The Crazy Ruler Of Iran Is Dead!


Celebrations by Jews and Iranians in London as both people are happy the Despotic ruler of Iran is dead.  His helicopter crashed.  We don’t know how or exactly where but he is dead and gone.  Strange forces are at work as usual, in the Middle East.  A shocking number of people living in this ‘birthplace of top modern religions’ are nuts!  I wonder if Iran is going to blame Israel or the CIA and attack us?  It is quite probable.  With a brain dead President, this is laughably easy to do.


Meanwhile, in the US, Biden pulls out of the ‘debates’ because he doesn’t want a drug test.  This, from the White House again, THIS MONTH, finds more packets of illegal drugs!  The debate rules were ridiculous, of course.  Mostly, Biden hoped to have two Bilderberg gang ‘reporters’ do the debate controls when everyone knows, all they both will do is debate Trump while Biden sucks his thumb.



Here is the Coke Is Fun story:



Here is a funny joke, quite by accident.  As for the weather in DC, people asked if it is snowing at the White House:



Here are two comments to the ‘coke’ house in DC:


Remember in 2016 all the stories about Donald doing coke because of the way he breathed? Weird how there are zero stories to be found WHEN THEY FIND ACTUAL COKE in the White House.


As a veteran I was subject to drug test. So give the supreme commander one now. In fact give one to all members of government. Start asking Biden if he is willing to take one if Trump will. I bet his stutter returns.


Meanwhile, the GOP in the House wants the entire records of the Special Prosecutor who said, Biden is too stupid to be questioned about the illegal handling of top secret records, etc.  So it was dropped due to ‘Biden being too brain damaged to remember anything.’  Arrest Biden!


EXCLUSIVE: WY Rep. Harriet Hageman Slams Merrick Garland’s Election Interference in Hiding “How Joe Biden is Failing in Terms of Mental Acuity” By Refusing to Turn Over Biden/Hur Interview Tapes (VIDEO)


Blacks are marching in the Bronx…FOR TRUMP!  This is amazing!


Black Patriots For Trump Rally in the South Bronx (VIDEO)


Meanwhile, leftists destroying everything on earth continue wrecking stuff all over the place:



This is ridiculous.  Stop this madness.  Boys are not girls!



Filed under .money matters

24 responses to “The Crazy Ruler Of Iran Is Dead!

  1. Pete


    What Milei has done for

    Argentina is incredible, so far lol

  2. Jim R

    It looks like the same conditions as the crash that killed Kobe Bryant and his daughter.

    Chopper flew into dense fog over hilly terrain, became disoriented and ran into one of the hills.

  3. @3, it probably was accidental like that. But coming a month after Iranian missiles and drones attacked Israel, and with Israel’s history of assassinating people in Iran… I’ll be relieved if Iran investigates the crash and finds nothing suspicious.

  4. Mistah Charley

    jk Rowling the harry potter author is being viciously attacked because she says that a trans “woman” is different from a real woman – I think she is right – if Bruce Jenner wants to be referred to as a woman, get surgery, use the ladies room – to me that’s okay – but I don’t think he should be allowed to complete in a seniors athletic event against real women – I think trans exclusionary radical feminism is common sense, at least the ‘trans exclusionary’ part – this is my honest opinion

  5. Mistah Charley

    complete not complete

  6. Mistah Charley

    compete not complete

  7. cogitate contemplate complete compete?

  8. or maybe – here we go….I can do this…

    ~ A Poem ~

    Contemplate consternation

    completely correlating cause

    constipation creeps coordinating

    clicking clackin cracking cranking culling

    closed case confused


  9. clanking crumbling christening

    crazy crumbs of


    left over for the rest of us pick up the pieces


    I like JK Rowling – my whole family read the Harry Potter series – we been to the “amusement place” – she is sitting perty in funds, but she speaks her mind about stupid ideas – and whether I concur or not is irrelevant – even though I basically do – I appreciate somebody speaks their mind fearlessly!



  10. qbutnoa

    @5, “jk Rowling the harry potter author is being viciously attacked because she says that a trans “woman” is different from a real woman – I think she is right”

    Rowling is hard left and woke, except, she is a real feminist who is against men who wear dresses and plastic tits being treated as real biological woman and she also is against sexually mutilating children on a whim. Rowling is one of the very few (if not the only one) popular and powerful voices in the UK who is heard on this matter and the left/woke/green *hate* her beyond all reason, i fully expect her to be killed in the future, she cannot and will not be tolerated – because she is right.

  11. I hate the Harry Potter junk.

    The ‘eating infinite magic candy and goodies and not get fatally fat’ is the very worse thing, ever, for children! Good grief.

    The amoral aspect of the books is also evil. She has the school teaching ‘evil children’ how to be even more evil is…evil.

    Also, her ‘magic’ has no boomerang effect. I know for real that what bad things you wish to do magically to others will slap you down, instead.

  12. qbutnoa

    I could not read the potter books, i tried the first one but it was not my cup of tea, but, i have watched all the films to some degree, they are on the tv often and regular. Rowling is a real feminist who is very against females and children being abused and raped by men having suffered this kind of thing herself, and, she accurately points out that a bloke who suddenly puts on a frock and changes his name to Tina or Nina or even Anne as the case may be, who abuses and then demands special treatment because he is a woman is actually still a male, and, she calls them what they are, which is rapists and pedophiles, this makes the left/green/woke *unhinged* and projectile bleed purple piss from every orifice, which is strange + instructive + amusing to observe, subsequently, i will forgive Rowling’s misguided mad magic mayhem while she keeps up the good fight.

  13. Jim R

    LOL @qbutnoa!

    Yeah, I like Rowling for the same reasons. I never tried to read her books, they were written for a much younger audience.

    But it’s my opinion that Rowling’s books are meant to empower children, and give them agency. Which is the diametric opposite of all the communist bs being pushed in the public schools. The communists want the whole country to be victims.

  14. qbutnoa

    Jim, the thing is, the whole country absolutely raved about the books, and, just about everybody has watched the films, which seem even more popular – this has made Rowling super famous + super rich + super trusted (especially with mothers), and, for her to stand up and state the obvious is doing serious damage to the woke machine, which even passed a law in Scotland to stop her from speaking (it has not worked). Despite the serious threats and abusive hate from the hard left (is there ever anything else?), Rowling continues to stand up and speak out about this particularly vile piece of anti woman/child/family wokery, she is leading the way, she is changing minds, i am very impressed by her on this issue!

  15. Her books talked about the darling little creatures EATING TONS OF CANDY… and not gaining weight.

    Ahem…this is abusive. This was wrong. She thought she was cute, doing this! The movies, after the first one, left out the ‘eating vast quantities of candy’ tropes.

  16. qbutnoa

    from what i have seen, harry potter it is a bit dark, there is a lot of death and violence, in a magical kind of way, of course. it is not what i would call suitable for young children, but, i am told anything that gets children to read is a good thing, so…

  17. snoosebomb

    we have horror genres to remind us what the world is really like . in ”olden times ! ” when blood and gore could be seen often

  18. @Qbutnoa, a long-ago girlfriend was obsessed with Harry Potter so I tried them out, and wound up reading the whole series. The early ones are more like your classic British stories for kids – Harry is a child living in horrible abusive conditions but he escapes and his life becomes a magical adventure. All the classic British stories I can think of are a bit dark – Alice in Wonderland and Narnia and everything by Roald Dahl – but there’s a sense of fun all through it. Later in the series Harry grows up and the story gets more political, but the only message I remember is that bureaucrats are evil in a banal kind of way. Ministers talk and talk but all they’re really saying is lets pretend this problem doesn’t exist so we can avoid embarrassment.

    Given a choice between a kid reading the Hardy Boys crap I grew up on or Harry Potter, I’d choose Harry hands down.

  19. qbutnoa

    Steve, i would not call it banal or jolly, although it may be good preparation for adult life in the UK.

  20. snoosebomb

    lord Voldomort , Voldomyr zelensky , ever listen to his dark gravely voice ? right out of harry potter . Along with judge Endgoron ! end and gore and morON . you can’t make this up

  21. snoosebomb

    + the guy even looked like the creepy elf you find lurking in a cave

  22. Lol at Snoosebomb. My sense is that the war has driven him insane. He was a TV actor who tried to appoint fellow comedians as ministers. Then Biden turned the country into a war zone. Now Zelensky just plays his idea of wartime president to the hilt.

  23. Our insane leader loves Ukraine’s insane leader.

    Massive numbers of Americans are still fooled by mainstream media fake news and think we are WINNING there when winning is impossible.

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