Insane NY Times Says ‘Trump Is Out Of The News’ And This ‘Benefits Him’


The NY Times has finally gone totally insane.  Today’s front page story is utterly insane.  Far from being ‘out of the news’ the Bilderberg-run news gangs are constantly talking about how Trump is on trial for being normal!  He isn’t ‘out of the news’ at all, he is the #1 target.  What the creatures at the NYT are upset about is, we aren’t taking their ‘Trump is evil’ crap anymore!  Trump, under relentless attacks, has reached ‘hero of the year’ status.  The more dirt they throw at him the more we love him!  This is no surprise.


No mass media giant corporate entities talk about Biden’s treasons and crimes.  He was forgiven for fishing for and accepting foreign bribes, for example.  When he stole state secrets and put these in his garage, that was OK.  Meanwhile, Trump legally has the right to hold secret documents unlike Biden, is being punished for…holding secret documents legally!


This very one-sided system applies to all Trump supporters, too.  When arrested for the mildest of actions, the same people on the left excuse and protect violent leftist rioters.  Leftists let street thugs who are black or illegal aliens, go around killing citizens and the left is happy.  A citizen protects the public and an illegal alien or black criminal dies, the citizen is punished!  We are not allowed to fight back while the invaders and Biden voters get to do as they please.   The NYT:


Donald J. Trump appears to be a stronger candidate than he was four years ago, polling suggests, and not just because a notable number of voters look back on his presidency as a time of relative peace and prosperity.


He brought prosperity and now we want this back.  Duh.


It’s also because his political liabilities, like his penchant to offend and his legal woes, don’t dominate the news the way they once did.


Every one of his ‘legal woes’ was manufactured by an army of Bilderberg agents.  None of this was Constitutional.  The Constitution is supposed to protect us from endless arrests and lawsuits while letting opponents get away with even murders.


We didn’t ask a question like this back in 2016 or 2020 for comparison (unfortunately), but my subjective thumb-in-the-wind gauge says that, if we had, more voters would have said yes to the “recently offended” question. Mr. Trump’s most outrageous comments just don’t dominate the news cycle the way they did four to eight years ago…only 27 percent of registered voters in the last Times/Siena poll said they were paying “a lot of attention” to the news about the legal cases against him.


The NYT refuses to mention that people are now going to non-Bilderberg news!  The online news sources that are not run by evil leftists is rising rapidly as people seek real news instead of manufactured lies.


That’s much lower than the 39 percent back in October 2019 who said they were paying a lot of attention to the Trump-Ukraine controversy (the “perfect” phone call).


Note how the evil Times reporter pretends they didn’t cook up a fake ‘Trump bribed’ storyline about how he was a traitor.  This wasn’t a ‘controversy’ it was a ‘persecution of Trump based on totally false information from Mr. Steele’ situation.


…his liabilities just aren’t in the forefront of people’s minds, making it easier for the “double haters” — those who tell pollsters they dislike both candidates — to back him over President Biden.


There is zero mention of Biden going insane.  Biden can barely remember his own name now:



Biden lied about his own uncle and lied about Trump going to France and calling dead WWII soldiers ‘suckers and losers’.  The DNC lies all the time and for some reason, Biden can remember these lies but nothing real is remembered.


His uncle was in the South Pacific Ocean during WWII and his plane had a motor malfunction and crashed and only one passenger was saved.  My father-in-law was in three plane crashes in the Battle of Okinawa and survived all three, one of which killed everyone aboard but him.


No one was eaten by ‘cannibals’ when the Biden uncle plane crashed.



Yes, the Press Secretary laughed at these lies.  She isn’t stupid, she is merely evil.  Here is important news the mainstream media refuses to report:



AHEM: The CIA spied on me!!!!  Hello!  Not just when I was roaming Europe but at home.  The CIA is not supposed to do this.  The FBI spied on me, too.  I expected the CIA to spy on me when I had half a dozen Chinese communist State Officials living with me after President Carter gave them permission to live with me.  The CIA tap messed up my phone service so they had to fix it.



NYC where I used to do lots of political mess things, is crashing and burning thanks to Biden and his gang of traitors.  Arrest them all.  Below is an example of what happens when Democrats run cities so that crime flourishes and anyone fighting back at robbers and criminals is punished and killer criminals are freed is citizens fight them and die:



An alarmed lawyer is demanding a second hearing of this ridiculous mess.  There was no gun when the clerk followed the thieves.  He was unarmed.  The crooks shot him ‘in self defense’ which is ridiculous.


The criminals also used a gun that wasn’t registered and probably stolen.



More and more citizens are joining the GOP now.  Trump might sweep the nation.


Filed under .money matters

9 responses to “Insane NY Times Says ‘Trump Is Out Of The News’ And This ‘Benefits Him’

  1. The NYT is losing a lot of credibility among leftists as well, over its coverage of Israel. The Intercept keeps doing articles about that. Most recently a leaked internal NYT memo telling their journalists not to refer to the occupied territories as occupied territories, to avoid using the word genocide, and so on.

  2. Jim R

    The more dirt they throw at him the more we love him! This is no surprise.

    — EMS News

    This was certainly the case for me. I still don’t exactly ‘love’ Trump, but all the vicious lies and rhetoric revealed that the Democrats were and are running on pure hate, and lack any sort of meaningful agenda outside of starting WW3 and hoping to win.

  3. Anne

    Elaine does actually have a point when she points out how bad things are in some American cities. I do believe that this is a uniquely American problem. Sure, other developed countries also have homeless people and drug addicts, but not nearly as bad as in the US.

  4. macdundas

    WW3 and a financial collapse dwarfing the GFC and 1929 have been identifiable on the horizon for some time. The bloke who set himself on fire outside the Trump trial brings many things together at his blog – which his self-immolation was clearly intended to publicise. It all rings true: The Ponzi Papers | M. Crosby | Substack

  5. qbutnoa

    @5, it is also a warning, Trump is in extreme danger.

  6. Ken

    Elaine focuses on Trump’s popularity, and presumes from this that he has a real chance at winning in November. This ignores the likelihood that the Democrats will try to rig the election.

    A major red flag that signals this intention is that the major news organizations are touting that polls show Trump and Biden running neck-and-neck. At first I thought that this was just hype intended to boost readership/viewership. Then it occurred to me – the most important step in rigging any election is to convince the public that the rigged outcome was legitimate. Even if individual voters don’t personally know ANYBODY who voted for the winner. 

    The only way to do this is to convince voters that the race was close, and could have legitimately gone either way. The best way of doing this is to keep telling the public that polls show that the race is close. That is exactly what the news media is doing right now.

    Democrat strategists are already preparing the public to accept the results of a rigged election in November.

  7. I keep saying they will KILL TRUMP.

    This is so obvious. Note today, DNC Congress critter want to remove all SS agents protecting Trump now!!!

    How obvious this is! Utterly insanely obvious. And now, Trump knows this. He is very brave.

    Now, I admire him! He has reached a point in history that is epic. Bravo. Alas, the CIA wants to kill him and will do everything in their power to do this. 

    Ask JFK. 

  8. lou

    8–long ago you mentioned using Tarot and that ‘assassination attempt’.

    You were wrong.

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