AOL Censors Huffington Post Former Headline Story About PRISM

Huffington post owner, AOL censors PRISM story

I was remiss to not take a screen shot of the Huffington Post front page today.  It was all about PRISM.  Now, there is no sign of the PRISM story on the front page, anywhere!  This is due to AOL sitting on the board of this goofy online business and it is part of the PRISM spy program.


Earlier today, this was the Huffington Post lead story:  NSA Prism Data Mining Is All Up In Ur Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple [UPDATE] but this wasn’t just moved down lower like normal, it VANISHED from the front pages entirely and replaced with this story: Obama Defends NSA Programs, Says Congress Knew About Surveillance and the key sentence in this story is this one line:


Disclosure: The Huffington Post is owned by AOL, which has denied knowledge of the PRISM program.


It pays to know who owns what.  In this case, the Huffington Post is part of corporate America.  They let the writers do lefty stuff and even talk about Occupy Wall Street in a positive way but when push comes to shove, the people running AOL can censor things. Many, many things are censored in our news media.  No need for a government censor, our government IS the corporations working hand in glove with foreign powers to suck down all our wealth and bankrupt us.


Board Of Directors – AOL Corp

  • Tim Armstrong—Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AOL Inc. Director Since 2009 Tim Armstrong has served as Chairman and CEO of AOL since 2009. In December of 2009, he took the company public on the New York Stock Exchange. AOL serves over 200 million consumers a month and is one of the world’s biggest consumers brands.
  • Alberto Ibargüen—President and Chief Executive Officer John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Director since 2011Mr. Alberto Ibargüen is the President
 and Chief Executive Officer of the John
 S. and James L. Knight Foundation, a private, independent foundation dedicated to the promotion of quality journalism, advancing media innovation and the arts.
  • James Stengel—President and Chief Executive Officer The Jim Stengel Company, LLC Director since 2009 Mr. James Stengel has been President and Chief Executive Officer of The Jim Stengel Company, LLC, a marketing think tank and consulting firm, since 2008. Mr. Stengel is also currently an adjunct marketing professor at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management.
  • Fredric G. Reynolds—Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer CBS Corporation Director since 2009Mr. Fredric Reynolds was with CBS Corporation, a media company, and its predecessor companies from 1994 until he retired in August 2009. Mr. Reynolds was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of CBS Corporation from 2005 to 2009.
  • Patricia E. Mitchell—President and Chief Executive Officer The Paley Center for Media Director since 2009 Ms. Patricia Mitchell has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of The Paley Center for Media, a global non-profit cultural institution, since 2006. Before that, Ms. Mitchell was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Public Broadcasting Service, a non-profit public broadcasting television…
  • Richard L. DalzellFormer Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Inc. Director since 2009 Mr. Richard Dalzell was Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of, Inc., an online retailer, until his retirement in 2007.
  • Hugh F. JohnstonExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of PepsiCo Director since 2012Mr. Hugh Johnston has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of PepsiCo, Inc., a 
global food and beverage company,
since 2010. In his current role, he is responsible for providing strategic financial leadership; ensuring PepsiCo’s capital structure, financial systems and controls;…
  • Dawn G. LeporeChief Executive Officer Prosper Marketplace, Inc. Director Since 2012 Ms. Dawn Lepore is Chairman and CEO of Prosper Marketplace, Inc., a peer-to- peer lending marketplace. Formerly, she was CEO and Chairman of the Board of, Inc., a leading online retailer of health, beauty, and wellness products, which she led from 2004 until the successful sale to Walgreens in…


Some of these guys are Bilderberg attendees.  Note the Pepsi Co clown.  Pepsi and the other soft drinks are destroying millions and millions of people causing immense health problems linked to both obesity and anorexia (anorexics drink sweet stuff while starving for the cheap, quick energy!).  Having CBS censor Huffington Post is most interesting.  From the I spy you with my eye:  CBS TV Network Primetime, Daytime, Late Night and Classic Television Shows

AOL big brother is watching all of us

HAHAHA…Orwell is laughing in the Afterlife.


From the Huffington Post:  Obama Administration On PRISM Program: ‘Only Non-U.S. Persons Outside The U.S. Are Targeted’ (UPDATE) is the only story on the front page about PRISM.  Here is the CBS news story today:


CBS big brother


We have courts and laws!  And the NSA has its own SECRET court which is very much how the Soviet Union and the Inquisition was run.  Our Constitution has a lot to say about spying on people and secret courts: VERBOTEN.  Yet it is allowed by our rulers who are anxious to control us SECRETLY.  And Obama studied law so he knows this perfectly well as did Bush and Clinton and so forth.  But they want to control us and control foreigners ‘who hate us for our fake freedoms’ to misquote Bush Jr. a tad.


From freer parts of the web we see the real story still:  PRISM Spying Program: Apple, Google Involvement Leaked – Business Insider:  Whistleblower Was ‘Horrified’ That Government Could ‘Literally Watch Your Ideas Form Literally As You Type Them.


CBS did have this interview:  Julian Assange talks Manning trial, “mass spying” by U.S. but it is meaningless unless CBS carries the news about PRISM.  I see the story being buried rapidly!  The GOP can’t exploit this since they launched PRISM.  So it is going to be…IGNORED.  Yes, they will pretend it isn’t important and go on with Business As Usual.  NSA’s Verizon records collection: “Calm down,” Reid says says it all.  The DNC is OK with this spying and so is the GOP.


And Zionist Murdoch’s NY Post story is this stupid thing: Obama supporters in Congress say secret phone-tracking program is legal and necessary to fight terror – but only if we think ‘terror’ is all red necks and Muslims.  Yes, we do watch them!  Any…AP reporters and whistle blowers and everyone else of interest.


CNN’s story:  Privacy worries called ‘modest’ and Internet laughs about being spied on –  HAHAHA.  All a big, fat joke.  Yup.  The outrage is supposedly silly.  We should just accept this mess as ‘normal’.  Look at who isn’t laughing:  Greenwald: Obama ‘bullying and threatening’ anyone who covers PRISM which is why the word ‘Prism’ is disappearing fast.

sunset borger

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Filed under Politics

19 responses to “AOL Censors Huffington Post Former Headline Story About PRISM

  1. lucky13

    ‘Terror’ from the Bilderbergers?

  2. Just Ice

    Orwell never imagined that people would buy the camera and the microphone, carry them around with them, and then pay for a wireless connection to transmit the data back to headquarters.

  3. JT

    “They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type,” one whistleblower said.”

    “The NSA and FBI tap directly into the central servers of the companies, obtaining audio, video, photographs, emails, documents and connection logs that ‘enable analysts to track a person’s movements and contacts over time,’ according to the Post”

    It really is that easy and they can do all that.
    And all these systems are always used unethically.
    Someone checks on his wife, enemy, someone you hate, wants to leak to the press……

    This really should be illegal.
    The latest stuff, icloud and ms live id are still quite new and give them possibilities even Orwell could not dream about.

  4. JT

    For searches ditch google…

    ditch hotmail and gmail

    ditch microsoft and apple

    ditch iPhones and google phones

    always use “private browsing” and delete cookies from you browser

    and these are useful and easy too

    and for safety if you want to be hardcore

  5. JT

    Ditch google

    always use private browsing
    delete you cookies from time to time

    ghostery and ad-blocker are good

    ditch apple, google and microsoft for ubuntu in the long term

    and if you want to go hardcore

  6. Just Ice

    The right to free speech could have included the right to “whisper”. . . with encryption.

    Instead the Courts, the Legislature, and apparently the People have gone the opposite way, frustrating strong encryption and restricting the definition of what is encompassed by a reasonable expectation of privacy for warrants.

    For Fourth Amendment privacy purposes, I fail to see how the contents of electronic communication are different from the contents of a letter, particularly when in most instances those electronic communications are prohibited from being shrouded in the “envelope” of encryption.

    All this because of “terrorism”? Because the same people fighting terrorism also created it by successfully fomenting the Arab underclass into a twelfth-century religious fervor to hopelessly come at us directly, as individuals, instead of toppling their own corrupt rulers who are selling them out, and maybe coming at us as Nations?

    If terrorism is the price of cheap oil, then thank you, I’d rather chance it and keep my privacy too.

  7. emsnews

    We support and protect their rulers. Bin Laden attacked us because of this and he made this VERY clear.

  8. IAmSpartacus

    @ Just Ice: The Muslims may have finally gotten smart to that; Egypt, Libya, Syria, if Assad falls; all run by the Mo Bros/Al Q. What happens if they succede in creating a Mo Bro Califate? Ironically, our government is making it happen, but, then again, US foreign policy has an unbroken track record of creating Frankenstein monsters.

  9. Just Ice


    I’ll believe they’re on the verge of making a Caliphate when they unify and when they come up with their own mechanism for oil price discovery.

    I suppose those are synthetic revolutions, to replace old leaders with new gullible ones. With Assad it’s as much about having a European natural gas pipeline that doesn’t run through a Russian satellite monopoly. In Africa, it’s clearing the deck of strongmen, creating a continental power vacuum, resources to be bought up by foreigners or else (maybe) unified from within.

    Generally, it seems those revolutions keep them all divided amongst each other, confused about who is on their side, maybe re-directs some of that hatred to Israel, and away from the Saudi rulers, Qatar, etc. etc.

    Time will tell how that turns out.


    ELAINE: The Muslim world is splintering apart as is the EU.

  10. Just Ice

    Bin Laden was an idiot who forgot that he needed a Country with which to go to war.

    And, we forgot that too.


    ELAINE: He was brilliant. His goal was to lure the US into Afghanistan so we would end up bankrupt like the Soviet Union. And we lost a trillion dollars there and it is still bankrupting us.

  11. Dana & Jason Hegna

    Ultimately, all the data collected will be used for marketing by the Sophisticated Advertiser.

    My favorite part of 1984 is when although the vessel which held the piece of coral is shattered, the coral – a symbol of eternity – continues. Keep on keepin’ on, Yubie!

  12. JT

    Will not buy an Iwatch.
    You can watch someone else.

    Important criteria for next phone?
    A battery you can remove.

  13. IAmSpartacus

    @ Just Ice: Oh, without doubt, our Middle East meddling is intended to create weak, compliant little puppet regimes for our benefit, and Israel’s, it’s just that we usually tend to botch these kind of things up; we ought to give up on the whole empire idea, if only because we’re really not very good at it. Every single problem we face in the Middle East today we created ourselves, with help from Britain and France. Our policies of the last 60+ years have been an epic failure, the only thing we’ve succeded in doing is earning the undying hatred of millions of people from Libya all the way to AfPak, bringing blowback upon ourselves; I expect the worse is yet to come, since it appears our gov’t hasn’t learned a damn thing.

  14. emsnews

    100% correct, Spartacus!

  15. IAmSpartacus

    @ Elaine: And all the money we threw away on the Afghan op was a waste; Afghanistan is a massive failure. Our puppet, Karzai, is wiggling like a worm on a hook, trying to figure out how to survive after we leave. He has almost no authority outside of Kabul, and the Taliban are stronger now than they were in 2001; they’ll take over, again, just as soon as we leave, and unless Karzai is smart enough to GTFO Dodge (with as much of the Afghan treasury as he can loot!) he’ll be hanging from a rope shortly therafter.

  16. JimmyJ

    @JT: There are publicly known risks of losing anonymity using Tor that can be addressed if the user is sufficiently technical to assess them and work around them. And this is for known risks.

    Tor and Darknets in general are a big red bullseye for the *Gov security apparatus and anyone using them that isn’t in a desperate situation with no alternatives is deceiving themselves if they think they are not at risk of interception.

  17. JT


    You’re propably right.

  18. kenogami

    “Our policies of the last 60+ years have been an epic failure, ….. since it appears our gov’t hasn’t learned a damn thing.”

    On the contrary, it has been a smashing success because your gov’t is not your gov’t.

  19. emsnews

    Sad to say, yes, kenogami.

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