other government buildings in the country’s capital Port-au-Prince collapsed after the tremor. A hospital was also flattened, with reports that patients were buried under the rubble. Karel Zelenka, a Catholic Relief Services representative in the capital of Port-au-Prince, told US colleagues before phone service failed that “there must be thousands of people dead,” according to a spokeswoman for the aid group, Sara Fajardo….The earthquake is the strongest ever to hit Haiti.


Haiti, like nearly all the smaller islands of the Caribbean, lies along the cutting edge of the Atlantic/Caribbean Plates.  This major earthquake as well as the strong aftershocks were all at the 10 km depth which is significant.  This seems to be a depth favored for earth shifting triggers in the lithosphere.  For example, the Great Boxing Day Quake that killed a quarter million people was at that depth, too.


IRIS – Seismic Monitor

The Caribbean Plate is most interesting for it sits dead center between the immense North American Plate and the immense South American Plate.  Like a nut caught in the jaws of a giant nutcracker, this plate is being relentlessly squeezed by the two slow but relentlessly moving landmasses.  Note in the map below, how half of Central America sits along the western edge of this peculiar plate!  The edge facing the Atlantic/North American plate has a lot of island building going on including a line of quite active and very dangerous volcanoes along the eastern subduction zone.


File:Tectonic plates Caribbean.png – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have been closely watching the increasingly active major faults in Northern California and the Gulf of Mexico.  Today’s map shows how active both ends are getting.  The middle section is totally still with nary a shiver as if some giant was holding it firm in place.  It will eventually reset, very violently, at least as violently as the Haiti earthquake today.


These IRIS maps show 2 weeks worth of quakes, the red circles are recent quakes, the yellow are more than 24 hours old.  Normally, there are virtually no yellow and very few red circles along the West Coast but for the last 2 months, there have been increasing activity along the entire length of the West Coast from the very disturbed Juan de Fuca plate all the way to the tip of Baja California.


This last two weeks, I have noticed lots of quakes along the length of the spreading rift zone between Europe, Africa and the North and South American plates.  But for this to create such a violent thunderclap of an earthquake in Haiti?  Well, last week, I noticed news about rising volcanic action in the island chains to the south of Haiti.  The incredible quake that slammed into Indonesia and which killed so many people several years ago is still causing the rest of the planet to shudder and rearrange itself.


It is also quite possible that glacial melt in Greenland may be contributing to this disorder.  Ice can and does compress landmasses and Greenland has been buried under incredible amounts of ice for at least a million years.  So it could be springing upwards, inch by inch.  Now, back to the interesting Caribbean Plate.  I didn’t know this, but recent research by geologists have some surprising ideas I think could be entertained as possible:


ScienceDirect – Tectonophysics : Sub-slab mantle flow parallel to the Caribbean plate boundaries: Inferences from SKS splitting

Sub-slab mantle flow parallel to the Caribbean plate boundaries: Inferences from SKS splitting

L.T. Piñero-Feliciangelia, E-mail The Corresponding Author and J.-M. Kendallb, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author


aInstituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

bDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK


. Upper-mantle deformation near the margins of the Caribbean plate is investigated using observations of shear-wave splitting in teleseismic and local shear phases. The Caribbean plate is almost stationary in the hot-spot reference frame and is wedged between the North America, South America, Nazca and Cocos plates; collisional belts and major shear zones encircle the plate. Data from seismic stations operated by IRIS, GEOSCOPE, the Venezuelan Seismological Network, and the British Geological Survey have provided nearly 2000 seismic records for analysis. Analysis of shear-wave splitting in teleseismic core phases (e.g., SKS) at stations reveals fast shear-wave polarisations that are conformal to the plate boundary, paralleling the major structural features. The magnitude of the splitting is in general quite large (1.2–2.1 s). In northern Venezuela, the magnitude of splitting increases towards the Caribbean–South American collisional front.


Hot spots are most interesting.  We have no idea why they exist but there are many possible explanations.  One idea is, these are due to asteroid impact zones that shatter the lithosphere half a billion or more years ago and these remain ‘weak spots’ which are not part of the plates at all but lie below them.  For example, when India moved over one of these ‘hot spots’ it caused massive lava flows which are now called the Deccan Plains, there is a similar thing in Russia and Yellowstone seems to be a nasty hot spot, too.  Certainly, Hawaii is one. As the Pacific plate shifts, the hot spot is stationary and it leaves a chain of islands to show previous eruptions.



DEWEY, John F., Department of Geology, UC Davis, Davis, CA 95616, and PINDELL, James, Dept. Earth Science, Rice University, Main Street, Houston, TX 77005


By 100Ma, the Costa Rica subduction zone initiated to trap the Caribbean Plate between the Central American and Lesser Antillean subduction zones. Since then, the Caribbean Plate has been trapped in the hot-spot (mantle) reference frame with respect to which the Americas have moved westward with leading edge flat compressional subduction. Subduction-accretion has occurred on both eastern and western sides of the Caribbean Plate in front of linear neutral arcs, whereas the Mexican arc is patchily and widely distributed with compressional subduction erosion and is moving westward in the Caribbean reference frame….


Plate circuits give hotspot tracks on Pacific, Cocos, and Nazca Plates if the Caribbean Plate is fixed in the mantle frame.


Below is an older map from a decade ago showing how the Caribbean Plate was a big ‘rock’ in the time period 10 million years before the famous dinosaur-killing asteroid hit right up by the Yucatan.

Iturralde 2000 Caribbean plate model – 76 M

Perhaps that event caused the Caribbean plate to ooze out epic amounts of volcanic materials? And this contributed to the near-annihilation of many lifeforms? It is also interesting to see that the Yucatan is almost right next to Florida. Did the asteroid cause such rifts and cracks, that the Gulf of Mexico began to spread?

Below is a map showing another guess by other geologists.  It shows how it is being pinched by two subduction zones but the geologist puts a small question mark where the Caribbean plate faces the Pacific Ocean.  I wonder if some of the geological actions we see in the very restless western sides of both North and South America are partially due to trying to slip around this huge obstruction parked straight between them?  If these recent studies are true, this is one of the very few features on earth that don’t move!  But the grinding edges of this plate are certainly very violent and move quite unexpectedly.


Giunta et al. 1999 Caribbean plate model – Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous

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Filed under Geology, nature

25 responses to “Deadly 7.2 Mag Earthquake Slams Haiti Hard

  1. nah

    i totally know rite… the gulf of mexico was a meteor event… the world puzzle fits together without a big round blot at the yucatan’
    and haiti… they got it way worse than cuba…
    its so sad, an American nation in tatters like that… the cancer of ignorance ruins peoples lives
    education and health are the only thing that can save this world… and that means the U.S.A
    seems like of all the carabean islands haiti is like a catastrophe magnet…
    we should send fidel down to them islands see if he can get the russians to give him the absolute power over the people there…. could be a good thing i guess
    see if it works in venezuela yet
    or if it was fidels charisma

  2. nah

    and how about the US and Israel assassinating a nuclear scientist in iran who supported a modern view of the iranian politic with a pipe bomb duck taped to a motorcycle… pretty good trick
    or whatever, really the question is who else gots to die for a ‘fantasy government’ that seeks to cure ‘fantasy crimes’ confronting them from ‘fantasy ideologys’… Iran is dangerous

  3. Jimmy

    Hot spots are further revealed in this research from April 2009, studying coordinated pulses of mantle plumes which “imply periodic heating of the earth’s core with subsequent heat-release to the mantle and increased global plume activity…” “both plumes seem to originate within the thin boundary layer near the Core/Mantle Boundary”.

    Variation of Icelandic and Hawaiian magmatism: evidence for co-pulsation of mantle plumes? R. Mjelde and J. I. Faleide

    Click to access fulltext.pdf

    I wonder if the ‘geomagnetic dynamo theory’ supports periodic heat pulses or do we need Dr. Herndon’s maverick ‘earth core reactor theory’ to explain this?


    ELAINE: Thanks for the link and for the comment. The sun’s core has cycles which we call the 20 year cycle. So it would not be at all strange if the earth’s molten core has this, too. And I suspect, Jupiter and Saturn also have this and if they are in harmony with the sun, this wouldn’t surprise me since the sun’s gravity pool effects us in many ways, all of them tied into or rather trapped in the sun’s embrace. We know from looking at the cosmos that when galaxies fall towards each other or pull in star clusters or sheets of disorganized raw materials, star formation takes off and stars are ‘born’.

  4. PFO

    Hello Elaine,

    Your previous reporting on earthquakes, et al parallels my regular checking of same here on the Northrim of the WAMU Crater.

    Two areas have drawn my attention the past three months:

    a. The Cowlitz River Valley between Mt. St Helens and Mt. Rainier, where there have been weekly quakes,

    b. North Central Oregon where there have been weekly quakes and

    c. Puget Sound in front of Seattle, where there have been weekly quakes.

    What just happened to Port a’ Prince could make our area a moonscape if volcanic eruptions followed.



    ELAINE: Yes, I have also noted that in the past several months. It began quite suddenly when a geologist reported harmonic frequent quakes at the trijunction of the Juan de Fuca plate just off the shore of Oregon. This is why I mention that Mt. Shasta is not dormant but is still very much an active volcano.

  5. JSmith

    “It is also quite possible that glacial melt in Greenland may be contributing to this disorder.”

    Wonder what’s causing that? Not climate change, surely; we know that’s not happening!

  6. emsnews

    I hope you realize my story here, Smith: global warming is not being taken seriously by virtually anyone. I keep saying, earthquakes, heat waves, etc all will be a hazard for people who do NOT live in Canada or the former glacier areas of the US (New England and the Great Lakes areas) but the REST OF THE WORLD has to worry about this global warming.

    So what is everyone doing? Are southerners turning off air conditioners? Putting solar panels on their roofs (only Germany of all places leads in this! And Germany was covered by glaciers, once!)? Is anyone in the ‘hot’ regions lifting a finger to change their own goofy lifestyles in response to ‘global warming’?

    Nope. They must change FIRST, not last. They–and I mean all the first world balmy places—must show good cause that they are very serious about this and make multiple, deep changes in how they live and work and how their houses are built, etc before taxing me or punishing me when I use fossil fuels to stay alive. End of story.

  7. nah

    Solar cells made through oil-and-water ‘self-assembly’
    I want solar… i will buy solar… but it has to be priced a little better i think… the equipment is still very expensive vs electricity and gas… and if you are going to start a ‘pod’… you mite as well try and gas into at least 700 Watts and gel batteries with a real charger ‘gel 6 volts are also premium’…. now you got a 40 sq ft rail???
    anyways… ive dont alot of thinking about solar and figure we all can do more… but the technology is really outstanding… just hydro/coal/gas is really the best buy, and its so hella fun to zip

  8. adammateyko

    Stars and earthquakes are part of the same contiguous process of energy shifting around this cosmos. The star “sun” is a big positive cathode ie gravity well; and electrons rush to it from “space” as they are a gravity “hill”. As the flux of cosmic “rays” including xrays, gamma rays, protons, etc zooms to the sun it reacts and then the earth reacts; as do the larger outer planets. Just as we now have found that lightning is preceeded by precursor gamma/xrays streamers that opens its discharge channel . We see planets glowing ie Jupiter/Saturn. The earth is impacted by these events as part of the open system that we are discovering more about each day. It is all about transference of “energy”.

  9. Z

    Couldn’t water pressure also have something to do with the increase of earth quakes? All that added water due to ice melting would probably increase the pressure on the water below it that is within these fault lines in the ocean.


  10. john delano

    It is very likely that the Cayman Trench/Bartlett deep extended south of Haiti.
    The mountains of Haiti were Twice as high as the mountains of Cuba, also pushed up about 120 million years ago, as the Equator was running north and south through Africa. The Pacific Ocean was still covered by an 18 mile high ice cap, and the icepushed east creating both the Caribbean “hollow” and the arc with the falklind Islands rounding out the extent of the movement.
    The Haitian Mountains standing between the Porto Rician Trench and the extended Caymen Trough, had no support and collapsed into the Trough south of haiti.
    The land under Haiti compressed for millions
    of years is rebounding, rising and this is evidensed by the 6 mile deep quake.

  11. JSmith

    “All that added water due to ice melting would probably increase the pressure on the water below it that is within these fault lines in the ocean.”

    Water is water, whether it’s in the liquid or frozen state. So melting ice doesn’t increase the net weight of water at all – it may move from one place to another, but if glaciers melt the additional liquid water is spread over a vast ocean area.

  12. JSmith

    “They–and I mean all the first world balmy places—must show good cause that they are very serious about this and make multiple, deep changes in how they live and work and how their houses are built, etc before taxing me or punishing me when I use fossil fuels to stay alive. End of story.”

    Unfortunately… it’s not the end of the story. While I’m somewhat in agreement with that argument – I live within reasonable distance of the Great Lakes myself, and there’s a nature preserve nearby that marks the southern limit of the Wurm glaciation – that’s the argument the Third Worlders make: not our fault, so we get to clean up our act last.

    Nuh-uh. If any of us make lifestyle changes, we all have to make lifestyle changes. (This, of course, is why we’re all DOOOOOOMED.)

  13. Sky

    ” There’s no water, there’s nothing !” ( CNN footage).

    The aid planes have FINALLY
    arrived , but distribution continues to be a problem. The earthquake survivors have yet to see a life saving drop of water or a morsel of food.

    Yet Haiti is the one 3rd world country that was positively crawling with aid agencies BEFORE this quake struck. What happened? Where are the emergency plans?

    Special UN envoy for Haiti, William Jefferson Clinton,told reporters last summer that Haiti had aid and advocacy groups tripping over each other, with more non-governmental organizations per capita than any other nation in the world except for India.

    So what good are all these aid agencies if they can’t even get their act together to deliver emergency relief in a TIMELY fashion to the victims that desperately need them ?

    Where are the UN hospital ships ? Dream on . The UN’s been a little busy of late sucking up to Big Pharma and cooking up a flu pandemic instead of preparing for an ACTUAL disaster. But then, that’s not their job is it ?

    Never fear. Among the first in line, with his hands out for disaster funds, we find this man :

    Amazing how quickly they can get their act together when it comes to commandeering those international donation $$$$ .

    Where’s Clinton partner in crime this time around ? How much did the Bush/Clinton Aid Ticket pull in for their other 3 joint foundations? What happened to the money? Who administers these elitist funds? Who audits them ? Why OTHER elites , of course.

    ASIA: Tsunami Recovery Hit by Corruption, Apathy

  14. Sky

    As usual, when the bureaucratic bungling help arrives it will be much too late for many of those who could have been saved.

    Need a cluster bomb? How about some white phosphorous or some DU? No problem. THOSE we can deliver yesterday.This is the world the globalists have set up for us. All for the ” common good”, naturally.

    You’re on your own folks.

  15. emsnews

    Sky, many of the aid agency staff is either very badly hurt or DEAD. Your whining about how they can’t help is due to them needing to be rescued, too.

  16. Sky

    @ Elaine- Red Cross ( as corrupt as it is ) is now out of supplies. They did what little they could, and are now waiting for help themselves.

    And the people are waiting for anything. Anything at all. Those that are able, are doing their best to dig out their friends and family with picks and shovels, but mostly with their bare hands.

    Haiti is only 700 miles off your coast. The airport is now clogged with relief planes and supplies that aren’t getting through to the Haitian victims.

    Have these relief agencies heard of air drops ? My God, what a double disaster! First the earthquake and then the response.

    Air drop these people water, refugee tents,bandages,pain meds, food. Whatever.The people will know what to do with them.

    All “we the people” can do is donate in the form of taxes or personal donations to these relief agencies. The UN has billions of these dollars pass thru its hands every year. Why aren’t $$$ paying for hospital ships, a stockpile of tents, and emergency medical supplies that can be dispatched at a MOMENTS NOTICE ?

    Why does our money only get funneled into the pockets of high payed bureaucrats who in all these years have yet to come up with a proper emergency plan ? You tell me.

    I see Haiti today. And I see California tomorrow. And the rescue response will be every bit as abysmal when it’s Americans buried alive as when it’s Haitians.

  17. Sky

    If I hear Ban Ki-moon whine one more time about his precious UN staff while there are MILLIONS of Haitians stepping over dead bodies in the streets, bloodied and clutching their dying children….I swear I will throw something at that the TV.

    Moon and his staff are RESPONSIBLE for this deteriorating situation. Emergency response is supposed to be their JOB !

    What has the WHO done for these victims during the first critical 48 hrs? Nada! Maybe they’re sending a plane full of flu vaccines. That should help out, eh ?

    These people needed help immediately and didn’t get it.The UN has 1st world funding and 1st world equipment and can muster, at best, a 3rd world response. They make me sick.

  18. emsnews

    You didn’t show even slight interest in all the many children who died of the swine flu this last year, Sky. Your concern is totally fake. You just want any excuse to whine.

  19. Sky

    The children who died from swine flu got medical attention. They were treated in hospitals and despite the best efforts of doctors, they died.

    Thousands upon thousands of the walking wounded in Haiti will die as a result of the willful NEGLIGENCE of the international relief agencies. The prime culprit being the UN.

    Do you understand the difference here? The quake victims are people who CAN be saved, but instead of the necessary supplies are given the standard opprobrium – ” Help is on the way. ”

    Yes it is on the way. WAY too late for many of them.


    ELAINE: At no time did you express any interest in the fate of children exposed to this dangerous, deadly flu. You even made fun of them. Now, while pretending to be outraged, you are attacking the UN for not saving people when UN staff is DYING under tons of rubble. A very disgusting display of fake care, my dear.

  20. CK

    Not to worry Sky, the USA will be airdropping a Clinton and a Bush ( and their security entourages ) into Haiti real soon now, to oversee the rehabilitation of the Haitian peoples.

  21. emsnews

    Haiti is a fine example of religious dogma leading to massive overpopulation. There are 333 people per square mile in Haiti. In France, it is only 60 people per square mile, for example. This is so important.

    Haiti’s social systems were collapsing long before the houses fell. We just went through the farce of the Copenhagen meetings were population pressure was never mentioned.

    The severe deforestation of Haiti is due to extreme population pressures. This is a mainly Catholic country and thus, is anti birth control.

  22. scarletfire

    Haiti is a very bad situation where according to news reports the only aid or services being provided is in one small area that houses the rich and foreigners in Petionville. Much like Katrina any aid will flow slowly and to the best connected first. Reports of gangs with knives are filling the void and looting the stores to feed their own. The third world and have not’s in the first world world will watch this to see how the 1st world reacts. Since Haiti falls within the area covered by the Monroe Doctrine the US must be seen showing leadership here. I just read a report of 3,100 soldiers about to deploy to Afganistan, they should be diverted to Haiti instead. That one act would go far in showing US resolve in helping it’s neighbors in time of need. If we fail here, much like we failed during Katrina, the third world will have more reason to distrust the first world and the many agencies the first world has created to supposedly help the third world.All the UN agencies must perform well here or risk the perception that they are ineffectual which will hinder their role in the future.If the WHO doesn’t step up dramatically they will have a very hard time selling vaccines (on behalf of big pharma) the next time they declare a pandemic.

  23. Pingback: Japan Has Very Fractured Geological Reality | Culture of Life News

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