Biden Will Slow Down Invaders Only If More Than 5000 Invade, Daily!


The entire globalist leftist machinery is grinding gears more and more these days.  Biden, a Bilderberg big shot, is mentally ill and brain damaged as is all Bilderberg creeps.  They are insane.  If you support any conservative thing, they attack you!  How dare anyone impose morals or laws on lawless leftists!  Well, the collapse in support for crazy leftists continues and now even old Biden the Brainless has figured out, he has to stop the vast army of invaders he let into our country illegally!


The bill that would order the removal of invaders failed to pass due to Democrats wanting invaders, this is all about blatant treason:


The order would match a provision in the bipartisan border bill that failed to pass the Senate in February, which gave the president authority to expel migrants when border crossings reached the same daily average.


So, if 5000 or more illegal invaders enter EVERY DAY, then these traitors will slow it down again?  HAHAHA.  Ridiculous!


The legislative proposal would have given the homeland security secretary discretionary authority to carry out removals — but would have made deportations mandatory when illegal entries surpassed 5,000 per day over a one-week period.


So, if the invaders fall to ‘only’ 4,000 a DAY, then they will cease sending invaders back home?


The bill allowed for the suspension of that authority two weeks after the seven-day average falls to 75% of those levels.


Arrest all Democrats.  They are blatant traitors!  Illegal aliens attacking NYC police are allowed to run riot!


Incredibly, six of the illegal migrants charged in that vicious Times Square attack on NYPD officers have been offered plea deals. The message: Progressives just don’t care about lawlessness.


Yes, all liberals are criminals.


That’s right: Illegally enter the country, illegally flee from the border to Gotham, openly assault cops and you’ll get no more than a slap on the wrist.


But if you are President Trump, they throw the book at you and then lie, cheat and abuse President Trump in the corrupt courtrooms in Manhattan.


And you’ll likely get to stay in America, since New York City refuses to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement on handing over illegals who commit crimes.


Meanwhile, the EU continues to collapse into chaos:


DISGUSTING: British SKY News Commentator Appears to Justify Assassination Attempt on Populist Prime Minister Robert Fico, Compares Him to Victor Orban – As Fico Battles for His Life in Hospital


Slovakia was part of Czechoslovakia when I lived in Europe many years ago.  Slovakia is against the war in Ukraine and understands why Russia is doing what Russia has been doing for 500 years: securing their only southern port.



Typical far leftist: violent, self-centered and schizoid.  Violent peaceful people are insane.  He doesn’t like how his neighbors voted in an election so he decided to ‘save the earth’ by killing politicians!  These ‘save the earth’ people are scary.  They seriously want to kill most humans!  I know from direct experience, far leftists cheerfully ‘kill’ family members by refusing to visit or talk to anyone who disagrees with any particular belief item held by leftists.


Germany is in full collapse now.  The boycott of all things Russian is rapidly wrecking all of Germany’s manufacturing businesses.  They are being ‘bombed’ nonstop by NATO.  Not one of this will be open in ten years if the Crimea war continues.  And remember, Russia has fought for Crimea for 500 years!




Ah, a riot at a train station!  Illegal aliens fight there all the time…they hung out at German train stations back in 1968 and I would tussle with them whenever they attacked me for being a female!  German liberals are crazier than US liberals.  They march each month against ‘warm weather’ which is amusing to see.  All northern countries worried about being ‘warm’ should fear the next Ice Age which isn’t all that far away from us, now.


Click here to see a video of a couple walking their dog, taking down a mugger:


The police are looking for the victims of this mugger.  They want to arrest them!  You are never allowed to fight back in NYC.  I used to fight muggers and criminals every week in NYC to the point, the Daily News called me ‘The Housewife from Hell’ which name I took up happily.  The NYT would never report my adventures, stopping criminals!


Even when a cop was killed and I was the only witness and helped catch the murderer, the NYT had to be forced to talk about me but then lied and pretended no one knew who that crazy woman was who led the chase after an armed murderer!


Liberals are utterly insane. Now for the last NYC story of the day: a smart doggie pretended to be DEAD because he was tired of walking with his lady:



My Mastiff does this, too.  He loves playing ‘dead’ when I ask him to do something he doesn’t want to do (like take a bath).



Filed under .money matters

15 responses to “Biden Will Slow Down Invaders Only If More Than 5000 Invade, Daily!

  1. Kerry


    Hong Kong dying and being filled with CCP thieves.

    Communist Jewish tikun olam “utopias” only get 80 years. China’s end date is due 2029.

  2. 20 years ago, what we thought of as the left at that time held a World Social Forum meeting to protest the rich elites at their World Economic Forum meeting. 10 years ago the 99% occupied Wall Street to protest against the elite 1% who run things. So it fascinates me that somehow, in the past decade or so, people have been retrained to think of rich people as representatives of ‘the left.’ I wouldn’t have thought propaganda could be that effective.

  3. Anne


    Petty-minded, racist bigots does indeed exists, as people like you are a living proof of.

    What do you predict will be the end date for the US? The way things are going, i believe it will occur much sooner than 2029..

    Rampant crime, crumbling infrastructure and political dysfunction are all accelerating this process.

  4. Kerry


    HAHAHAHAHA! What a time when telling truth is a racist act.

    All Jewish controlled puppet governments are going to fall around the same time. In the case of here in the US it will be 2025.

    That makes it clear why they want to steal tax dollars as much as possible for Israel and Ukraine before it all goes to the basement.

    Israel may or may not last until 2028.

    The reason why England lasted so long is because they are still under, by the barest thread, a monarchy. Monarchies used to be considered under the rule of God with the King/Queen acting as Stewards (degraded into the Divine Right mindset). Any country that threw over the Monarchy has gone from crack up to crack up (France). The US, unfortunately, was founded by the godless and it has now become fully talmud Satanic.

    The group needs a “reset” so they can give themselves another 80.

  5. @5, I’m extremely skeptical of all these plans to move production from China to India. It’s taken China decades to build its manufacturing sector to the level it’s at, and they did it with a lot of central government intervention and planning. Companies like Apple aren’t going to quickly reproduce that next door in India. Reading between the lines of that Register article, it says that Foxconn will still be doing the production but it will have some of its factories in India, which suggests to me that Foxconn will do most of the work in China and then ship the parts to its Indian factories for assembly, so it can stick a “Made in India” label on the finished product. The article quotes one of Modi’s ministers as saying that the plan is on track, and the minister gives as a source a screenshot he took of a local media article. That’s already pretty sketchy, but keep in mind also that Modi is campaigning for reelection. The minister mentions that the plan is on track due to Modi’s clever policies.

    The articles about China buying up real estate are more interesting. I really think they can handle it though.

  6. Kerry


    Most manufacturing is completely automated and robotic. They don’t need people. Vietnam and Thailand are already giving China a run. Which is why China is throwing their weight around in the South China Sea.

    Most companies are perfectly capable of moving everything to India.

  7. macdundas

    How do we explain the perfection of, say, the QAnon and J6 psyops? Answer: the Sentient World Simulation.

    The SWS got a mention in a just-read New Dawn magazine. The article was by Kingsley Dennis and can be found at his website Machinic Consciousness: Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer – Kingsley L. Dennis (

    Briefly, the US Department of Defence has sponsored the creation of a parallel Earth with billions of nodes to represent every man, woman and child alive.  A concept paper describes it as “a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information… SWS provides an environment for testing (psyops)” so that military leaders can “develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviours of adversaries, neutrals and partners”. There are nodes to represent people and the simulation takes into account the influence of financial actors, media, businesses and other organisations.

    A Yandex search on sentient world simulation produces as the first link Enter the Sentient World Simulation (SWS). Oh, wait, you’re already in! – which as a bonus also introduces an interesting site with an effective way of presenting a string of sources/info. Why did globalist liberals turn against Israel has some good angles and The truth about the Jewish transatlantic slave trade told by Jewish and black scholars is a bit of truthtelling that rarely emerges from the memory hole.

    New Dawn New Dawn – World’s Most Unusual Magazine ( and Nexus Home – Nexus Magazine are magazines produced in Australia for a global audience. Highly recommended, even for news junkies like Elaine’s readers; and for anyone who doesn’t want to spend too much time keeping up with the important issues, these mags do the job.

    You know they’re over the target, because there are ongoing attempts to shut them down – Patrick Henningsen covered it at one point Media, ‘Disinformation Experts’ Caught Spreading Lie to Ban Magazine in New Zealand – 21st Century Wire   Action against physical magazines like New Dawn and Nexus is inevitable when control of non-official viewpoints in the digital world is so far advanced.

    Nexus editor Duncan Roads is a real character and if there is a difference from New Dawn it’s that he’s a bit further out – just right for Culture of Lifers haha. As well as the magazine every two months, Nexus operates a (free) news feed that can be accessed from the front page of the website.

    New Zealand also has a contender in the alternative magazine field that comes under attack. Censored production values are less “professional” than at New Dawn and Nexus, with articles plucked from all sorts of places and run higgledy-piggledy, but there’s some good left-field stuff to be winnowed from the chaff.

  8. Anne, you are beginning to show me that you are a faker and changed your name. You sound like Tina now.

    Attacking people here by calling them obnoxious names is STUPID. You are quite stupid, of course.

    Liberals are diseased…their brains cannot tell them that being nasty is evil. Then lecture us about being kind and loving….while being obnoxious and evil, themselves!


  9. @9, the Chinese are automating a lot of their factories. They’re further ahead in it than anyone else. Which is part of why Yellen keeps going there to complain about their ‘overcapacity.’

    These media stories are useful though. If I were more wise I’d just let people believe them.

  10. Kerry


    And that is they key, media STORIES.

    Honestly, neither you or I can correctly determine the true state of China, it’s economy or it’s future direction. There are few who can. So it gets spin.

    There looks to be two groups spinning. One is still saying China is going to takeover the world. And another group is spinning that China is near bankruptcy. I would lean more toward the bankruptcy stories since everyone else is on the edge. Why should China be different? We are all in the same bucket system.

    If you want to understand their black “magic”, it is understanding their “spin” cycle. If you can stay unemotional about it and choose according to your own common sense, you can throw a wrench in their spin.

  11. snoosebomb

    china just set up in mexico to avoid tarifs

  12. This YouTube channel is firmly in the China-is-rising camp. I like it a lot. (Can I figure out how to link it though.)

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